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Everything posted by KittenHeart

  1. Congrats Mrs!!! Great planning thread, looks like everything was amazing
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb AHHHH! Does the same go for every other thing on a person's wedding to-do? I am SOOOO behind. But good news is, I work well under pressure, maybe once I hit the 3 month mark (and boy am I close) I'll get my butt into high gear and start attacking my to-do's. Amy, I have a feeling you live a very fabulous life! Two more dresses....so exciting. I cannot wait to see pictures. LOL! The drunk thing does work with everything unfortunately... I remember typing out my vows with one eye open the other closed so I could focus, so bad! Cutting and hot gluing things and seating and all that requires real brain power unfortunately. 3 MONTHS already?! Wow, it's going fast! I too work great under pressure, that's why I work in sales Making lists is my thing, then checking stuff off just feels good! I wish I lived a fabulous life! LOL, I live across the street from the Americana and live online so shopping is an unfortunate addiction.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps We have friends in the wedding party who have a pool so they're inviting everyone who's going to Mexico over for a meet & greet pool party. We have 50 people going to Mexico and not everyone knows each other. We're doing a Mexican fiesta theme and having Tacos, fajitas, chips & salsa, margaritas and coronas. That sounds like so much fun!! Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps Ok so my final payment was due to the resort on June 16th. Tiffany pressed me and told me that she had to have it by that date. I made it my business to have it to her by that date and guess what............IT'S STILL IN MY ACCOUNT! I sent her an email and she told me it had to be approved by management but she's working on it. My final payment didn't go through until after I checked out of AS and I paid it a 3 weeks prior!
  4. I have been trying but I narrowed it down to like 275 pictures and apparently my wedding album won't be like 200 pages long so that won't work =/ I'm having the hardest time, I decide to just give up until after Vegas
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Thanks Amy....as always you are a wealth of info or a great source of things to keep in mind! Thank you so much! What else am I gonna do on here since I'm no longer a bride to be I have to make myself useful!! Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Thx! The sage sounds pretty, I'm gonna have to look it up. We keep getting the short end of the stick for some reason but hopefully it will just make us stronger and allow people/businesses to learn from their mistakes. I feel for people who are just getting some sense of normalcy since Katrina and are going through this now. One of the pharmacists I used to work for always replied when someone asked how he was doing, "Oh, you know I'm good, you can't kill bad grass!" So, like bad grass, we are here to stay!! OMG! After all of the trouble I went through to get my toppers made, I would have a mini fit!! Just our cake jewelry was over $300! And I know you put a lot of thought and time into your details. Did you flip out or what? After all of the nickel and diming they do, I'd want a refund for it expensive or not!! Yeah, this is happening to us monthly it seems. We have people who swear they're coming but still haven't even called the TA (groomsmen included) and we have people who decided not to come and not tell us. Two of my cousins sing, so I was going to ask both of them to sing at the wedding. The older one told me she had to check her schedule since she's getting to be all big time now and the younger one is still on the guest list as we speak. Too bad their mom had to tell me that both of them weren't coming. I've only seen the two of them like a hundred times since planning began. I even brought it up at dinner the other day and the younger one never said a word. Guess I should change my siggy. Sage green was one of my colors so I definitely think it will be gorgeous! LOL! Bad grass, I love it! No kidding, I'm still devastated over my cake toppers I told the lady that made them and she offered to redo them for the same cost since her costs went up... do you think I should? I mean they won't be the same ones. The same happened to me monthly too, I had 64 people confirm and tell me they wouldn't miss it for the world. 35 showed up. Every situation is different and times change but just know it happens and it is what it is. Just adjust your planning accordingly and move on, they are never worth the wasted stress or tears because your wedding day will still be the best day of your life! Quote: Originally Posted by gingerlover36 PS Amy gorgeous BM dresses...AmyKH great advice about the cake topper...my sister just finished making mine and its great and both of us would be upset if it was trashed PPS Today's the day we supposedly get answers about getting more rooms, construction etc. fingers crossed for good news ppps my hair iron just broke! bad hair day!! I agree Amy, I love your dresses!! Thank you, I'm glad I mentioned it, it's not the worst thing in the world after all is said and done but still a bummer. Good luck!!! LOL, oh no! Get a new flat iron stat! Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda So they way the Catamaran works is that you put 25% down on your estimated # of people going. The day of you can confirm numbers and pay the balance based on how many came in cash. My in laws did not want to keep $2k in cash on them, so I had to confirm #s the week before via email with all of my guests. Here is the invite email I sent to everyone and then I followed up the week before to confirm everyone still wanted to go: Can you believe our wedding date is only 2 months away!?! We need to get numbers finalized for some of the activities we are planning for the week of fun in the sun in Mexico. 1) Wednesday May 26th - Ziplining, Snorkeling in cenote, and touring the Tulum Ruins Cenotes are natural freshwater pools with underground caves and caverns, formed because of the porous limestone ground that makes up the Yucatan. Cenotes are found in only a few locations on earth. Combine Snorkeling in Cenotes and Zip Lining above the jungle canopy with the history of Mayan Ruins. This is a unique experience you will never forget. (you can always just "watch" one of these events if you want to do the other 2) Approx 6 hours round trip 2) Thursday May 27th - Cancun Clubbing Trip - in 2 private transfer vans, we leave the hotel at 8pm and start with a posh tequila bar on the Cancun strip. From there we will go to all the classics and crazies: Carlos & Charleys, Daddy Rock, Coco Bongo, etc! There will be an early bird shuttle pick up back to the hotel at 12am and a late night partying pick up at 2am! Note: each way is 30 mins drive. 3) Friday May 28th - "Rehearsal Dinner" Mexico style - Catamaran with reef snorkeling All ages will be able to enjoy this relaxing boat ride, hosted by the groom's parents, xxx. We will be picked up at 2pm and will enjoy the 46ft catamaran "Paso Doble" for 4 hours: open bar and snacks included! Please let me know what activities you are up for! Don't worry, last minute changes will probably be OK if you chicken out And don't forget our website for updates and other stuff. And for those arriving Monday or Tuesday - we still have our Welcome Dinner Tuesday night the 25th followed by the Wedding Texas Hold Em Tournament. Amy this sounds like so much fun! I read this going, yep I'd do that, and that, oh and definitely take the late van back, ooo hold em, fun!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Yeah, I have the same problem too ladies. I actually had one lady tell me that I should just have a baby anyways (even though we are in debt up to our eyeballs from our undergraduate degrees, and now we are both doing our masters while working full time to try and pay for it). Best part is, her reason for telling me to have a baby right away was "because you aren't getting any younger you know"....WTF?? Wow... don't people understand how RUDE that is? Unbelievable... I was talking to a customer on the phone at work that was asking why I changed my name... I told him I got married, he congratulated me and proceeded to ask..."So, how's your clock?" I say, "Excuse me?" He says, "You know, your CLOCK... how is it, do you have... time?" I was pretty taken aback by this... wow. I've never met this guy or seen him in person either, ballsy. Quote: Originally Posted by khomac At least you got to enjoy your day. I was throwing up in the room during the dinner and reception. I missed everything except the 20 minute ceremony and pictures. So I know how you feel. I look at everyone's pictures of them toasting, cutting the cake, first dance, father daughter dance, partying on the beach with drinks in hand, sand between their toes, and palm trees in the background and I just cry. Weddings never go exactly as planned. Your friends definitely didn't desert you. They traveled to be there with you on your wedding day! I have 7 VERY close friends and only 1 came! What's done is done. I'll just have to plan an AHR (which I WASN'T going to do because I couldn't afford it) so that I can do it all over again! OMG, I'm so sorry to hear this! Did you get sick down there? I know you didn't want an AHR but I'm sure it will satisfy a lot of the typical bridal moments you've been looking for. I hope that one goes off flawlessly Quote: Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** I guess people think that you get married just to have kids. Actually my cousin (male) said that to me last summer..He said he only got married to have kids....I was like What I def want kids and we are going to be trying really soon, but I guess I get weird about it because you just never know if you can even HAVE kids unless you get knocked up by accident or you start to try. And what if you can't? Don't these people think of that? That is exactly what I would think of and that is why I would never ask. Not the way every one is bugging me. Well I guess it's good that I am not the only one. I am sure you didn't overreact, so good for you for standing up for yourself..LOL People need a reality check sometimes OMG, got married just to have kids? What is he thinking! You're absolutely right, first of all it's no one's business whether or not your having kids. Sometimes people haven't decided or don't know etc. People could ask if you're planning to have kids or what the next plan is. I tell people my plan is th buy a house because I hate living in an apartment. I get people saying, "well I grew up in an apartment as a kid and I did alright..." why does this always get turned around to focus back on them if they're asking about me...