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Posts posted by KittenHeart

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zoetwin View Post
    I am in the same boat! I am so overwhelmed by the volume of resorts in the DR. I am not sure if I should contact a travel agent to help me decide or if I should work directly with the resorts. At this point I am just waiting for anyone to just tell me where to go. The only thing I have set is the date.
    Hopefully I can help you out a little... I noticed we have the same wedding date! Good choice if I do say so myself:)

    This is what I have done so far (which isn't a lot):

    - Picked resort
    - Got travel agent
    - Chose wedding date with his help
    - Budgeted out wedding expenses
    - Decided on invitee list
    - Chose wedding party and asked them to be in the wedding
    - Create and update/change/tweaking (still) Wedding Website
    - Designed, printed, cut, glued, tied, glued, printed my Save the Dates
    - Booked my photographer who will do our engagement photos in June and will be flying down to do my wedding photos as well
    - I am currently printing the last of our envelopes, getting international postage for a few and plan to send them all out by May 4th 2009 so they arrive exactly a year before the wedding

    For the month of May I have planned to do so far:

    - Buy rings
    - Shop for wedding dress
    - Block rooms for guests

    I really hope this helps you, if it makes you feel any better I'm a PSYCHO planner, I got engaged over a year ago so I could take a year to look around and decide what I wanted to do... =)

    I'm currently mid planning my best friends bridal shower and have been planning her Bachelorette weekend in Vegas for the last 6 months. I'm so overloaded at the moment I think I'm losing it a little more every day muscle.gif
  2. Hi ladies,


    I'm trying to finish my wedding website which will hold the majority of the information regarding my wedding. I worked on it ALL day yesterday and still feel like I'm missing a lot of information.


    If anyone wouldn't mind me checking out your already done website for Azul Sensatori, I would be extremely grateful! You can PM me if you don't want it up for everyone to see.


    Thanks to anyone who can help!


  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by meghan View Post
    Hey everyone...not sure if this message got posted already because I didn't see it. I'm trying to decide what to do for invitations. I have sent out save the date invitations, but I want to send out formal invitations as well, requiring an rsvp. We aren't getting married until July 2, 2010. If anyone can let me know when you are doing for invitations, and how early you are sending them out, that would be really helpful :)
    I'm getting married May 2010 and sending out my STD's May 1st so they arrive exactly one year from our wedding Date. I have a RSVP request on the save the date to RSVP by October 1st 2009 in order to receive a formal invitation which I will send out 6 months prior (November 2009) to the guests.

    I have a wedding website where everyone will RSVP and I have gotten everyone's email addresses so I can email personally those who haven't responded and nudge them to respond in a timely manner. This way I have a bit of a grasp on who's coming, besides I speak to all of them from time to time.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
    since we aren't getting married until late april 2010 we are in the stages of trying to decide on STD and invitation designs. i'm thinking about making these myself... has anyone gone the DIY route yet? any helpful hints or suggestions? i can't wait to get all of this started!!

    I decided in January 2009 to set my wedding date for May 2010 and figured since I had so much time I might as well DIY my STD's and invites. I'm almost done with my STD's and let me tell you I'm so happy I did this. They are so cute and have every aspect I wanted in them since they were designed, made by me. This is the cheaper route too but I'm so happy with how everything has turned out so far!

    I got my ideas from other brides and DIY threads here as well as google. As soon as I complete my STD's I'll take pictures and post them :)
  5. Ok so this is a bit off topic as it seems we've all (myself included) been obsessed with Zocolo lately wink.gif


    Has anyone purchased a block of rooms? I'm considering it just to ensure the price lock and I don't want anyone stuck at a different hotel. Are you able to use any left over money toward the wedding at all? Do you really get your wedding package for free?


    Any insight would be so helpful :)

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tauristar View Post
    I'm looking at April 2010, where is the big thing now! I've been engaged a couple of weeks and overwhelmed isn't descriptive enough!

    I'm also not sure if I should pick and then find a TA or Wedding Coordinator? who knows, either way it will all work out!

    Hi Tauristar,

    Welcome and congrats! You can do it either way really but what really helped me decide (once and for all) was speaking to a TA... most of them have actually visited these resorts and gone to weddings at them and they know what the good, bad or ugly for each.

    Just a thought! Good luck with your planning, these threads will save your life :)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tylersgirl View Post
    really cute!!! I like that it is so original. Y'all should have fun in Vegas. Where are y'all staying?
    Thanks! There are 10 of us girls staying in one room so I booked us the 2-bedroom suite @ The Palms Place which is the newest Palms hotel. It's 1,800 square feet with 2 queens and 2 kings. It's truly an amazing room.

