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Everything posted by ~Debra~

  1. I agree with Kate, I think the decision as to whether you guys pay for his trip should be up to your FI and I think you should completely support whatever decision he makes. Don't get me wrong, I completely get why you don't want to and you guys definitely shouldn't have to. By not speaking up, he's put himself and you guys in a terrible predicament. I think, though, it is a small sacrifice compared to how happy your FI will be to have him there; especially since no one else is coming from his side. And maybe the bestman can work out SOME way to pay you guys back.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM man this year has absolutely FLOWWWWN by! Man I don't want to think about Christmas shopping after paying for this wedding AHHH DITTO!!! Christmas has been cancelled this year. LOL
  3. I'm going to add you now because I think your story is TOO precious and exciting to pass up! LOL Can't wait to read about it. awww, Its so great to hear about new love.
  4. Yeah I agree that they are not just talking, they are answering questions but I think NeNe was mad the attention wasn't on her at something she put together. Kelly, I completely agree with your last comment of them acting like teenagers. Me and my friends were watching the reunion and I was like WTF. Are they seriously acting like this?? I mean, the majority of their actions were totally uncalled for. Its like don't they know how to talk like adults.
  5. While I love # 3 in general, I like # 2 for your dress. I think out of the ones you posted, those will probably match your dress the most.
  6. Yeah she did say they thought it was Cancer but what made her look so silly is the fact that she didn't say they determined it wasn't which is why so many people thought she had it. It wasn't until Lisa or the host mentioned that she had Cancer did she said no. I was starting to feel bad for her until she said that. It was like she was just trying to get sympathy from people. I hope she gets it together a lil more this season. Seems like she has so many issues.
  7. I read through the whole thing too...but SO worth it! I think its very cute how giddy you are and with all you have planned for her I'm sure she's not going to want to leave Sending good vibes for you guys that everything's going to fall into place!
  8. I'm with the majority. The Purple shoes!! They are so cute and I think they'd go great with that dress. Cute dress BTW.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan What is driving me nuts is Kim's wig! She keeps messing with it and it looks worse every show. Distracting! LOL I agree! Did she have a wig last season because I just don't remember her hair looking that bad. Kandi's mom is irritating the heck outta me. I understand she may not be happy about Kandi's choice but why does she have to be SO difficult about it.! Doesn't she see or care how her actions are affecting Kandi? God. I'd have to just be like "I love u mom but i'm going to do me"
  10. DeShawn probably got tired of all the drama! I caught the last 2 episodes of last season and I was bored one day and happened to catch the reunion show the day before the premiere of season 2 and now, sadly, I am hooked. Nene seems like she has matured alot since last season. I'm glad that she is trying so hard to get everyone to be friends. It'll be interesting to see what happens after the fight.
  11. Our AHR is sept 5th and we decided to just greet guests as they come in and for those that are late, we're just making a mental note to speak with them some time throughout the night.
  12. Krystall, from an etiquette standpoint, you are supposed to pay for the rehearsal dinner. Maybe you can do something that would be a little cheaper than a full dinner. One girl said they did just appetizers and drinks. I don't know if this would be an option for you cut back on costs... Good luck with whatever you decide!
  13. I agree with everyone else. It is completely a personal decision. However, if its something you want to do it is VERY doable. We got married June 26th and closed on our house on July 7th. Very close together and to be honest, it wasn't the funnest (I know, not a word) thing to do but it wasn't that bad. The last month while I was finishing up wedding stuff, my DH finished up all the home owner's stuff and we just kept each other in the loop. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  14. You looked beautiful! I'm glad you posted some pics. Your dress was beautiful.
  15. You look great in the dress. Its simple & sexy. Perfect combination!
  16. I also moved my e-ring to my right hand before the ceremony and after the ceremony I moved it back to the left hand.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan That sucks. Our bus was freezing. I wore my jacket the entire bus ride! OMG I'm so jealous! LOL I would've loved to be in your situation!
  18. I also want to add something....not sure if this is true for every tour operator but the company that did our transfers was Jamaica Tours, booked by our TA and while they say the buses have a/c it wasn't the a/c that we were accustomed to because everyone on our bus was burning up during that ride to ROR. It was the kind of a/c that keeps you cool during the first 15 mins and then kinda wears off. Just a heads up. Again, this may not be on every bus but this was definitely the case on ours.
  19. My dress was 1000.00 and it didn't need any alterations. The only thing I had to pay for was the bustle, which was 85.00 and my veil was free. My dress for the TTD was 100.00 on ebay so I spent less than what I budgeted for, which was 1500.00
  20. Hey ladies, can I come to the get-together? Although, I'm all the way in Arkansas I've always wanted to visit the DC area....
  21. Our guests arrived over 3 days and since it was only 30 of us, we invited everyone to the rehearsa/welcome dinner & we had one excursion, a catamaran cruise and the majority of our guests went. The rest of the time was theirs to do what they wanted. I didn't want to plan an event per day because our guests were on vaca as well as being there for our wedding and who wants all their time planned out for them? It worked out great for us.
  22. I agree with PhillyBride. I'd call her or email, whichever is more comfortable for you, and lay it all out on the table. She may not have been intentionally trying to be a bad friend. It honestly just sounds like you guys don't view your friendship the same and I think it might be best to talk about that; especially since you guys have been friends for so long AND she's expecting to be invited to your shower, wedding, etc.
  23. Everything is in US dollars. No need to convert any money. We were going to but were told by our TA not to as well as by the people there because everything is in US dollars. We exchanged some money as well as some of our guests but only to bring back here as souvenirs.
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