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Everything posted by RoryS

  1. That banquet room could be anywhere from NJ to CA. I guess it would be ok if you were having a meeting or conference, but I don't think for a wedding. Maybe if they opened the blinds on the windows.... you could at least see what's outside.
  2. If we have the tulle going up one pole - across the center pole - and down on the other side (with a bit of draping), do you think 40 yds of fuschia and 40 yds of orange are going to be enough? We're not doing the sides - just the front and the back.
  3. We ordered 2 bolts of tulle (40 yds/each). How would you go about decorating the gazebo? Just the front posts? Do you think we have enough to drape across the top beam and down the sides?
  4. I bet even if you offered to pay her way; she'd have another reason not to come. It sounds like she is just jealous - pure and simple - she had her day - basked in the limelight and can't stand the thought that it's now your time to shine. Enjoy your day and try to ignore her - I have a feeling this won't be the first "event" for her to try to outshine you. Just be prepared - I went through the same thing myself with my SIL.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jesdinan Does anyone know where the screen for the movies on the beach is located? I just learned that the world series will be going on while we are down there for my wedding. Dreams does this cool thing: "World Series: Guests will enjoy this great American tradition on the large beachside movie screen while cheering from a lounge chair with their favorite snacks and buckets of beer!" I actually think this is a really cool idea. But, I am slightly worried. I know the actual ceramony and the coctail hour will be way over by the time the game starts. I was thinking about having my reception on the beach but now I am rethinking my decision! I guess I would rather not have my reception right next to the cheering sports fans! Anyway, any idea about where they set up at so I can choose a reception location farther away, as opposed to right next to it? That is too funny - my husband would probably be with the fans!!! They kept announcing the Yankee scores at our wedding!! Yeah, I think as far away as possible would be good...
  6. My niece ordered chair bows from WeddingLinensDirect in fuschia. Unfortunately, when they arrived; they were really more of a shade of red and don't match the overlays at all. She did say they are very good quality, however. Unfortunately, there is a 35% percent restocking fee, so it costs $20 (all-in-all) for basically - nothing... It is so hard to tell from websites what the colors are like. I ordered fans and the fuschia appeared to be a very deep almost red color and when they arrived; they are truly fuschia.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by 2010wedding Hi all- If you are having one of the gold/silver wedding dinners don't they have to sit you together?? Also, I read somewhere (maybe Dreams Tulum) that you could ask the "mexican trio" to play songs of your choice if you get the Ultimate wedding package. Has anyone else heard that? Good question about the i-pod..I was just going to bring my own i-pod docking system. Janna My niece is bringing her own docking system, but I think you still need the more powerful speakers, which she is renting.
  8. speaking of money... do you know if you have to pay to rent the speakers for your i-pod 2 times? Once to use at the ceremony and again at the reception?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca AlliMay- I thought you couldn't make reservations to the restaurants for groups larger than 8. I think I read it in the guide and Jacy made some comment about it, bc I wanted to do my dinner in a restaurant. RoryS- I think you asked about the tables? I know I asked Jacy about it and I thought she gave me measurements, but I couldn't find it. All she said was that they are round. I need to look again, bc I swear she gave me some numbers that I couldn't decipher. Yes, Jacy quoted the tables in metric, so we had to do the conversion. Near as we can figure - they are 5' round tables, which she said seats 8-10 and she wanted to do 10 per table. My niece said, that is going to be too crowded, so we're going with 8 per table. It' means an extra centerpiece (which Jacy quoted at $40/per) - not bad...
  10. My niece's wedding ceremony is at 5 p.m. in the gazebo. It will probably be about 20 minutes or so. It's a symbolic ceremony. Then, following up with cocktail hour by the Lagoon. She picked the Ultimate package and has 40 guests, so is paying an additional amount for 20 people. The reception will be at the Adult Pool area, with 5 tables set up. She is renting the speakers and using her i-Pod for music. I'm hoping people will dance (with no one "falling" into the pool). I imagine that'll go to around 10:30 p.m. and then head off to Desires for some dancing.
  11. Regarding the signature drink... if you have a friend who's a bartender, maybe they can put something together for you. We're matching the colors of orange and fuschia (well - sorta) but at least it has tequila in it to go with the Mexican theme I'm really hoping they have the high tables, too. Will let you know what we come up with...
  12. Does anyone know what size the tables are for the reception? Does 5' sound right? We're trying to order overlays. If they are 5' I think we'll probably seat 8 people to a table. Also, for the cocktail hour - does anyone know if the high tables are available, rather than lower tables? I've seen them set up at some other resorts for a cocktail hour and since most people stand anyway, probably makes more sense. Also, is anyone doing a signature drink at their cocktail hour? what's the best way to set that up? make friends with the bartender? If you do, will you put a card or something on the table letting people know what your signature drink is - if it was something concocted just for your wedding
  13. Does anyone know how big the tables are for the reception? Jacy told my niece they were 5' in diameter. She ordered the overlays to fit them and when she got them; she just knew they were too small. Now, Jacy is giving her pricing for centerpieces and said 4 will be enough (4 tables of 10 people each). There's no way 10 people will fit at a 5' table. The tables in the pictures that she has look much bigger than 5'. So now she needs to reorder the overlays, but doesn't know what size to order...
