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beach vows

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Everything posted by beach vows

  1. I'm not taking my pics for a while. I want to wait until close to the wedding so im actually in shape and can look hot.
  2. I'm not taking my pics for a while. I want to wait until close to the wedding so im actually in shape and can look hot.
  3. and Irinia...still may look into her. Prices seem great. Need to go to the studio to see the set up and more of her gallery bc there arent that many photos on the site.
  4. Mariann's Prices: This is just an overview. $500 - 1.5 hour session. High res disk. 5 retouched. $750 - 2.5 hour session. High res disk. 10 retouched. $1000 - 3.5 hour session. High res disk. 15 retouched. But contact her for more pricing details. I chose her because of her style and her personality. I just clicked from her from the start, she makes you feel really comfortable, which is so important in this type of photography. Angelica Glass is amazing also but more expensive. Fedali - Similar pricing to blue daisy but i dont think they're as artistic. Laura Ryan - She was my second choice. But she doesnt have as much experience with boudoir as mariann does. Tony Yang - LOVE his style...just wouldnt be comfortable doing this type of photography in front of a male.
  5. There are a few people I know of who do boudoir photography in NY. I will be using mariann from blue daisy boudoir. Blue Daisy Boudoir | Boudoir portraits for New York City brides and women There is also angelica glass. Angelica Glass Photography Then there is fedali. Fedali And Laura Ryan. She does boudoir photography, there are just no galleries of it on the site. But if you email her, she will send you her galleries of boudoir photography and her prices. Laura Ryan Photography, Wedding Photography - Serving the Tri - State Area Tony Yang intime by tony yang Irinia http://www.creativeiphotography.com/ Hope this helps!
  6. I'm waiting to get them done until a few months before the wedding so I'm in tip top shape for my sexy photos haha
  7. I'm going to be getting boudoir photography done and I'm trying to make a list of props/accessories/outfits to bring with me that match this style shoot. The theme of the shoot will the fun, pretty, romantic side of pinup. For some reason, I'm having a brain fart and cant think of anything Any help? Thanks!
  8. Hey. My fiance and I are having a very small destination wedding and then an AHR. The AHR will be very informal. We are thinking though that we want to include our AHR guests in a semi ceremony. Is there any sort of ceremony/blessing over the marriage/after marriage ceremony we can do at the AHR? If so, please include wording. Thank you so much!
  9. This is the order of our ceremony: Welcome Reading Small Speech About Us As A Couple Reading Sand Ceremony Reading Vows Echange of Rings Blessing Over the Engagement Ring Pronouncement Of Marraige Kiss Breaking of the Glass What I would reccomend is getting to know your officiant well before the ceremony, if in person or through email or phone conversations. This will enable them to write something very sentimental about you as a couple. Our officiant is in the family, so obviously she knows us very well. Also, try to look for readings that you could do. Poems that you love, saying that you love, song lyrics that are appropriate to your marriage, or religious verses (if you're doing a religious ceremony). Then, enter them all into a word document. Try to put all the readings in an order that actually flows/makes sense. This was probably the most difficult part for us bc we wanted to include a lot in the ceremony, and they were all things that meant a lot to us, but didnt flow naturally. But with a lot of work, you can get the entire ceremony to flow properly. Good luck!
  10. Didnt know where to post this bc there is no section for food, so I figured I'd post it here (I guess cake is food?). My fiance and I are trying to plan a very informal ahr to include the rest of our family in the wedding. The look we are going for is kinda a new england picnic if that makes any sense (reds, whites, stripes, jute etc.) Really americana. We're trying to come up with a menu. I'm looking for some suggestions (but it needs to be kosher, so no dairy or seafood or pork). This is what we have so far. If you think anything doesnt go, tell me that also! Meal: Grilled Vegetables Corn Off the Cobb Panini Station Roasted Potatoes Baked Beans Kebabs (not sure what kinda yet...any suggestions?) Sweet Potato Fries, Curly Fries, and Steak Fries Breads with Margarine and Jam Drinks: Lemonade (different types...suggestions?) Iced Tea (different typs) Apple Cider Beer (Possibly a Beer Tasting..what do you think about this?) Desserts: Watermelon Fruit Salad Pie S'mores
  11. I dont THINK his family would be willing to modify, but its possible. Good idea! I should ask them.
  12. Hey guys. I'm Pam. My fiance and I are seriously considering having a destination wedding, but part of his family is kosher, so we'll see if it works out. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free! We are looking at the cayman islands and other locations in the carribean if we choose to cut our guest list more. If not, we are looking into nantucket and marthas vineyard. We're thinking 2010 but dont have an exact date yet. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
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