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Everything posted by blurt

  1. Hi, Im starting to panic now I haven't been in contact with the hotel, do I need to to get in contact with them to book what I want.
  2. Hi, we are getting married at Riu ROR on the 23rd June 2009, we booked everything with thomson. I told thomson that I wanted to take my dress on board and they said as long as the box is to the size of the hand luggage I can take it on board.
  3. Hi 8 months is plenty off time. We gave our guest 12 months and some of them still complained it wasn't enought time. I think what ever you would have done they still would have complained, as long as you and your FI are happy and the people who you really want to be there are there, then I say it's their loss. x
  4. Congratulations, Sorry about the weather, your pictures still look fantastic. I was telling by FI about the ones at Dunns river and he wants us to have some took there, could you let me know if you went there just for the photos or did you go on an organized trip and took your dress with you. x
  5. Hi, to all you brides. Here's my info User name Blurt Name Sue & Mark Location Riu Ocho Rios Wedding 23rd June 2009 in ja 16th June - 30th June
  6. Hi, I had never heard of the sand ceremony before going on this site. I have read alot of brides are having it but i'm not sure what it is. Could some one let me know what it and what's involved.
  7. Hi, do they cover the chairs and dress the table ? if so can you chose the colour ?
  8. Congratulations. The pictures are fantastic, you look stunning. Your review has put my mind at rest knowing you wouldn't change anything and that the hotel was nice.It has given me some idea of what it is like. I was panicing. Thankyou.
  9. Hi, we will be chilling out the day before and checking with the wedding co-ordinator to make sure everything is ok. I wouldn't want to go off site just incase she finds a problem and can't get hold of us.
  10. Hi, we are using the steel band and i think I will be walking down the aisle to the wedding march, I have listen to it on you tube and it sounds really nice.
  11. Hi, we were told that we had to book 5 rooms or more to get the free package.
  12. Hi, if anyone finds out please let me know. I eat healthy and drinks lots of water and exercise twice a week but it's still there. I must admit I don't use any creams or massage and I like to drink.
  13. Hi, it's best to go for the free package and add on. We are having the Royal package and adding a steel band. we weren't able to have the free package because we aren't taking that many people. We booked the hotel in July but we booked the wedding last week, we are getting married 23rd June 2009. I would say with that many guest you need to book as early as possible to make sure you all get in. Good luck.
  14. Hi, thanks for the info I have been looking at the threads and I have got some great ideas now. Thanks again.x
  15. Hi, does anyone know how much they charge for the reception. We don't know wether to have one or not.
  16. your photos are brilliant, you look beautiful, you look like you had fantastic time. Congratulations.
  17. Beautiful dress. It seems real once you have your dress. I brought mine 4 weeks ago, I can't stop looking at it.
  18. Hi, my parents are coming with us to Rui Ocho Rios, they are both in their 70's, could anyone let me know if there will be enough for them to do. They don't sunbathe and neither of them can swim. I am a bit worried that they will be bored.
  19. The Gazebo looks fantastic. I have an idea of what it looks like now. Do you know if you can chose how it's decorated and what colours ?
  20. That's a brilliant idea. I think I will be doing that as well.
  21. blurt


    Hi Sally, I hadn't really thought about the beach, I thought that you couldn't get married on the beach. But I do like the idea of the beach. Any photos will be very much appreciated.
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