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Everything posted by Oscar_Ernie

  1. LouLou7-Just wanted to pass on a bit of info another one of the gals gave me (Tati)...Micaela is on vacation until Sept. 15 (I believe), so don't worry if you don't hear back before then! I know she has an assistant (can't think of her name at the moment), but not sure how much emailing she's responsible for. Anyway, just wanted to let you know so you're not too worried! Sarah-thanks for the info. That's really good to know...I think The ROYAL is going to be the perfect place for our wedding!
  2. That was SO beautiful! He really did do an amazing job of capturing the day. You look absolutely stunning! And both of you look so happy! Thank you for sharing, you brightened my day!
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  4. Welcome and congrats!!! We love new members!!!
  5. Welcome!!! And your wedding to coming up so soon. How exciting!!! Hope we can help you out with any of the last minute stuff!
  6. Congrats and welcome! There's SO much info floating around here...hope we can help you out!
  7. Congrats and welcome! The Royal in PDC is where we'll be having our wedding too!
  8. Congrats and welcome!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by rosa My fiance and I would be covering the hotel Stay for our guest for 4 nights and we are giving out a small bottle of techila to take home with them so i haven't really looked into getting anything else for our guess since i think that what we are goin with is enough. What do you guys think? I think that is PLENTY...and very generous of you!
  10. I think if we do anything beyond our OOT welcome kits, it will be fans. I really don't think anything more than the OOT bags is necessary though. It's just going to be hot, so I think it'd be nice for guests to have fans.
  11. Thank you so much for sharing! You look absolutely beautiful!!! He really did do a fantastic job.
  12. Sarah-I was under the impression that the WC performed all the duties of a typical WC here...i.e. stays for the ceremony to help with organization, sending people down the aisle, etc. Is that not the case? I was really hoping someone would be there so that I don't have people coming up to me with questions I don't want to be bothered with ("What should I do with the extra programs?" or "What do I do with...?"). Maybe some of that is dealt with already because they deal with all the clean up? Did you feel bombarded with questions all day?
  13. Welcome to our little thread here, LouLou7! I agree with Sarah, I don't think you need to worry, especially since you booked before the new policy was put into place.
  14. For those of you who have tried this or something like it...Does it focus primarily on processed items, or does it include lots of fresh produce and meat? I really try to keep my grocery shopping to the outer walls rather than the interior processed stuff...mainly I buy dairy and some produce (but I have a veggie garden). Any thoughts? I guess I could just do the $1 trial, but I hate the whole cancellation process for these types of things, lol!
  15. Yes, it definitely wants us to lift heavier! The author goes to great length to explain why the whole light weight, lots of reps things doesn't work. Women simply don't have the ability to gain the massive muscles that men can, so we should be lifting more like men do....in a nutshell. It's been a very interesting read. The author is Lou Schuler if you want to check it out. I'm trying it out, we'll see how it goes!
  16. I've been using BE for about 5 years and like it a lot. It's not perfect, but I LOVE how it feels on! And, it really has helped improve the clarity of my sensitive, break-out prone skin. I haven't tried the Raw Minerals yet because the reviews seem so mixed and it's quite expensive.
  17. Has anyone read and/or done the program from this book? I'm a firm believer (I'm also a FIRM Believer, but that's something else entirely! LOL) in lifting heavy weights and have started doing this program...but I'm curious if anyone else has tried it and if so what their results have been. TIA!
  18. Hurray! (I wish I could fit one of those in my budget-lol!) Congrats and enjoy!!!
  19. Those are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing!!! I think I'll be stealing ideas when the time comes...
  20. Welcome! Good luck with planning. You'll find all sorts of info here! (and LOTS of very helpful folks!)
  21. Oscar_Ernie


    Welcome!!! You can find TONS of info here...the best I've come across! Good luck!
  22. Wow! Thanks for posting these. I need all the ideas I can get! LOL! These sound PERFECT!
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