Quote: Originally Posted by kburton I need some help figuring things out. All I have ever wanted is a beach wedding with family and friends. I thought a destination wedding would be perfect and we would do Mexico because it would be cheapier to do all-inclusive. Well, I'm devistated because I've LITERALLY looked at every resort in Mexico (including the Dominican Republic) but for my guests it is so expensive. For my brother and his family (a total of 4-two children ages 4 and 7) it will cost around $5000 for a 5 day stay. Between the price of air fare and the resort (which charge for kids-usually around $500-some less but room rates are more) it is unreasonable for them to come (coming from AZ). It's just hard because I see sooo many brides doing these destination weddings with many guests (some with 40-80)...am I missing something? My Fiance and I talked about what is most important: beach wedding or having family at our wedding? I definitely turn to family but why can't I get both? We hardly have money for the actual wedding let alone to help pay their way. How in the world can I make this work? I can understand how frustrating it can be! Once we figured out a ballpark figure of what our wedding was going to cost (about $10,000), we realized that there's just no way we could save that it less than a year. So, unfortunately, we've decided to push our wedding back a year. Although that's what it feels like, it's the best decision for us so that we don't have to go into more debt. I didn't realize you had to start saving for your wedding once you reach dating age! LOL
So, you don't say when your wedding is, but maybe waiting to save a bit more so that you're in a position to help out your family might be an idea. This might work if you REALLY have your heart set on Mexico.
On the other hand, as many of the other gals have said, there are other options to explore...staying closer to home, etc. However, you would (likely) have to give up some of the "money buying power in Mexico"...what I mean is, you'll probably get less "fancy" for your money if you stay in the States. But, I could totally be wrong about that! It's just what I've figured through the research I've done.
I really do wish you the very best luck! I hope you can get all this figured out!!!