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Everything posted by blurt

  1. Fantastic photos. We am thinking of changing from the garden gazebo to the beach gazebo, the back drop looks so beautiful. Congratulations.
  2. congratulations, looking forward to the pictures.
  3. Hi Elisa1126, we have been to the carribean a few times now and it has always given out rain, but when we got ther it was brilliant sunshine, but when it did rain it was only for about 5 mins and it was over, people didn't even get out of the pool. I have also read a few reviews where the bride have said it has rain and they have moved evrything inside and they said it didn't ruin the day. Good luck x
  4. Congratulations. Your review is brilliant and you looked amazing. Fantastic pictures.
  5. Hi Sunstarsmoon. I have found out exactly what they wanted after talking to my travel agent. It was the solicitor's that certified our documents here before sending them off, they just wanted a bussiness card with his details on.
  6. Congratulations, Looking forward to reading your review.
  7. Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. I can't seem to find the first part of your review, could you let me know where I can find it. Thanks
  8. Congratulations. Have a fantastic time. looking forward to your review and pictures.
  9. Congratulations, have a fantastic time. Looking forward to your review and pictures.
  10. Congratualtions. Looking forward to your review.
  11. Thank you :-) congratulations and I hope everything is what you have dreamed of. I look forward to reading your review. x
  12. Hi, This is driving me mad. We want to have a sand ceremony, but I have looked everywhere on the net for the kits and the only place's I have found them is in the USA and they don't ship to the UK. Can anyone help please.
  13. Congratualtions, your pictures are fantastic. I love the TTD pictures. I am still thinking whether to do it or not because I will be wearing my dress again when we get back.
  14. Hi, could anyone let me know if they have experienced this. We sent all our documents off and we have had confirmation back, but they are now asking for details of my FI divorce solicitor, we sent them a copy of the divorce certificate, I can't understand why they need this. Could anyone help please.
  15. Hi all, my documents are now gone and I am getting really excited. Just over 3 months to go. I get my dress the end of March after the seamstress has sown over 50 cystals on. All that we have left to do ( I hope) is get the rings and my FI suit. Just a quick question do you get any acknowledgement to say they have recieved them ?
  16. We are all staying in a hotel close to the airport the night before so we are going to give them to our guest then. There are 2 children coming as well and I am struggling what to put in their bags. Anyone got any ideas ?
  17. Thank you for all your help. I don't know where I would be without this site. :-)
  18. Can anyone help please I have searched all the threads and I can't find anything on this. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. I have the new and the blue, but how old does the old have to be ? and what do brides normally borrow ??
  19. We are getting married at 11am 23rd June before it gets to warm and so we haven't got to hang around.
  20. We have been to Cuba & Dominican, we tipped the maid everyday and if any of the restaurant staff had been really helpful. We also tipped the bar staff who served us the most before we went to bed. I think we will be doing the same in Jamaica.
  21. Don't worry about it, it happen to us, we had 20 guest coming now it's only 8. They all let us down for one reason or another, my FI was a bit upset because one of the couples who dropped out was his bestman but we have asked one of our other friends (who is coming) to do it. At first we were dissappointed but the more we have thought about it the better it has become. We get to spend more time with each other and with our guest who are coming and you have less people to worry about. We have been able to spend abit more on their gifts and favors. It's your day and when they see the photo's they will all wished they had been there. x
  22. Hi I have seen loads of fantastic photos where the bride is in the sea. I am having a reception when we get back for all our friends and relatives that couldn't make it and I want to wear my dress again, could anyone tell me if the dress get totally ruined or does it still look new when it has dryed.
  23. Fantastic review and photos. You have put my mind at rest regarding Michael. How much did the video cost if you don't mind me asking ? x
  24. Hi, could anyone tell me how long it takes from the airport to ROR, I have heard about 2 hours is this right ?
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