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Everything posted by Oscar_Ernie

  1. I think it looks great EITHER way, but if I HAD to choose, at least from the pictures you shared, I lean towards your natural beauty. (BUT, I am a fan of the flowing curls blowing in the breeze, so that's my bias!) You are adorable! =)
  2. It looks like the wedding was amazing. You look absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!!
  3. Oh, WOW! You look simply beautiful and SO happy! What a gorgeous wedding!!! The pics are fantastic!
  4. Welcome to the forum! Try not to let the details stress you out too much! Just think about how amazing Thailand will be on your special day!!!
  5. Congrats, welcome, and you're going to find a TON of info here! Everyone is SO helpful, so read through the Mexico boards and then ask, ask, ask!!! =)
  6. Welcome! Cuba will be so perfect! (I'm jealous!) Congratulations!!!
  7. You can't tell from the pics bad stuff happened. =) You look beautiful! Can't wait to see more pics!!!
  8. Wow! Looks like someone is awfully desperate for attention. If this is real, can you imagine what she's going to think 10 years down the road while perusing through her wedding photos? OMG!!!
  9. Oscar_Ernie


    and Congrats! Good luck figuring out your date! Once that's done, it'll be a breeze!!!
  10. I'm embarassed to ask this, but...I know the first stat (price for 7 nights, incl air and tax) is based on double occupancy, but are all you posting prices PER PERSON, rather than per COUPLE? I've noticed a couple of you made that clear, but most don't specify. Thanks!
  11. Yes, like everyone else, I would NEVER expect him to spend 2-3 months worth of hard-earned money on a piece of jewelry for me! Now, if I could only get that through his head! Like pretty much everyone else's response, I say buy what you can afford and don't go into debt for it. Really, it's what it symbolizes, not how big it is. One of my closest friend's ring was only about $200-300 and though small, she wouldn't trade it for anything!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by kburton I need some help figuring things out. All I have ever wanted is a beach wedding with family and friends. I thought a destination wedding would be perfect and we would do Mexico because it would be cheapier to do all-inclusive. Well, I'm devistated because I've LITERALLY looked at every resort in Mexico (including the Dominican Republic) but for my guests it is so expensive. For my brother and his family (a total of 4-two children ages 4 and 7) it will cost around $5000 for a 5 day stay. Between the price of air fare and the resort (which charge for kids-usually around $500-some less but room rates are more) it is unreasonable for them to come (coming from AZ). It's just hard because I see sooo many brides doing these destination weddings with many guests (some with 40-80)...am I missing something? My Fiance and I talked about what is most important: beach wedding or having family at our wedding? I definitely turn to family but why can't I get both? We hardly have money for the actual wedding let alone to help pay their way. How in the world can I make this work? I can understand how frustrating it can be! Once we figured out a ballpark figure of what our wedding was going to cost (about $10,000), we realized that there's just no way we could save that it less than a year. So, unfortunately, we've decided to push our wedding back a year. Although that's what it feels like, it's the best decision for us so that we don't have to go into more debt. I didn't realize you had to start saving for your wedding once you reach dating age! LOL So, you don't say when your wedding is, but maybe waiting to save a bit more so that you're in a position to help out your family might be an idea. This might work if you REALLY have your heart set on Mexico. On the other hand, as many of the other gals have said, there are other options to explore...staying closer to home, etc. However, you would (likely) have to give up some of the "money buying power in Mexico"...what I mean is, you'll probably get less "fancy" for your money if you stay in the States. But, I could totally be wrong about that! It's just what I've figured through the research I've done. I really do wish you the very best luck! I hope you can get all this figured out!!!
  13. Getting an early start can't hurt. (Especially if you'll be paying for it yourself! Start saving NOW!!! LOL I learned the hard way!) Good luck!!!
  14. and congrats!!! You'll find SO much useful info here! Good luck!
  15. I downloaded the free trial version of LumaPix, but I've read that you can also do it with PowerPoint (which I don't have). I spent A LOT of time trying to figure it out, but maybe you're more adept at working with these types of programs! LOL
  16. The expense of photography is also something we're struggling with. I'm not sure what we'll end up deciding, but I can't help but think about my parents' wedding album. They had a VERY budget wedding, but the dozen or so pictures they do have don't tell the whole story. In fact, the book so rarely gets looked at, it's shoved under the counter in their laundry room...growing mold!!! I don't want that to be how my wedding memories end up! Obviously, they don't care about their pics, but I don't think it's really because they don't cherish the day, rather it's that the pics don't help them remember the magic of that day. I want my pics to help me remember how special our day will be. I don't think mediocre pics will do that. Like I said, we haven't yet set a budget for photography, but I'm guessing that when it comes down to it, I'm really going to want some amazing pics. Besides, I want to be able to have the experience captured as best I can for my loved ones who won't be able to make it. Good luck making your decision! (I've still gotta figure out mine too. LOL)
  17. Well, it worked when I tried it in the "testing" thread! Let's see if it works this time. I'm sorry!!!
  18. Well, I can't figure out how to get it centered, but at least I finally got a siggy up!LOL I think it's okay for a first attempt!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sarah_prieb On Sarah's behalf from her husband, here's all of our pictures and slideshows from Elizabeth. We absolutely love her and her work. Slideshows: Our wedding day Our TTD session Pictures: Our Pictures PASSWORD: KEVINANDSARAH Enjoy (because we sure did)!! Sarah (and Kevin) OMG, Sarah! I'm speechless!!! You are so beautiful I can't imagine you ever take a bad picture, but OMG your pictures are probably the best I've ever seen! You look absolutely stunning and SO relaxed-you both do. My hope is that I look half as gorgeous as you on my day. I think I'm gonna have to go look at those all over again. THANK YOU for sharing all of these with us! It looks like it was the most incredible day of your life. I'm so grateful that you let me in on a bit of your day!
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