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Everything posted by ~Debra~

  1. We don't want to stay together the night before so we will be sleeping separately. We will probably get together for breakfast since our wedding is at 5:30 but after breakfast we will go our separate ways til I walk down the aisle.
  2. I have no idea!! I really want to go to Maui but if we do that then its gonna have to be for our one year anniversary because HI is so expensive. If we do that then probably a few months after the wedding, we will visit a state here in that neither of us have visited for a couple days.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems I can't remember how much we paid per nite for the junior suite, but the day after the wedding we got a free upgrade so I was glad we didn't pay for a suite. Your lucky! Since we're getting married offsite we have to pay for the Jacuzzi suite if we want it.
  4. Thanks for that info Maureen! I just got a quote from my TA for 10 people in our group and I was thinking to myself "that's not a deal" LOL now I know why its not cheaper than the other prices I have seen.
  5. Maureen, did you have to pay to have your rehearsal dinner at Mammee Bay. I didn't know that was an option. Chandlyn only mentioned St. Anns to me. Side note: I'm having my reception at Evitas so I'll probably be having a LOT of questions for you soon. LOL
  6. I also agree with everyone else. Save what you can save and budget your wedding based on that and if they give something extra, consider it a bonus. In all of the wedding books I've seen it does break down the costs of what the bride's family pays as well as the groom's family but I think those are REALLY old traditions. These days, I don't think many people strictly adhere to those rules. We are paying for our wedding ourselves and my mom is throwing us an AHR as a gift. His mom, to my knowledge, is not paying for anything and we are completely fine with that.
  7. Chandlyn emailed me and said if I wanted my welcome dinner or rehearsal dinner anywhere other than St. Ann's I would have to pay for it. I don't remember the restaurant that she mentioned but she said that I could reserve the restaurant for $1000 for 4 hours or use the beach option for $50 a person. Needless to say, I chose St. Ann's. LOL we can't afford to spend that since we are having between 40-60 guests.
  8. OMG when does CSI Miami premiere I can't believe I was about to miss it!
  9. Does anyone know (and I know it will vary by time of year) how much the junior suite is? We wanted the Jacuzzi suite for 6 days in June and our TA quoted us 1606 per person. The total would've come to a little over 3,000 and we can NOT afford that....not just for the room but it would be nice!
  10. I got a quote from Floral Fantasies and I found them to be rather reasonable. The $50 delivery fee hikes up the price but they quoted me really cheap prices for my centerpieces and my boutinnieres (sp?) I think I'm going to go with them.
  11. Your pics are great! Your photographer did an awesome job!!
  12. We won't be sending out an RSVP a couple months before the wedding. We will know by Feb who's coming and who's not. I just think its a waste of money. I think everyone will be using our TA to book their accommodations. One of my FI's friends already said they probably will use their own TA and my FI just told im to make sure they RSVP on our website. I also made sure to put on our website that we want people to RSVP via our website. Luckily for us, everyone in our party is computer savvy.
  13. It looks great on you! It fits you perfectly!! Quick question...I've heard from bridal shops that you should begin getting your dress altered a couple months before the wedding. Since your getting yours done 5 months before, do you think you will have to go back in sometime in April?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 For all the brides going on excursions with their guest ... Are you paying for it? Are your guest paying for it? Are you paying for part of it? If you are not paying for it how are you inviting/wording it so they don't think it is free? I am not sure yet if I am planning one I can't tell if there will be enough time and if we can afford it? We are planning an excursion to Dunns River Falls and we are not paying for our guests. We put the information on our website. I just said, "this is something we've been wanting to do and we would love for everyone to join us but it is completely voluntary and I put what the price of the excursion would be. We were initally going to pay for our guests to do this but at $79 a person and wedding costs adding up I just don't think we will be able to afford to pay for them anymore. Oh, and our daily schedule is: Tues: me and FI arrive, finalize wedding stuff and chill out Wedns: finalize wedding stuff and chill out, photographer arrives Thurs: guests arrive, wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner Fri: wedding and reception Sat: TTD and Dunns River excursion Sun: guests and photographer leave Mon: me and Fi chill Tues: me and FI leave
  15. The memory frame is new to me. Sounds like a cool idea. we were thinking about having empty chairs for his grandmother and my grandmother, since we lost them both, and putting a picture of them along with a rose in the chair.
  16. Welcome!! I'm a Jamaica bride too. Congrats!!
  17. 1. Where is your cell phone? Dirty 2. Your significant other? Spoiled 3. Your hair? icky 4. Your mother? busy 5. Your father? ugh 6. Your favorite thing? reading 7. Your dream last night? nope 8. Your favorite drink? vodka 9. Your dream/goal? teach 10. The room you're in? hot 11. Your ex? jerk 12. Your fear? snakes 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? established 14. Where were you last night? bed 15. What you're not? bored 16. Muffins? yummy 17. One of your wish list items? hawaii 18. Where you grew up? happy 19. The last thing you did? twinkie 20. What are you wearing? clothes 21. Your TV? dusty 22. Your pets? cute 23. Your computer? great 24. Your life? stressful 25. Your mood? tired 26. Missing someone? definitely 27. Your vehicle? small 28. something your not wearing? shoes 29. Favorite Store? macys 30. Your summer? uneventful 31. Like someone? yup 32. favorite color? purple 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? sunday
  18. How exciting! Danielle, that's what we are planning to do too...go on our honeymoon on our one year anniversary because there is NO where else I want to honeymoon except Maui and its sooo expensive. I'm so jealous lol but I can't wait to hear your review of Maui when you get back!
  19. How exciting! My dress was supposed to come in August 29th and I've been waiting on the call everyday so I can imagine how you must feel to get the call that its there!
  20. Congratulations!! Your pictures were great and you were a beautiful bride!! Did you get your hair done at the salon or did one of your guest do it for you? I love it!
  21. FoxyBride, I was just thinking that. He does seem a little feminine to me but he's soooo good looking!! It would be a shame if he went the other way but I don't think he does.
  22. I used wedquarters also for our website and I love it. I'm not computer savvy and I was able to work with it so I'm very proud of it. I believe it was 29 or 49 dollars. debra-brian.wedquarters.com
  23. Thanks for posting the website and pricelist for the flowers! I'm going to request a quote from them.
  24. I will definitely be wearing my dress again! I figure why not since it will probably be the last time I get to wear it and I know alot of people who can't make the wedding would love to see me in the dress. Go for it!
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