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Everything posted by soon2bePowers

  1. I agree with what several others have posted. I would not full out apologize. I might discuss how I could have handled the situation better, perhaps in a more private manner. BUT I would let her know that your feelings at that moment were true and valid. AND that you were and are very hurt by her words. Let us know how it works out.
  2. I am a teacher. I currently teach a Kindergarten-first grade multi-age classroom and love it! Just a warning to anyone who has children starting school soon, they tell their teachers EVERYTHING!! Everyday is a new exciting day. It is never dull or boring.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 lol It's a great date-- it'll actually be our 5 year anniversary that day. Our date June 11, will be our 7 year anniversary!
  4. Just checking in...several things recently completed! Groomswear found and bought!! Veil found and bought!! Bridal jewelry found and bought!! Cake topper ordered Sand ceremony ordered Bouquets (Ordered and being made!) Registered (lots of fun!) BM's gifts (ordered today!) Beginning to work on... Pre-travel newsletter (hoping to go out the beginning of May) Music Selection (for wedding, reception, and for fun) FI ring (deciding between 2) Ceremony Program GM's gifts?? The days are going by sooo very fast! June will be here in no time!
  5. Just checking in...several things recently completed! Groomswear found and bought!! Veil found and bought!! Bridal jewelry found and bought!! Cake topper ordered Sand ceremony ordered Bouquets (Ordered and being made!) Registered (lots of fun!) BM's gifts (ordered today!) Beginning to work on... Pre-travel newsletter (hoping to go out the beginning of May) Music Selection (for wedding, reception, and for fun) FI ring (deciding between 2) Ceremony Program GM's gifts?? The days are going by sooo very fast! June will be here in no time!
  6. Hey Girls, The clock is ticking for several of us! Has anyone heard/seen anything about the standard table decor or centerpieces?
  7. I found my jewelry today!! It was a very busy day as I found my jewelry and veil. My jewelry is from Macy's and Dillards. I have two sets of earring because I can't decide. Most of the jewelry is Carolee brand. Pearl Jewelry, Bridal Jewelry, Sterling Silver at Carolee I LOVE their stuff!
  8. I found my veil today! I found it at David's Bridal for $20!! It is very simple ivory, no edging. I LOVE it! I didn't want to spend a lot of money of it and was so happy when I found one I liked, then I got even happier when I saw the price!!
  9. **I tried searching for this thread and kept getting an error message, if it has already been created please point me in that direction** Hey girls, I starting to look at wedding day jewelry and was wondering what others look like. Also does anyone have any great sites or store to share. Thanks so much
  10. I was also just diagnosed with this yesterday. My doctor is sending me to get an ultra-sound of my thyroid prior to prescribing medication. Has anyone else had one of these? My symptoms included: Always tired (especially in the morning) Dry/brittle nails Issue with losing weight (with dieting and exercise) Problems with my menst. cycle After starting medication, how did your symptoms change? Also are have you experienced any side effects on the medicine?
  11. Congrats! That is so exciting and a memory that will last you a life time. Welcome to the forum, happy posting
  12. My head was spinning when I started looking at veils. Soft tulle, stiffer tulle, fingertip, elbow, cathedral. Then there are colors and edging types. YIKES! This site looks great, I will have to play around.
  13. My head was spinning when I started looking at veils. Soft tulle, stiffer tulle, fingertip, elbow, cathedral. Then there are colors and edging types. YIKES! This site looks great, I will have to play around.
  14. I have also been there! What helped me was putting photos up on our website. I said don't you think your GM's are going to think it is odd that my BM's pics are on our site and theirs aren't. I didn't get it either, I was so excited so ask my BM's. But I figure he is a guy!
  15. I didn't register for China either. I know the some people like my FSIL's love their China and use it at dinner parties and stuff. Honestly to me, the food does not taste better when it is served on China and I think that everyday dishes can be dresses up or down depending the setting of the rest of the table. I also HATE the fake that most fancy China is Hand-Wash only.
