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Everything posted by KittenHeart

  1. Karen - that is so exciting! I hope it happens for you at the perfect time Magalie - Wow... 2 year honeymoon around the world!? How unbelievably amazing! How are you able to do that, will you be working at all? Have a blast doing your BD shoot and Happy Birthday! Chrissy - I feel you. At least you'll just let it happen if it's meant to be! I look at my friends with kids as well and I'm so grateful that I have my freedom. It's funny none of them are convincing either, all they do is complain! haha! Cristini - OMG! WOW, Happy Birthday!! You are only the second person I know now who shares my same birthday, the first person I found out about a few weeks ago and I was his first he had ever met. Your family sounds amazing, I can never really count on more than my closest friends to be there on my birthday, I don't even plan anything anymore on that day because everyone is busy or out of town. I don't live near any family either. Di - Yeah, I'm in the same boat, I need time before I even discuss it seriously!
  2. Manders sorry I got caught up in the earthquake when I was about to agree with you. I agree... the very word nag or nagging sends me into rage! Can't stand it... even worse, "you're not my mother!" Uh yeah, no kidding, don't act like a child that needs one!
  3. CONFESSION - I freaking HATE earthquakes! We JUST had one and I nearly had a heart attack, stupid California
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps 24 days to go and I feel like I still have everything to do!!!!!! I've pretty much ordered everything, just waiting for it to be delivered so I can start organizing everything. Maybe once everything gets here I'll feel like I've accomplished more. I am looking forward to my bridal shower this Saturday though. It's going to be a Sex and the City Theme. We're going to wear stilletos and sip Cosmos! How exciting!! You'll get it all done, don't worry Miracles happen in the last month I'm telling you! Your shower sounds like so much fun
  5. I just turned 28 and I'm trying to pretend that didn't happen... pretending so hard that the next day I was unable to move pretty much all day =/ I'm thinking 30 as well. I'd be happy with 2, D wants 3. U?
  6. Same here Linds, I do love babies, just loving my friends babies at the moment! Linds are you seriously 24? You're so young! Lucky girl!
  7. Kayley, that's really exciting! I wish I was in your position
  8. Congrats and Happy Wedding Day!!! I hope it's all you dreamed of and more
  9. Amanda, I went through 3 WC's before I got one that I stuck with through the whole process. Don't worry at all, they keep a spreadsheet and if they don't know, just tell them you were told by your previous WC, Tiffany that it would be ok and if there is an issue you need to know their supervisors name and speak to them. Don't stress it, your arrangements should all be intact, switching WC's for me didn't change anything at all.
  10. Hey Shannon! Thank you! Hope you had a great 4th as well Haha, I know it's sad our thread kinda died a little =/ D & my plan is to talk 3 years from our wedding to see where we're at. We're both not close to being ready for kids. We are going to travel and buy a house first, that's the plan anyways! What about you ladies? What are your plans?
  11. Marla - I just read your engagemnt story, SO cute! I love how well planned and wonderfully thought out everything was and you ended up having to get the ring cut off but it still makes for a wonderful story. Meredith - LOL! I just read your engagement story after Wendy mentioned it and I got curious... That's hysterical! What a cute little setup and all that planning to sleep right through his own proposal. I would have been screaming like a banchee, like where is he?! Who do I respond to!!!
  12. HAHA! I totally didn't think of everything and I definitely forgot stuff too! I would have loved to have been a guest at all your girls weddings, I think I'd have more fun at your girls weddings, watching you plan it and going through all the rough times with you and experiencing the final product
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by murmel Your website looks great Marla! We got one has well since we thought it would be very useful for all our guests. www.miriamandluke.com I may have to steal your idea of the page of things to do in Mexico! I think that's such a great idea to help guests plan ahead! Love your website! So cute
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be Wanted to say thanks to AmyKH for sending me the wedding video - LOVED IT! finally, the talk about "forum friends" hahah. I actually went to a meet&greet for Vancouver brides on here (one of the only other threads I follow) the other day and my fiance would not stop teasing me. "Oh, you go on blind dates with your internet brides now?" Hahaha. Priceless that we're all getting the same grief. They just don't understand! This forum has set my mind at ease and been a lifesaver so far and I'm only 2 months in. You Ladies are AWESOME! You’re welcome! Glad you liked it  How fun!!! I’m going to a meet & greet one day, it’s gonna happen, I’m so down! Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Thanks! It was fun dressing up in his work shirt because I was anticipating his face and smile the whole time. ;-) I almost wore one of DH’s shirts but ended up with his black tie from our engagement shoot, I love those photos! Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr AmyKH - still haven't gotten that video. Do I need to send you my email again? Oh weird, I emailed you right away! Might have gone into your spam, I’m going to PM you with it now! Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Random question: did you guys do wedding favors or just OOT bags? I didn’t do favors persay, from what I kept reading people don’t care about favors really, like trinket like stuff. I did OOT bags and on every place setting in my little birds nest were the 5 light green speckled mint chocolate Jordan almonds in a little organza pouch which is the Italian tradition. So it was something little but not really a favor. The cigars went over bigger than anything so I kinda consider that a favor as well, LOL 
  15. Thanks wonderful!!! Here's to more of that to come and smooth sailing through your wedding day!
  16. I wanted to jump in and say I had the Pearl and then the Curve, I love it so much!! I'm a BB fan! I may be going to the Bold today
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Hey Everyone Hope everyone had a great 4th of July...we had our very 1st family barbeque at our house with a meeting of the parents and families and all went really well! I started a wedding web site..here's the link if any of you want to check it out...Steve and Marla's Wedding - wedding website by mywedding.com I'm planning on adding a page for things to do in Riviera Maya...if any of you have suggestions..that would be be great. And if you can think of other things that I am missing..let me know that too..Thanx! PMing you now...
  18. Meghan, that's so awesome! I'd be blown away if our TA had done that. Sounds like a good choice! 6 weeks!! I would flip out... why so long? I at least had some teasers within a week of coming back from Mexico!
  19. Almost a year for you Lindz! 2 years next month for me! I was telling DH about you and Ryan thinking I'm imaginary yesterday and he was cracking up, I told him, "so don't be surprised if I take off to Alabama one day"
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