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Everything posted by soon2bePowers

  1. Here is snips from the email FI's uncle sent us. I went yesterday to see my doctor and nurse that I see when I travel outside of the United States.They offer pretravel medical consultation on any foreign destinations to be visited on any relevant disease and travel risk issues, and when indicated, they offer the immunization shots for the area that a person may visit. They do not see a significant risk at this time to travel to Maroma, Mexico or Cancun. They are on the Center for Disease Control website every day watching events around the world for a variety of issues.They do recommend what they have always recommended to me on foreign travel. Wash hands frequently, use anti-bacteria hand wash, and watch how you eat. It is safe to eat food that has been cooked, boiled, or food that you peel yourself, (i.e.., bananna's). Care should be taken on eating fresh fruit prepared by others. These guidelines have applied on every trip to areas where people may experience stomach problems. The current flu of concern involves mainly aches, coughing, and high fever. If your doctor recommends, you may want to take Tamaflu (Rx) for the flu and Cipro (Rx) for stomach issues. They also recommend taking Ibupropin. Both the Doctor and nurse stated that we should stay informed but plan to go ahead with confidence. We are planning on going and enjoying ourselves. I can give no one absolute guarantees. I have been to Russia four times on mission trips and usually a few people overdo it and get sick. Cipro does great. *Hope this helps some of you. The death in Texas isn't going to help any of us BUT the most recent things I have read say things in regards to the flu slowing down now and possible raring its head in the fall/winter flu season.
  2. Due to H1N1 Flu (swine flu), I am putting some of my printing on hold. We are still planning on going on with our original plans BUT I am waiting till closer to print out our pre-travel brochures. I don't think I am going to do a regular program. On my raffi fans I am going to print up the words from our sand ceremony in case the guest can't hear us. I am doing a welcome letter/brochure (it is cardstock folded in half). It has a welcome note, names of all our guest, and a very tentative schedule for the trip.
  3. Best news I have heard in a while...... My FI's uncle called today and said that he went in to see his immunization doctor. Prior to retiring he had a high profile job that took him all over the world, so he has been a patient with this doctor for a while. WELL, the doctor told him that he WOULD go to Mexico!!!! He gave him some suggestions for safe travel (which uncle is emailing me and then I will post!). I am so excited! His uncle is a very cautious person and in to me, him being willing to travel means a lot! Still sending good vibes to all!!
  4. As a date twin, I am in the same boat. I have been looking into our options and they are very limited. Most flights leaving my area are booked. I really want to wait it out. My biggest fear is guest losing money. FI can jump on a plan and get married anywhere, I just don't want the weight of 35 people losing between 1200-1500 dollars on my shoulders. Good wedding vibes all around!
  5. My wedding is still 6 weeks out but I am trying to think of possible Plan B's. Question for those who have adjusted their plans, switched locations, or canceled, we booked with applevacations and funjet, are there ways to do this without losing money? I know these sites are offering things to those traveling up to May 6, did these offerings allow you to change everything? or just flights? I am sending good wedding vibes to ALL!
  6. Any June brides rethinking their Valentin plans I am planning to hold out until it is close to my date June 11, but I have started looking at some other options. I looked at the other Valentin hotels and most are in Spain-we are not looking to go that far! Anyway, just taking it day by day and hoping things calm down in the next couple of weeks.
  7. I was told that even if you bring in an outside photographer, so can't trade in the photographer from the wedding package for something else. So I guess I will be using their photographer and the Claudia Rodriguez. She has been review a lot on this site. I am really excited about using her! Not so excited about Swine Flu, anyone other June brides kinda panicking?
  8. The calls are coming in! I was out of town on a girls weekend and didn't really begin to hear about this till today. We have had lots of people call us including one guest coming from Trinidad. We called our travel agent and he said that we are still pretty far out (6 weeks) and that TYPICALLY if travel gets banned or highly discourage, the travel companies step up and offer a travel voucher or refund. He did stress that this is an optional thing and that the companies do NOT have to do this. Also he said the typical insurance does not cover this. Is all that consistent with what most of you are hearing? We have guest traveling with Expedia, applevacations, and funjet.
  9. We did not want to register BUT we knew that people would be buying us stuff. We decided to register but not to advertise it. We figured if people are planning to buy us something they will look for a registry. If someone was not planning to buy a gift, since we didn't discuss registry they wouldn't even know that we had. We are also established with a house but we registered for a nicer set of dishes (not china but a fun set), more towels and sheets, better set of cookware, table setting stuff, nice serving ware, etc. Hope this helps
  10. I just got back from Ulta and bought some!! It is the same bottle and label on the maui site. The 8 oz was 13.50ish and then I also bought the bottle for Tanning Salons, much more expensive at $28.00. Questions for those who use this, do you use the regular one in the beds?? Does it work out good, should I return the Tanning Salon one? Thanks so much!
  11. I called an Ulta store after I saw the post and they claim that they carry it. Perhaps it is in a different bottle for that store. I asked for it by name and the girl went to look for it and confirmed they had it. I am going to stop by tomorrow or Wednesday. I will give it a smell since it is supposed to smell like coffee and let everyone know.
