So this is the first chance I've had to get back to this thread... Morgan, feel free to PM me with any questions. I'd be glad to try to answer them.
Okay, I want to add a couple more things because I love my DIVA so much.
1. If you're squeamish at all about blood or putting your fingers in there, this is likely NOT the product for you. Really, for me anyway, it isn't a big deal. I pull it out, wash it out in the sink using natural soap, scrub, scrub, scrub. Shake the water off and stick it back in. At the end of every cycle I scrub it with rubbing alcohol and an old toothbrush. There are tiny holes in the rim of the silicone to help with the suction (I think that's what it's for). It does get stained around the rim so that's why I scrub it so much. Not because it isn't clean, but just because I like it to look new(ish). I only clean mine out 2-3 a day, just like a poster mentioned earlier.
2. Besides being a green choice (cost about $30) and loving NOT putting all those chemicals in me, I also love that it doesn't dry me out. Another poster mentioned this briefly. It's actually very eye-opening to realize how much moisture is in there and how much tampons suck out of you.
3. The reason I can distinguish this from the blood is because you can wear them from just before the beginning of your period until the very last bit of spotting. I LOVE that because I hate messing with liners and such. So, at the very end of my period when I'm just spotting a bit, I can see all the lubrication in the cup. It's very interesting. Now, my FI is VERY squeamish so we don't even talk about it. I told him when I started using DIVA so he wouldn't freak out when it took me a little longer in the bathroom. BTW, it doesn't still take me a little longer than changing out a tampon, but since I only do it 2-3x/day it's no big deal to me.
For those of you worried about its cleanliness, I've been using it for over two years and have never had any infections or any problems at all. Now, I will say that I religiously clean it and have only had to wipe it out with toilet paper (in public bathroom) maybe once or twice. But, I've never boiled it on the stove. LOL I've thought about it, but have never been able to bring myself to do it. "Honey, whatcha cookin' tonight?" LOL! He'd never eat anything from that pot again!!!
I do really love it, but like I said, it's not for everyone. Oh, and I think this has already been said, but you DON'T use it during intercourse, not like a diaphragm. DIVA sits just at the edge of the opening, which is why the OP was feeling it.