  16. I think #1 made with a corset would be beautiful. They are all beautiful but #1 got my vote, if it could be made with a corset that would be even better!
  17. I have decide to wear a veil with hair flowers. I found a picture of KARLA and I love how her hair and veil look together. I know nothing about veils, does anyone know anything about her veil (I have attached a picture). It looks skinnier than most I have seen. Is there a name for that type of veil?
  18. Angie8119, I think paying for guest to attend really depends on your financial situation. I of course wish that I could pay for them to attend but I cannot. I am trying to make their additional cost very minimal. In reality I think with a trip to Mexico my BM's are paying about the same amount as I have to been in some of there weddings. For some of them the bridal party planned and paid for a showers (my aunts are doing this for me), we went on out of town bach. trips (we are just going out to dinner for me), their dresses where $100+ dollars plus shoes plus jewelry (my dress for them was $45), hair at the salon they selected was around $100 (they are doing their own hair for mine). When I added it up I think my DW will be a couple hundred dollars more BUT that includes 5 days in Mexico! As for showers, I am inviting some people who were not invited to the actual DW but all of the people invited will be invited to our AHR. If you are not have an at home gathering I don't know what the protocol is.
  19. This might sound odd, but bare with me. Costco, yes Costco makes a wonderful white cake with cheesecake filling. It is delicious! I just checked at they have Costco's in Hawaii. You could purchase the cakes there and then add flowers or decorations to them. They may even be able to special order them, to make them in different sizes so you could stack them. Just a thought!
  20. mrseddy, We are probably have a beach ceremony and we haven't decided on our reception. We are going to make all final decisions when we arrive because I feel I need to see things in person. We decided on Valentin because our travel agent and several other travel agents said they had only heard great things about it (any negative things had to do with the fact that they were new and were working kinks out). I did see mixed reviews on Tripadvisor but I think everywhere gets mixed review on the site. I now like the fact that it is adult only, it was not really a determining factor but I love it now. I will tell you that since starting to plan with them in October I would say I have worked with 3 wedding planners. I would definitely say they still have some kinks to work out in their wedding department. I don't think they are used to dealing with American brides yet. Meaning we like answers and we like them pretty quick. I do take into consideration that they are still fairly new in resort terms, 3-4 years? And I think they are still establishing themselves. Hope this helps!
  21. We finally found the GM's attire and it has a funny story to go along. My mom and I had been ordering things offline from Macys, Old Navy, Nordstroms, etc. because my FI really isn't a shopper. Well he wasn't liking anything and finally said just take me to a store! I thought okay I will take you, you will hate it and we will get no where. Well today we went to Macy's and within 15 minutes he found everything!! His shirt, the GM's shirts and pants for everyone. Plus everything was on sale, we made calls to all 7 of his GM's including one in Trinidad to get sizes and now we have everything! That is one BIG check off the to-do list. 1st picks is FI's shirt: it is a Cubavera (excuse the David tag, I am trying to stay organized) Plain white for the GM's: They are Alfani Khaki Linen pants for all: They are Cubavera
  22. Hi girls I was out shopping yesterday and the spring stuff is coming in!! Old Navy had a ton of cute summer dresses (they didn't last week, do this week!) Forever 21 also has a ton of cute dresses and beachy clothes. Both these places had short and long dresses, all under $40! **Old Navy also had really cute luggage tags (funky cute!) Thought I would share as I am always looking for cute dresses!
  23. mrseddy, I think there were some pictures of the gazebo om JLRJEN website, the link is in post #92. It looks very nice.
  24. This is the actual email I received, I am pleased to confirm the celebration of your wedding as follows: Names: Ashley Weber & Dave Powers Wedding: Symbolic Ceremony / June 11th , 2009 (Bride & Groom must arrive 2 working days prior this day) Schedule: Will be confirmed by the Minister after you arrive to our Hotel, anyhow we will request 5 p.m. Location: Wedding location at the Valentin Imperial -Beach location
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