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Everything posted by Oscar_Ernie

  1. Hi Jennifer! We've been advised that if you're considering Mexico, Playa del Carmen is the way to go. It's the area with the most activities along with picturesque scenery. We're an active couple too, looking to stay for two weeks so we'll need lots of activities besides our wedding. LOL We're leaning toward THE ROYAL in Playa del Carmen. There's a thread in the Mexico area all about it. Lots of great info. Welcome, and hope this helps you get started!
  2. Heidi, thanks so much for your review! It helps me out SO much. Of course, I'm sure I'll still have questions, but you answered so many of them! I'm really thinking this is what we're going to end up choosing. I'm SO excited!!!
  3. Welcome! This is SUCH a helpful forum. Good luck planning everything!
  4. Oscar_Ernie


    Hi Kristen! I LOVE this forum so much! I hope you'll get as much out of it as I do. My only complaint is that as a "newbie" I can't get enough points to open everything I need/want to! That's a bit frustrating, but I hope you don't have this problem! Good luck with everything!
  5. Hi girls! I feel like I know so much about you because I just spent 2 hours reading through this entire thread! Although we haven't decided on our site yet, ROYAL is really high on our list so you all have provided SO MUCH helpful info. I do have a few questions though... SHAY-would you be willing to email me the flower info? I'll send you my email in a PM if you're willing. tchuchuca-would you be willing to email me the pics Micaela sent you of the gazebo and arch? I've run out of points to download things. Already I need to store up so I can get a couple more docs that you gals posted earlier. That's why I'm asking for the emails, if you'd be willing. Because it takes so long to get all this info from Micaela, I'd like to have it right in front of me BEFORE I make any hard and fast decision. I've gotta know what things are going to cost before I make any sort of commitment, you know? Thanks so much everyone! I've already gained SO MUCH fantastic info from you all. I REALLY appreciate it!
  6. Oops, but forgot to say...it's SO HUGE!!! I keep finding myself getting lost. LOL But I love it!!!
  7. I know I'm new and all, but already I've noticed how on-top of things the moderators are. I really appreciate that and want to say a big THANK YOU. This forum is leaps and bounds above the others I've checked out!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! I know I'm not alone in this!
  8. Thanks for being so willing to help all of us out! We, well, at least I really appreciate it! I feel like a sponge right now! LOL
  9. Hi Grace! I'm new here too, but I've already gathered SO much useful info. Good luck with all your planning!
  10. Oops. Guess I didn't read very thoroughly last time. The answer to one question is on the first page! Yes, I REALLY will read it this time. LOL
  11. Thanks gals. Yes, I did see that thread, but (at the time at least) didn't have much of the specific info I'm looking for. Yes, Jillian, I'm guessing most of my guests will want to save some money and stay at the Gran too. I also wonder what impact that will have on the cost for those of us staying at ROYAL. I'm guessing a few guests may also choose to go an even cheaper route too, with money being tight for most folks these days. I'm really curious to know how much the day passes cost because, of course, we'd be covering that for our guests. That could REALLY add up if many stay next door. I'm going to check out that thread again and see if any new info has been posted. Just thought I'd check if anyone out there had documents that could be posted for us. Thanks, gals!
  12. So this is the first chance I've had to get back to this thread... Morgan, feel free to PM me with any questions. I'd be glad to try to answer them. Okay, I want to add a couple more things because I love my DIVA so much. 1. If you're squeamish at all about blood or putting your fingers in there, this is likely NOT the product for you. Really, for me anyway, it isn't a big deal. I pull it out, wash it out in the sink using natural soap, scrub, scrub, scrub. Shake the water off and stick it back in. At the end of every cycle I scrub it with rubbing alcohol and an old toothbrush. There are tiny holes in the rim of the silicone to help with the suction (I think that's what it's for). It does get stained around the rim so that's why I scrub it so much. Not because it isn't clean, but just because I like it to look new(ish). I only clean mine out 2-3 a day, just like a poster mentioned earlier. 2. Besides being a green choice (cost about $30) and loving NOT putting all those chemicals in me, I also love that it doesn't dry me out. Another poster mentioned this briefly. It's actually very eye-opening to realize how much moisture is in there and how much tampons suck out of you. 3. The reason I can distinguish this from the blood is because you can wear them from just before the beginning of your period until the very last bit of spotting. I LOVE that because I hate messing with liners and such. So, at the very end of my period when I'm just spotting a bit, I can see all the lubrication in the cup. It's very interesting. Now, my FI is VERY squeamish so we don't even talk about it. I told him when I started using DIVA so he wouldn't freak out when it took me a little longer in the bathroom. BTW, it doesn't still take me a little longer than changing out a tampon, but since I only do it 2-3x/day it's no big deal to me. For those of you worried about its cleanliness, I've been using it for over two years and have never had any infections or any problems at all. Now, I will say that I religiously clean it and have only had to wipe it out with toilet paper (in public bathroom) maybe once or twice. But, I've never boiled it on the stove. LOL I've thought about it, but have never been able to bring myself to do it. "Honey, whatcha cookin' tonight?" LOL! He'd never eat anything from that pot again!!! I do really love it, but like I said, it's not for everyone. Oh, and I think this has already been said, but you DON'T use it during intercourse, not like a diaphragm. DIVA sits just at the edge of the opening, which is why the OP was feeling it.
  13. I've been a Diva girl for about two years now and LOVE it! Now, I'll admit that I went through a time when it drove me bonkers because for the first few months I used it I had no problems. Then, suddenly, I couldn't get it in properly. I ended up switching to the other size and it totally solved my problem. As far as feeling it goes...I find that when I first put it in I can feel the stem, but once it's been in for 10-20 minutes it slides up just a bit and don't feel it anymore. Also, if I put it in before I've actually started my period, or at the very end when things aren't as moist down there, I feel it more too. Would you consider cutting the stem off? Personally, I grab the sucker by the bottom of the cup anyway (there's NO WAY tugging on that little stem would unleash the suction for me). At least I'm guessing its the stem that's causing you problems. Just a thought. Good luck! I LOVE not having to change tampons throughout the day!!!
  14. Please forgive me if this is already in a thread somewhere (I've exhausted all search term options!), but I'm wondering if anyone has uploaded a wedding guide for THE ROYAL Playa del Carmen (or Cancun, for that matter, I'm sure the info would be roughly the same). I'm trying to get an idea of the added costs for having a wedding there and it's taking awhile for the WC to get back to me. If this info is somewhere out there already, I'd rather her not waste her time! What I'm looking for is more complete info than what's on the website already. In the Dreams Tulum thread, there's some fantastic attachments about all the details. Does anyone have anything like this for ROYAL? Added costs for additional guests and other upgrades are a concern to us and will definitely be the "clincher" when making the final decision about where we're going to do this. I have the booking form and legal requirements info already, it's all the other stuff I'm wondering about! Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!! TIA!!!
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'm so glad I stumbled across this site!!!
  16. Hi, I've been lurking quite a bit and finally decided to join so that I could take full advantage of everything this site has to offer. Thanks SO MUCH to all the posters in the Mexico threads. I've already gleaned tons of great info from you all! 1. Marie 2. Undecided. Options include June 2009, Aug 2009, April 2010 3. Riveria Maya, Mexico
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