    I'm planning on having all of us go down to Rain the club at the Palms for the dancing portion of the evening :)
  8. Ok so as it turns out I'm MOH to my best friend getting married in June 09, I'm getting married in Puerto Morales May 2010 so I'm planning her bachelorette party in Vegas for the weekend prior.


    In my search for embarassing and silly things for her to wear I found nothing that I liked... all so very cheesy! SO I decided to make it myself and I have left it up on Zazzle for others to purchase and change the text if they feel so inclined.


    johnnygirl777: Home: Zazzle.com Gallery


    I hope you like! Let me know what you think bunny_4.gif

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daifje View Post
    As far as private receptions you can have it in the Plaza which is an outdoor area behind the carribean restaurant, Zocala is semi private meaning that they will close the outside part of the restaurant and have your reception there (you can have dancing). THe only downside is that you have to share you bar with the other restaurant guests. There is also a private meeting room that you can use. THe private room looks like a basic recpetion area that you would find at any hotel. It does not have a view.

    I have pictures of all of these places. I attached a link in one of my previous entries but I have put it below for you to look at.

    Snapfish: Share:Registration

    I am starting to get little irritated with the offsite people. I submitted my preliminary application almost 2 weeks ago and still have no response. I sent out an email following up and he has not even had the courtesy to respond to my email. I am seriously considering changing venus which would be a shame as I took the trip all the way out there.

    Any advicehuh.gifhuh.gif

    Do you have a Travel Agent? I got excellent service from the hotel by going through my TA whereas I don't think I would have been able to reserve the spot. They also have to confirm with the judge that they are available that day.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! View Post
    anyone managed to book up their 2010 wedding yet? its getting to that time, and i can't contain my excitement! woo hoooo
    I am booked for Azul Sensatori for my May 8th 2010 wedding. I booked last month and secured my date with a down payment.

    I was thinking of sending the STD's out May so they arrive to my guests exactly one year from our wedding.

    Question, does anyone suggest when I should send out the invites? Or should I send out the STD's now and Invites 1yr in advancehuh.gif

    Thanks for any suggestions bunny_4.gif
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by happygilmore View Post
    I love Vista Print! For $16 (this includes shipping) I was able to get 100 postcards to give our guests to send back to family and friends while on vacation, instead of having to buy them at the resort, we got 250 business cards (way more then we need but that is the min order) so we can make luggage tags and we'll give each couple a few extra to pass out to family and friends back home for contact info for where they will be and I also got on of those self inking rubber stamps for our thank you cards that says our names (gulp--only one last name on that one! )

    We were able to get premium business cards (which means we could do the back of the business card for free) and this is only available till Feb. 28th. so if you need stuff head over to vista print!

    Okay, now I am off to work on our pre-travel brochure, which we'll send out with our luggage tags.

    You and I both... actually looks like we have a lot in common, May wedding, same ticker, green is my color for my wedding too, our love for Vista Print wink.gif

    I bought 280 return address labels from Vista Print yesterday, two different designs for our Save the Dates & Invites for $1.99 each. No joke with tax and priority shipping my total was under $8 :)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tsashamia View Post
    Snapfish: Share:Registration

    Hope this link works, it's just some of the pictures some of my friends and family took. Sorry I have't had a chance to do a review or anything else. I'll try to get to it in the next day or two. What I will say is we had an amazing time and wouldn't have changed a thing...well, maybe the weather shots.gif

    Happy Planning!

    Thanks so much Tsasha! You looked absolutely GORGEOUS! Congrats, I can't wait to hear your review :)
    Was your reception on Zocolo deck? Where did you go clubbin, that looked like so much fun!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by yoAzul View Post
    drtracy and Kgeen we are wedding date triplets! Yay for May 8 2009!!

    I have my dress, mom and FI need their attire. I just ordered some shoes online and will go in for the fitting in a couple days. I have no idea what to do about jewlery! BMs and GMS are getting their own - we gave some basic guidelines but letting them choose. We have 32 booked may go up to 40. Oh and got part of the BM gifts. This weekends plans are to get the OOT bag stuff, work on vows, and music since we are going with the iPod.
    I'm May 8th 2010! :)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anon101 View Post
    Let me be the latest to join in on the Jo'Zeen frustration. Her emails are SO FRUSTRATING! I have to step away after reading them to avoid sending an angry email back. You wait a day for a response, and it's always a pasting from the website or another question that doesn't answer yours.
    Well I'm happy to know that I'm not crazy and she's frustrating all of us! Do you think there's any way we can request another WC? I don't know who I'd talk to about that...
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