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Thanks Amy! I have a "hot tools" bag for my hair issues so I need to be sure they were welcome at the resort as well! LOL Also, thanks for the info on the set-up. I don't think I have half the planning skills that you do to even get close to your set-up. :-) I just didn't want to be charged for every little thing I brought from home. Did you carry that all back home with you as well HAHA, don't you mean you don't have the yearS, paranoia and Type A obsession like me? Lucky you I'm embarrassed to say, much to my DH's confusion I brought back everything I could possible bring which was a lot. BTW, if you want to keep things like your cake topper etc. They threw mine away which devistated me... it was custom made and I had her paint our wedding date on the bottom specifically to keep So just have someone make sure to grab stuff after the wedding before they clean up. Quote: Originally Posted by rkf1046 First of all I just want to say a big thank you for everyone on here as I've been MIA awhile myself due to a ton of work - VERY STRESSFUL! But while I was dealing with all the work issues my aunts and grandparents decided to share with a friend of mine at a crawfish boil that we had at OUR house that they weren't coming to Mexico. The worst part was they still haven't told me!!!! That was 4 weeks ago!! First of all who tells a random person they just met they aren't coming to the wedding without first telling the bride? Keep in mind I am an only child and only grandchild and we are all pretty close. My mom has even had several discussions with them about letting me know and it still hasn't happened. I know having a destination wedding is a risk and that everyone may not come, including my family, but really? I've been playing catch up with the posts and have seen that I am not alone in dealing with bad behavior displayed by people whom we've considered close at it relates to their wedding. It's helped me calm down considerably...not that I am glad any of you have to deal with this either...but the advice and support here is AMAZING!!! As though it couldn't get worse, my grandparents are now calling my mom asking why I"m okay with them not coming and why am I so willing to sacrifice them being present at my wedding? HELLO! You haven't even told me yet you weren't coming!!!!!! Not to mention we planned our date to coincide with their date, are using them as our witnesses at our legal JOP wedding and using their champagne glasses from their wedding at our wedding for the toasts. What the hell? Anyway...it's good to vent! Congrats on those whose weddings are coming up!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it! Vent away girl, this is where we do it! Yeah I had a few of these, found out weren't coming NEVER told me, the best was 2 groomsmen did this. I finally had to confront them both on this. Anyways... lame. People don't take into consideration you and all your going through sometimes and it's unfortunate.
  8. OMG, YAY! Yeah, I was like, how the hell am I supposed to pick like 50-75 pictures out of 1,200?! I absolutely want to see them!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps I just looked at my wedding ticker and saw that it's 1 month, 1 week and 1 day til the wedding. I'm still waiting for the "excited bride" feeling to kick in. We're having a pre-wedding meet and greet this weekend so I'm sure I'll get the feeling then. Time is flying. I'll be in Mexico sooner than I think! Woo, I remember that day seeing my 1,1,1! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't get 'excited bride' feeling until we got TO the airport in LA... seriously it really hit me when I was on the plane about to land! Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Okay ladies who have already married at AS, I have two dumb questions for you: 1) If I bring my own real touch flowers, will AS still charge me anything and consider that an "outside vendor" choice? 2) Are the electric outlets in the hotel the same adapter as the US? I'm already making hair plans and need to make sure that there are no adapter conversion issues for my flat iron like Europe. :-) There are no dumb questions my friend! No they will not charge you, they may charge you a setup fee. Just to give you an idea, I brought SO much stuff with me, all my flowers, paper lanterns, string lights, votives, menu's programs, you name it I brought it. They charged me a total of $180 to set it all up which was worth it. I gave them A LOT. I also mentioned to her, "there has got to be a bride that brought more than this with her right?" to which she responded, "ummm, no, you win" <--- oops The outlet's are standard US outlets, you're good!
