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Everything posted by DWandMJ

  1. Thank you:) I was planning on doing about 60 cups for scattered coverage on the aisle and another 10 for tossing, but its looking a bit steep for my budget.
  2. I was just informed that we will not be permitted to use silk petals due to our resorts environmental policy. In lieu of spending $40 per bag for fresh petals from the resort, I am trying to find the best source for freeze dried hydrangeas. Any suggestions?
  3. To those interested, Claudia provided a list of answers to my questions that you may find helpful... Q: I've seen a few photos taken in the chapel with white slip covers placed over the pews. How much does this option run? A: We do not offer that option. Those are the covers that protect the pews. Q: I've also noticed in photos that the couple tends to stand behind the altar. May we opt to have the minister stand behind the altar and us in front, as is traditional? A: Yes, we usually place the couple like that to catch the ocean on their backs, but it is up to you. Q: Would having candles on the altar in lieu of floral arrangements present any kind of problems? Is there a price listing for rentable glass hurricanes? Decorative river rocks and/or sea glass? Pillar candles? A: No, if you have a picture I can send you a quotation Q: We would like to skip the red carpet down the aisle and sprinkle the area with rose petals instead. Is this an option? If so, is there a price structure for this? Approximate number of bags of petals used? Length of the aisle? Is there a policy pertaining to use of silk vs. real petals? A: We cannot use silk petals because of environmental policies. Real rose petals cost around $40.00USD each bag and you will need approximately 6 bags and it won't look full. Q: While using the CD player to play the ceremony music, would someone be available to press play/switch songs? A: Yes, we do have a person in charge. It is important to bring the CD in advance and write down the track numbers for each part. Hope this helps with some of the outstanding questions...
  4. I'm sure there may be a better thread to post my inquiry, but here's my dilemma: Our expected turn out will be about a dozen people, including my two sisters and my two closest friends. I started bouncing several ideas off of one sister that Im particularly close to and she's officially been deemed my MOH (she's the most reliable by far and an incredible sounding board). She so graciously offered to sit with the rest of the audience to avoid hurt feelings to the other sister or friends, but quite frankly, I want her presented as my MOH. She has been a rockstar through all of my neurotic, compulsive rants. Any more than the one attendant is too much for the size of the audience. I'm not so much worried about the friends' reactions because I can use the reasoning that I want them to be able to sit back and enjoy their vacation, but how do I inform my other sister (or include her) without showing favoritism?
  5. A tight budget was a big reason we chose to have a DW/Weddingmoon as well, however as the small details keep adding up, we're still looking at approximately $8k total, and that doesn't include our celebration reception upon returning home. The overall cost includes having a mother whose handy with a stitch, so shes making my veil, sash, and gown alterations. DIY invitations (about $100 for 50 not including postage). Minimizing the flowers to only my bouquet and silk rose petals for the aisle (opting for candles on the altar instead of floral arrangements), and making the marriage legal back home at city hall to avoid the added expenses of blood tests and translations. We're doing a burned CD for the ceremony music (in lieu of live performers) and skipping the wedding cake. The extras we are going for include $830 in photography and $130 for a horse drawn carriage. Our choice of resort is the largest expense ($3k for 7 nights), however it saved in other areas, including the venue, wedding coordinator, minister, food, and beverages. If we subtract the expenses that would otherwise be deemed "honeymoon," we would only be spending about $3200. Between the size of his family and mine for a semi-formal affair, we'd be looking at a minimum of $8,000 and that wouldn't include a honeymoon at a beautiful all inclusive resort. Regardless if you have a wedding in your home state or in a far off place, you still have about the same expenses to get ready and you are actually more limited in your options for the extras. The trade off, however, is the opportunity for an amazing venue at a low cost and a smaller group of people to buy dinner and drinks for. I didn't expect this to be so long.... Anyhow, best of luck with your planning. Remember, this is one of those major landmark events in your life. Make it everything you dream and have a wonderful time!
  6. I was wandering the same thing.... I'm all for going without the bout. I've actually always though they looked kinda silly tacked onto a man's chest. My guy is also all for saving $$ (the resort charges $40 for one bout). He will be wearing a dark gray pinstripe suit, so I think I might look for a decorative handkerchief to serve in its place instead.
  7. You've found a treasure chest of information and ideas! Welcome aboard!
  8. DWandMJ

