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Everything posted by Oscar_Ernie

  1. Welcome! Thailand would be absolutely amazing!!!
  2. We've had The ROYAL at Playa del Carmen highly recommended to us. Although we've never been ourselves, it's where we've chosen to have our DW, and it's adults-only. I've heard the service and accomodations in general are really great.
  3. Like a PP, I've also read that since platinum is harder, you really shouldn't put white gold next to it because of the wear and tear on the gold. But, if you're willing to pay to repair it down the road, maybe it's worth saving a few bucks now...IMO.
  4. Welcome! Hope we can help you out in any way possible! There's so much information on here...it's just a matter of finding it! lol!
  5. Welcome! Are you counting down the days left yet? How exciting!!!
  6. Welcome! There are so many helpful people around here...and so much information!!! I wish you the best, and think the most overwhelming times are the beginning and "right before" stages. So good luck!!!
  7. Oscar_Ernie


    Welcome and congratulations!!!
  8. I actually really love the dark skies and clouds in the background! Maybe just because it makes them different from the typical sunny background everyone else has. I think they turned out fantastic!...But I have a question...are engagement photos more of an east coast thing? I'm the last to get married among my close (and I suppose my not-as-close! lol) friends and only one of them did ephotos (and I was surprised about that, but they had a friend do them). Is it just more common, like engagement parties? (I don't know ANYONE who's had an engagement party.)
  9. They both look stunning on you, but I voted for the Amsale (even though, personally, I'd choose the Pronovias for ME). It's gorgeous, unusual and the Pronovias is going to wrinkle in transit so much more. I suppose most people have their dress pressed once they arrive anyway, but any little thing to save a few bucks, right?
  10. Thanks, Sarah, for posting...good the know. Your wedding (and YOU!) looked beautiful. Did you hire an outside vendor for your professional pictures, or use the one ROYAL provides?
  11. Oh, man, what a bummer! (A huge understatement, I know!) When I was watching the news last night I was wondering what I'd do if I was in your situation. I feel so bad for you, but please don't let it ruin your day. Don't forget what it's all about! (I know that's easy for me to say.) Hopefully everything will turn out just fine without any major problems. Good luck!!!
  12. I also REALLY like the idea of a chuppa. But $400?! I guess if it's decorated and everything...I just don't know that it'd be worth it. Guess we'll decide when we have a better idea of our budget.
  13. Oh, man, I didn't even think about that whole off-site vendor policy. The time and transportation issues were my main concern. Well, perhaps it wouldn't be worth it. Besides, we're trying to make this as *easy* as possible! LOL
  14. Okay, so I've been thinking about how to bring the costs down a little and I'm wondering if you gals think this would be too risky... There is a Costco in Playa...what if we just made a Costco run in the a.m. for any additional flowers and/or bouquets? Especially if I want flowers in my hair and extra flowers on the tables, etc. Also, I'm not sure what the cake upgrade cost would work out to (depends on how many people we end up having), but maybe even getting a sheet cake there instead of making our ROYAL cake bigger? I don't know. Maybe it would end up being too stressful in the end...trying to run around the morning of. Any thoughts? Good idea, bad idea, you're-absolutely-nuts idea?
  15. So, I think I've seen this, but not 100% positive. We're really hoping for a beach ceremony, but do we have to have the white table? Are there important things that need a place to sit while we exchange our vows? I'm just not overly fond of the white table...blocks more of the view! lol
  16. Thanks for all the fantastic ideas, ladies! I've added them to my ever-increasing collection...how on earth did you ever make a decision?! lol
  17. Wow! They look fantastic! Thanks for the additional ideas...I'm adding them to the potential OOT Bag List. =)
  18. Welcome! Although I can't offer any advice, I will say that since you have rather limited time it might make it a little easier. I've found the longer I research, the more I go back-and-forth! lol I've come full circle and back to our original plan of Mexico. Although I'd never recommend the-less-you-know-is-better (we're talking about your WEDDING afterall), spend a little time reading reviews to see what might meet your needs better. Good luck!!!
  19. I'm sorry I can't be of much help (we're choosing a "wedding factory" type of place), but there are so many wonderful people here that I'm sure you'll at least get some great jumping off points. Welcome to the boards...they're so addicting, but I can't help it because everyone has been so kind!
  20. Welcome, Cassandra! This forum is SO helpful! This is only my second day as a member and already people have bent over backwards to help me out. Hope all your questions can get answered too!!!
  21. Welcome and congrats! St. Lucia...that's going to be absolutely amazing!!! You're gonna love this forum. I'm still in awe over how fantastic everyone is around here! Congrats again!!!
  22. Welcome! I've heard Cozumel is absolutely amazing! We're planning on marrying a short boat ride away in Playa del Carmen. Since we'll be there for two weeks, visiting Cozumel will be on our agenda! I can't wait!
  23. Congrats! This place is a WEALTH of knowledge!...the best internet find yet!!!
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