  12. With my e-ring, my wedding band actually slides between two bands in the e-ring. For traditional purposes I have always heard the wedding bands goes on first, then the e-ring.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by t777a i am getting the middle package and thought that it included a private dinner for 25 people. now that Lupita is back she told me that to make it private i have to pay an extra $10 per person. which would be the $1899 plus $250 for my 25 people. did anyone else hear this? I have gotten mixed information about this.When I originally began planning the wedding package did not state 25 people. It said something like wedding party member (staying at the hotel). When it stated no number Lupita told me $10 extra a person to make the invite private. Then the 2009 package updates came out and the number 25 was included. To this Alana (I think it was her I know it was not Lupita) said that the package invited a private event for 25 people but any additional people would be like $45 a person (I think the number was $45 it was around $40). We are going to have either 35 or 37 people including ourselves. So we know there is going to be additional cost. I am planning on printing all the emails I have acquired over the past months and am going to bring them with me.
  14. I am really tempted to buy some!! I am going to keep the page open to continue tempting myself!
  15. Several others have mentioned my concern above. I used to use Bare Minerals and I don't think they photograph well. Each time I have worn them and have been photographed I have a whitish hue in the pictures. If you want to use them I would do a test run and photograph yourself. I liked them for a while but I felt my skin got 'used' to them and they stopped looking at good.
  16. This site has cheap bows and has been reviewed on the site wedding linens direct home page
  17. Hey girls, I had to chime in here since I am large than a D or DD, sometimes the letter attached scares me! I bought a dress I loved (it wasn't my size when I was trying it on) when I got it the cleavage was out of control. I went to my seamstress and I am having her add a ruffle to the V. It sounds odd but the ruffle allows the V to remain, it just becomes a bit wider so it covers more. I was going to add lace to the bottom but with my dress the V, is a big part. The ruffle is a great addition and compliments the dress. I am going to a fitting next week, when I have pics I will post them. I think seeing it will make it make more sense.
  18. We got engage in August and sent out our STD in October. We sent an oversized postcard from vistaprints as STDs. Then since we see almost everyone who was invited, we handed out vistaprint magnets. We are not official invitation for Mexico but will be sending out something addition for our AHR.
  19. That many kids is crazy, but I did get sucked into the show once and it was very interesting. They use the buddy system, each older child is responsible for a younger child. When they go place they line up in birth order to make sure they haven't left anyone behind! They also make most of their clothes and are all home-school together. While it is not my thing, I think it is pretty amazing that most of the children seem to be turning out great! The mother who has given birth to 19 now (I think) is amazing looking. The oldest son who just got married had his first everything, including kiss on his wedding day! Wow, I never could have done that!
  20. Anyone made decisions on chair covers? I was sent some pictures that have covers and sashes, it was stated these were not included in the decor. The information I have says chair covers are $8 a piece and bows are $6 a piece. I would love to just have simple white chairs, but who knows what the chairs may look like. Anyone have any other info about this?
  21. Nicole, I am not doing the DJ. We got an portable Ipod thing and are planning on using it. We are doing ceremony, group pics, cocktail hour (while we take pics), dinner (at dinner we will do speeches, cut cake, 1st dance). After dinner we will head to whatever bar we have been having fun at. I would love to do fire dancers, but the Valentin didn't have any info on them. I think it would be fun to do after dinner on the way to the bar.
  22. Most of my group booked with Apple Vacations in February. Recently I was checking around for prices, just to see and found that Funjet was several hundred dollars cheaper. I contacted my TA (who I have not been that happy with) and he said that Apple does not have to honor Funjet prices and that we were basically stuck. We could trade companies but everyone would lose their original deposits of $200 so then the price difference would not be that much. He did end up contacting Apple and they agreed to come down in prices but I was really nervous at first. I know that some travel agents, perhaps with companies always price match. My TA does it on his own so he is not a powerhouse. I also feel, and I am not a TA, that by booking a head of time it could have cost more money. That might only be because of the economy being bad and companies really needed business. I would def. checkout funjet to, they had direct flights for my destination just like Apple did. Hope this helps.
  23. We selected our 7 year anniversary. It only worked out because we knew we wanted June and our anniversary happened to be in June.
  24. We also didn't send out 'actual' invitations. We sent out STD with info and our website has lots of info to. We have 35 people booked so we didn't think invite were necessary. We are sending out pre-travel brochures. I actually need to finish those up, we hope to send them out the beginning of May. Then we will send out invite for our AHR which is in August, when we get back after the wedding. Probably the 2nd week of June. I have lots of little things piled on my to-do list including... finish pre-travel brochures make tags for OOT bags (probably using monogram on business card) wrap fan handles, attach starfish charm figure out music!! This one is stumping me!!
  25. Hello Girls, I got some more answers to some of my questions, which honestly just led to more questions. I do have some things to share, through email I got the email address of the minister who will be marrying us. I want to ask him/her some questions ahead of time. I am going to attach what they have recently sent me we are using the Unforgettable Package I don't know if that makes a difference in the answers she gives me verse someone who is doing another package... Wedding Dinner options-I think for sit down dinner (I plan to ask if these are set or if you can play around with them) Cake Pictures-Only 2 and they look like they are from actual weddings. I am in love with one of them! Bouquet and Boutonniere pictures-Tons of pictures Hors D'Oeuvres Options-She confirmed with me that the cocktail hour does include beverages. Some of the files I am trying to attach are too big. If you would like me to email any of the above information to you, email me at [email protected]
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