    newbie here

    You've found a treasure chest of information and ideas! Welcome aboard!
  9. You've found a treasure chest of information and ideas! Welcome aboard!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by amduran Forgot to attach the flower catalog. Here it is. Fantastic! Thank so much for sharing!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Camie78 Hello Everyone, I've just spent the past 5+ hours reading all 102 pages of this thread and I'm thankful for all the information provided between members, yet frustrated to find that there are some who have a wedding date following ours yet have been assigned an onsite WC. I've been asking for an onsite WC for awhile now and Yudelka (Miami) will not budge. I'm taking the advice of everyone here and am going to start sending her all my questions in bunches to annoy her and hopefully she will move me to the onsite WC. Anyway, I must now carefully craft my first 'persist yet not harsh' email to Yudelka which will hopefully lead to my onsite WC. Thanks to all for all the helpful information! Camie Please just bear in mind that the persistent inquiries to the Miami girls were not intended to be annoying, only to help find answers to those pesky questions that loom on your mind and only manage to stress a bride out. The Miami girls unfortunately have their hands tied, but they do serve as a buffer because you can only imagine how busy they are at the resort. I have not yet received a response to the original list of questions that I sent to the coordinator in Cancun, however the most pressing/time sensitive question for me has been resolved. I did receive a response from Miss Marlyn today that stated that the minister approved my complete overhaul to the symbolic ceremony script.
  12. Welcome aboard! You will learn so much on this forum! Have you set a date in April?
  13. The Moon Palace, where we've booked, has the same policies, however there are loop holes. They will not allow any Mexican vendors on site with a day pass, although if you purchase a night's stay for the photographer and have them there as your guest, you're good to go. Check to see if thats an option before completely changing things.
  14. Unfortunately it is, but thank you Reno is about half an hour away from Lake Tahoe and depending on how fast you can drive, about a 7 hour drive from Vegas.
  15. Myen!!! Thank you for the reference to Miss Claudia! She was quick to respond to my email and, as a result of my assigned WC being on vacation, she has managed to adopt our wedding as part of her case load. She also reserved the Chapel gazebo for us! YEA!!! One less worry gone. Thanks again!!
  16. Much thanks, Myen! Since I haven't gotten any kind of definate word about the early assignment of my own WC, and ROSanchez (the gal I spoke to momentarily on Friday) has not yet responded to any of my questions, I dropped Claudia a line to get some kind of definitive reservation for the Catholic Chapel. Between the gals in Miami and those in Cancun, I have so many questions up in the air and I'm waiting anxiously for any kind of answers. I submitted a major revision to the symbolic ceremony script for the ministers review back on September 14 and haven't gotten a response back yet. I'll send the list of questions to Claudia as well. Someone has gotta know the answers...
  17. I am seriously interested in having pin-up style boudoir photos done; however, I'm having trouble finding a decent and willing photographer in the Reno, NV area that isn't going to charge an arm and a leg. If anyone knows of anyone, or can point me in the right direction, I would be so grateful!!!! Thanks ladies!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Myen I guess I had been asking Marlyn too many questions that I've now been assigned an on-site wedding co-ordinator. Her name is Claudia Fonseca. Has anyone worked with her before? Any feedback - good, bad or otherwise? I'm jealous! Marlyn said that she was submitting a request for early contact with an onsite WC a couple weeks ago and I've yet to hear any different. She eventually emailed me a phone number to call to speak directly to one of the WC's at the resort. The gal I briefly spoke with had such a thick accent I couldn't understand her, so she provided me with her email address to send my list of questions. I'm yet to hear anything back from the email...... hhhmmmpph. Is Claudia's email just [email protected]?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am irrational all the time lately... This entire process I've tried so hard not to be this way. My FI made it clear that if I acted even remotely like his friend's wife, he would not marry me. I'm trying to just breathe and enjoy all of the planning, but I catch myself being neurotic....
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Myen Hi Marie, I don't know the official policy, but I've seen several photos taken by Tamm's at MP where petals and confetti are tossed after the ceremony, so I wouldn't suspect that it wouldn't be a problem. Not sure if this helps any I was just wandering if we had to specifically use biodegradable/natural or not. I sent Marlyn another list of questions including this one. **** Opinion poll: Is it customary to tip the minister? What about tipping the WC?
  21. Does anyone know the rose petal policy at the MP? Are silk ones allowed to be thrown?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie Our guests were not allowed to take their bracelets off, but some took them off and it was like $15 to replace them, you have to make sure you keep the bracelet you cut off, otherwise they will assume it is lost and will charge you daily for the remainder of your stay. The bride and groom will have their bracelet cut off by the WC. Hope that helps. Thanks a bunch Pookie! BTW, where in NV are you from? I was born and raised in Reno and just moved away a little over a year ago.
  23. Evelyn - I've got a listing, however it specifies through April 2009 and may not be completely accurate for November... but if you want the info I have I can very well send it to you. *** Question: Being that the MP is an all inclusive resort and guests wear wrist bands, what do you do the day of the wedding?
  24. Does anyone else send at least one email a day to their Sales WC? I beginning to think I may be mine's problem child...Maybe if I ask too many questions it will expedite contact with the WC in Cancun. Has anyone or will anyone be using rose petals down the aisle? I'm trying to figure out how many bags I will need to purchase... Any thoughts? Also, is anyone using any kind of candles or renting glass during the ceremony? I'm thinking I would like to have some pillar candles displayed on the altar in lieu of floral arrangements.
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