  10. Thanks Diana!! Speaking of pictures, did you get all yours from Chris, I've been literally dying to see them!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Amy, I listened to this advice you gave me and it was priceless. I told FI the night before and we both decided to stay near each other. There might have been 10 minutes max when we were apart and then we'd find the other saying "where is my wife" or "where is my husband" - it was really nice staying so close. Thank you for that advice, if I did not tell you before! Oh yay!!! I'm so glad this worked for you too. You could tell though how easy it would have been to be apart all night. DH and I are the kind of people that see each other on the way in and out of a function only. So cute, I did the same thing, tell a groomsman "find my husband!" and he'd come right over
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmm, he'd be ok (Timothy Olyphant) Here's some google images - timothy olyphant - Google Search Whoa he does look like Josh Duhamel! I love Josh... Quote: Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** If you buy book #1 I have the rest!! You can def borrow them Then if I have #1 back when your done I'll send them to Amy! hahaha It can be like the Starfish thread :-) lol HAHA, serious, getting some real life outta them! I may have to buy the first book, DH and I are itching for a good read. My mom bought me Twilight for Christmas and begged me to read it, I started it and then one day couldn't find it, DH was reading it and wouldn't give it back, he finished the entire 4 books in 2 weeks I think.
  13. Wooo! Thanks ladies It did come quickly, almost too quickly I kinda feel rushed, LOL
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay Ladies, I am on this webinar for Azul Sensatori and I just got in writing that the Donkey is still available at Azul Sensatori so if you need it I have it! Woo hoo! This is great news! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ I guess by now Katie would also be married.... I'm so jealous of you girls but super happy for you also. I'm totally enjoying snooping on all of your photos! I just wish my day was here now! Katie is married, she just doesn't come on here much anymore. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Yep! 9 days! Can't wait to share my pictures! I can sleep because I am soo exhausted getting ready. I am in the process of finishing up report cards and clearing out my classroom by Friday, which is when we leave! Well, technically Saturday at 3:00 am we have to leave for the airport. You are so close, just keep going, don't stop. I carried a little notebook and made notes every time I thought of them so I didn't forget, that helped immensely since I'm sure your mind is RACING right now. Oh I'm so excited for you!!! The best advice I got the week before my wedding was during the ceremony to listen, listen to every word the minister speaks, just pay attention and be there in that moment. As for the reception, it will be over before you know it so take a moment every hour if you can and take it all in and don't let your husband out of site for too long. A minute can turn into an hour and one of my good friends let this happen and she doesn't have a single picture of her and her husband at the reception since she was dancing and he was talking to his boys all night. Not that you'll do ANY of this, I just really appreciated this advice and followed it closely. Also make sure you're well rested for wedding day. I took some Tylenol PM the night before, set my alarm for 8 hours of sleep and wokeup feeling amazing on my wedding day. Yes, drugs are bad but that was so worth it You're going to have an amazing time, I'm all tingly just knowing what you're about to experience! Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Can't wait to see pics of these dresses!! They're both short dresses, nothing too fancy, just different!
  15. You're never too old to dress up for Halloween! Especially when you look that amazing, you rocked it girl! Cougs, LOL! I totally want to do it again... but I know I can't, I save all my costumes in hopes I can get away with it
  16. I can't believe it's already here! We leave Friday after work (our work is 1/2 mile from the airport), our flight is at like 5:45pm and we arrive @ 6:30pm. Most everyone is driving out Saturday, it's a 3 hour drive, so not too bad. We have about 30-34 people now, really got out of hand but it's gonna be fun, I splurged on a few wedding details and have 2 dresses, LOL There is such a lack of Vegas wedding info, especially legal day info so I'm going to do a planning thread/review for it. You girls will see pictures as well, I'm hoping to go a totally unique route, not sure what that is yet but we'll see. Wish me luck!
