Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 For all the brides going on excursions with their guest ...
Are you paying for it? Are your guest paying for it? Are you paying for part of it?
If you are not paying for it how are you inviting/wording it so they don't think it is free?
I am not sure yet if I am planning one I can't tell if there will be enough time and if we can afford it?
We are planning an excursion to Dunns River Falls and we are not paying for our guests. We put the information on our website. I just said, "this is something we've been wanting to do and we would love for everyone to join us but it is completely voluntary and I put what the price of the excursion would be. We were initally going to pay for our guests to do this but at $79 a person and wedding costs adding up I just don't think we will be able to afford to pay for them anymore.
Oh, and our daily schedule is:
Tues: me and FI arrive, finalize wedding stuff and chill out
Wedns: finalize wedding stuff and chill out, photographer arrives
Thurs: guests arrive, wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
Fri: wedding and reception
Sat: TTD and Dunns River excursion
Sun: guests and photographer leave
Mon: me and Fi chill
Tues: me and FI leave