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Everything posted by Oscar_Ernie

  1. With the luxury package, it's supposed to include a "private romantic candlelit dinner on the beach for the couple"-At other resorts they specify that it's specifically for the evening of the wedding. At Royal, is this kind of like one of the extra "romance packages" that you could add and have at any point during your stay? I suppose it's kind of a silly question, but I'm still trying to weigh the worth of the extra cost for the upgraded package. Anyone know or care? LOL!
  2. That's nuts! The Royal offers three different varieties and cost $200, 300, and 400. And I thought THAT was a lot of money for what you get!
  3. Isn't an 8 supposed to be about average? ha, ha I don't think you have anything to worry about! They might be a bit tight, or not zip up quite all the way, but I think you'll be fine. I totally understand about leaving feeling bad about yourself...DON'T let it happen! You are beautiful right now, even if you're not quite to your ideal weight. You are going to have so much fun trying dresses on...enjoy your time and try not to worry if they don't quite fit...no big deal. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You're beautiful!!!
  4. Oh, man, I wish I was at the point where I was ready to buy a dress because I've had my eye on that dress since pretty much the beginning!!! Good luck selling it, I'm sure it'll disappear quickly, but if you still have it after a few months...I may be ready!
  5. Your hair looks great! Thanks for the info too!!!
  6. That turned out great! Hmm...do I really need another DIY project?! LOL They're really cute. Good job!!!
  7. Welcome! I agree it can be overwhelming for sure! Too many choices makes it so hard to make a decision! LOL We've chosen RM too. Actually I think what we've finally decided is The Royal at Playa del Carmen. FI knows people who love it so much that they've bought into it (we may even be able to get a discount because of it too!). Good luck!!!
  8. They look fantastic!!! I love all the ideas I get here...but I think it's going to make it really difficult to finally make a decision! Everytime I see a new invite, I say, "THAT'S what I want to do!" I've changed my mind a million times! LOL Really, they look wonderful!!!
  9. Tatiyana, your wedding will be here before you know it! I'm so excited to here how it all goes. I just know it's going to be perfect! We're still really up in the air about when we're going to do it. When we first started talking about it seriously, we thought we could swing it for next summer. Now, we're not so sure that we'll have the funds for it. I think Mark is especially concerned about my ring since he hasn't bought it yet. It's really hard because I want to be really excited about everything, but we haven't actually announced anything yet. He wants to go the traditional route and ask my dad for permission (I think it's sweet!), but they live quite a distance away-and he doesn't want to do it over the phone, I can't blame him-so things are just pretty complicated at the moment. So, that was the long story of saying that the planning isn't going very well, at least the official booking, etc. Although, when all the money stuff gets sorted out, I think everything will fall into place quickly because I've been doing so much research! LOL!!! I'm glad to hear that all your planning is going well! Are you doing a big, all-out AHR?
  10. Welcome TightyWhitey! Did you read through all the pages? It took me a couple of hours, but it was totally worth it...lots a great info! Especially because the WC don't usually respond to email in a timely manner! LOL
  11. Thanks for the reassurance! aeroo, did you do a review of Gran Porto? I'm curious how it compares with The Royal.
  12. I really appreciate all the advice. Thanks gals! I definitely had already planned for lots of DIY and I already use and love Vista Print! It's the saving part that is hard because we don't have much discretionary income right now. I'm a sub teacher who hasn't been able to get a full time job (I live in a VERY competitive area for teaching. Gotta love the Pacific NW!). Looking back on it now I wish I'd picked up a summer job, but we weren't planning a wedding then, lol! We'll get it figured out eventually. Maybe I just need to realize it may take us a little longer than I'd hoped. I always said I wouldn't do the long engagement, but I didn't know what my circumstances would be now that I'm finally at that point. Thanks again everyone. BDW gals are the best!!!
  13. Thanks, I'll go check it out. I did so many searches and never thought to use the word "budget"! I don't know where my head is!lol
  14. jamisoncollette-thanks for the HSBC idea. I'm definitely going to look into that!
  15. Oh, Morgan, your $5000 budget...that was only for the wedding itself, right? That didn't include your hotel?
  16. Yeah, I'd never want to tap into that resource. Maybe the money issue is why long engagements are so popular these days.
  17. Congratulations!!! You can never get an early enough start, imo! Welcome! You'll find lots of great ideas here.
  18. To all of you out there who are paying for your wedding by yourselves... WHERE DID YOU COME UP WITH THE MONEY?! Have you been saving for awhile? Picked up extra jobs? Somehow cut back in other areas of your life? Going into and/or adding to debt? When we first started talking about a DW (which, will definitely be cheaper then if we stayed home, well, the way we're going to do it anyway) we figured we could swing it for next summer. But now that we've looked into it more seriously, it's still going to cost some money that we don't have. I think we're going to have to wait an extra year in order to save the money Anyone have any advice or tips? How are all of you swinging it? Money doesn't grow on trees *sigh*
  19. Welcome! I was completely overwhelmed while researching too...it gets better, I promise! Good luck! (Oh, and ask lots of questions. Everyone around here is SO helpful!)
  20. Oscar_Ernie


    Congrats and welcome! There are lots of DT brides around here so I'm sure they can help you out! Good luck!
  21. Welcome and congrats!!! You'll find TONS of info here...just gotta dig a little, lol!
  22. Congratulations!!!...it's SO close!
  23. Welcome and congratulations!!! Starting early can never hurt!!!
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