  17. Jacqui how cute are you two!!! You're one hot vampire girl! It's funny, I totally thought no one would get it either but people who didn't even watch the show got it thankfully. My Merlotte's outfit really helped and I did a bad accent all night. I even made True Blood Bottles and made red drinks to put in them and everything. I "waited" on people all night... I was WAY too into that character
  18. Jenn - OMG, I'm totally in the same boat. I find myself getting mad at people for asking me because I've been pestered so much. You know what's funny though, I was asked WAY more when I first got engaged over 2years ago if I was going to have kids back THEN. I think I overracted to a few people and the person who drives me the craziest is my BF/MOH... she had 2 kids before she got married (got pregnant on her first official date with her now husband) and she literally grills me on the subject. I am barely just started to entertain the idea of having kids in the future, like years, I'd be totally fine without them and all this bugging me makes me not want to have them at all. It's amazing how many people get offended by you not wanting to do it immediately and be thrilled about it. I don't understand...
  19. Gorgeous! Love the centerpieces, everything looked amazing
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Boam2be That sounds like a crazy trip your going to have. Its going to be fab. Vegas is one of those places i would love to visit. Cant wait to see the photos. If there anything like your Mexican ones, they will be stunning. Yes indeed, I love crazy! You absolutely must visit Vegas at least once, it's so much fun and there's non-stop energy there, it's quite an experience... it's definitely not for everyone though. I've been there about 15 times since I was 14 and it's a new crazier totally different experience every time. Thank you! I'm hoping they are just as good in a different way
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Mischaka OMG!! I love it!!!! and your Bill is hot!! lol Thanks!!! That's why I married him LOL, j/k, not the ONLY reason Quote: Originally Posted by cougs i think i'm going to ask for the books for my bday since i'll be on vacay at a mountain house that week ... need some good reads for sitting out by the lake! now i wanna know who quinn is! Good call! Me too, if you ladies are crushing on this Quinn fellow, I'm sure to follow suit. Cougs, your pictures crack me up!! Happy SB meetup!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Hey Ladies, I've been MIA for a while. It's been a long road but so far I'm having a healthy pregnancy and things are back on track with planning our now postponed wedding. I had a hard time coming on here for a while, I would literally start crying about the wedding I had lost and was looking forward to for so long but it was nuts because I was sooo happy about the baby... I guess I can just blame the crazy hormones! It looks like we will be switching to Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. Our TA basically told us there was no way we could get the same rate at AS, but I'm not even sure they checked into it. Oh well... Dreams PV looks like a beautiful resort, however it really sucks starting all the plans and travel arrangments again from scratch. I've got a lot of snooping to catch up on... I can't wait to see pic's from the weddings I've miss recently... especially Amy (Kittenheart) with all of the detail you put into yours...I'm sure it was absoltely amazing! As well as everyone's else's! Good luck to all my old friends and to all the new ladies on this thread! I'll have to check back every once in a while and see how it's going! Crista Hi Crista!!! We miss you! Glad to hear that you and baby and doing great! I'm going to PM you my links to my photos so you don't have to search through like 200 pages I'm sure it's just emotions because you have nothing to be sad about. Maybe this was meant to be! I've heard PV is one of the most gorgeous places in Mexico and you're about to expand your family, it's just happennig all at the same time. Please stick around though, I'd love to watch your planning process and help if I can be of any to you!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 The video is hysterical...we are having everyone over, to watch it...they really did a great job. The dancing is classic...but the ceremony is beautiful too! How fun!!! I can't wait to see my video, I'm sure it's going to be embarrassing.
  24. LOVE them Shannon!!! Gorgeous colors and setting not to mention a gorgeous bride! Love the back of your dress too.
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