  14. If your uncle can attend; then I think it would be wonderful to have that dance with him - as there is a connection there to your Dad. You can have another dance with your best friend, but maybe to a different song - like "that's what friends are for"? or something similar. Your Dad will be with you that day in spirit.
  15. My husband and I went through IVF many times - with no luck! Insurance wouldn't pick up the costs. It cost us $1500/month just for the medications required. Over $25,000 at the end and no babies to take home. I am curious where the money came from - not so much for the actual medical procedure (which that whacko doctor probably did for free and the publicity it brought him), but how did she get the meds and who paid for those?
  16. I believe the Lagoon area is near El Patio. I'm not sure about the rehearsal dinner, if it's going to be on the beach or not... Her FMIL has set that all up with Jacy, so I'm not sure of the cost, either. I know they are having a cocktail hour & dinner...
  17. Sorry, I misunderstood... My niece is having the cocktail hour at the Lagoon, near the massage hut and the reception is going to be by the Adult pool. The rehearsal dinner is going to be by the Barracuda Bar, which looks really nice.
  18. They do not book more than one wedding at the same time, so it shouldnt be an issue to get the location you want. Is that because it's such a small resort, compared to the other Dreams? That's great news!!
  19. Found this info on the DT thread. This was Sunbride's but her wedding was about a year ago... I wrote about it in my review, if I remember correctly I tipped 40$ to Landy, 5$ each to the 2 guys who did the set-up, 20$ to the dinner waiter (we were only 10 so we had one main waiter for our table) and 5$ each to the hair stylists. I'm sure some other brides are way more generous (I've heard on here about tips in the 100$+ range for the coordinators) but also many who don't tip at all. What do you think? Assuming we have 3-4 waiters (for 40 people), what would you tip each waiter?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca Yeah, unless they have a different definition of it. It states: "Wedding organization and personalization of our wedding coordinator" Its the second bullet on the list. so, then I assume a tip is appreciated and probably expected. Any ideas how much to tip and who, besides Jacy would get a tip?
  21. I was talking with my niece last night and she said Jacy had mailed her a list of what everything was going to cost and it was very close to what she had anticipated. There is a fee in there for the wedding coordinator, however, she was wondering what sort of a tip she should give to her, as well as the servers/bartenders and people who help set up with decorations, etc. Is there a set amount that most people give? We will be bringing lots of singles to give out during the week... forgot to mention... there was a posting on the Dreams website from Amstar that a Coco Bongo has opened up in PDC in December. DPA has an excursion there that leaves around 10:30pm - drops you off at Coco Bongo (with VIP privileges) and open bar for $60/per person. It leaves at 3 a.m. to return to DPA.
  22. We are buying 1 bolt each of fuschia & orange tulle (56' by 40yds). I'm sure we can leave it there for you to use, as your wedding is only a few weeks later.
  23. I was thinking about having petals along the bridge and into the gazebo(silk), but wanted white and wasn't sure if it would blend. My colors are blues and whites so not sure if blue would look good or not. We are looking at using rose petals too. Do they have to be natural or freeze-dried? I know for the environment; they sometimes have to be that way. We looked into the freeze dried and not sure how many we'd need - but they're pretty pricey. The white petals probably wouldn't show up too well. You could probably get different shades of blue, which would be pretty. We ended up going with the tulle because we couldn't get the organza in the colors we wanted (fuschia & orange) and wanted to match the chair bows. Any one thought about using lights wrapped in tulle? I guess it depends on what time your wedding is as to whether they'll show up or not, but I've seen them draped and they are very pretty.
  24. [quote=aaronsgirl;683155} I was thinking about having petals along the bridge and into the gazebo(silk), but wanted white and wasn't sure if it would blend. My colors are blues and whites so not sure if blue would look good or not. We are looking at using rose petals too. Do they have to be natural or freeze-dried? I know for the environment; they sometimes have to be that way. We looked into the freeze dried and not sure how many we'd need - but they're pretty pricey. The white petals probably wouldn't show up too well. You could probably get different shades of blue, which would be pretty. We ended up going with the tulle because we couldn't get the organza in the colors we wanted (fuschia & orange) and wanted to match the chair bows. Any one thought about using lights wrapped in tulle? I guess it depends on what time your wedding is as to whether they'll show up or not, but I've seen them draped and they are very pretty.
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