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Everything posted by lmuze

  1. My FI, who hates to mop floors, saw the Shark steam mop and ordered it while I was away. When I heard about it, I was convinced that we'll have to send it back but when it arrived i changed my tune. My FI has been mopping every three days or so (we also have wood floor everywhere). . .so besides the floor being sparkling clean, I have not had to mop our floors in the last three months...Yay!
  2. Congratulations and welcome!
  3. Congratulations and welcome, unfortunately, i haven't been to Spago but I am sure someone here will be able to help you. All the best!
  4. Congratulations and welcome back! Looking forward to read your review!
  5. That's great! Thanks for giving me an idea...i was toying with paying for an upgrade, now I will just ask after most of my guests book since i think it will help with the negotiation.
  6. Congratulations! I have huge respect for nursers. All the best
  7. Wow! What an amazing job you did! I wish I could do projects like yours...I am sooo impatient!
  8. Congratulations, I can't wait to see the pictures.
  9. Congratulations and welcome. You have come to the right forum.
  10. Phew! I am so glad you were able to get your funds back. I thank this forum for alerting us of people like her.
  11. lmuze


    Welcome and congratulations. Listen to your heart and it will all work out. You have come to the right forum.
  12. Congratulations! I trust that you will have a smooth closing. All the best.
  13. You look great...it's nice to check something off you list, right?
  14. Welcome and congratulations....you'll get tons of ideas from this site.
  15. lmuze


    Welcome. It's a lot of fun here...75 - 85% of ideas for my wedding came from these wonderful ladies here. Have fun!
  16. lmuze


    Hello and welcome! You and your friend will find this site so useful.
  17. lmuze

    Hi All!

    Congratulations and welcome, i am sure you'll be able to pinpoint a place from tons of ideas from this forum...enjoy!
  18. I too will like to know how you found the quality of items from islandimporter. The pictures look great! kdown224, all the best i see your bid day is approaching fast. I hope your day is all that you dreamt to be, all the best and congratulations!
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