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Everything posted by ~Debra~

  1. I was also wondering about this! We are gonna use my ipod at the restaurant. The owner says she has a DJ system but I know nothing about those systems so I'm trying to get some info about a possible plan B.
  2. Welcome and congrats on your engagement!!
  3. Getting married in Greece sounds SO exciting!! Welcome and happy planning!!
  4. ~Debra~


    Congrats!! and enjoy planning your wedding!!
  5. ~Debra~


    Welcome to the forum!!
  6. Welcome to the forum!!
  7. Welcome to the forum!!
  8. Gosh. I know its tough deciding on a location. That's probably one of the toughest decisions because there are so many wonderful locations out there. I would suggest thinking about what you really are looking for, like your "gotta haves" for your wedding and then base your decision on that. You can have everyone at the same hotel without the AI aspect of it. Luckily, you have time to think about it. Thank god for long engagements! lol
  9. Originally we decided on no more than 40 people. But we are up to 60 now and hopefully (fingers crossed) we don't go over that number. I think choosing AI or non AI is completely a personal choice. For our group, AI was the best way to go. We are a bunch of party'ers so I didn't want my guests to have to be worrying about their bank accounts while on vacation if they want to drink and eat and do certain water activities. I also like the idea of us all staying together because this will be the first time we've (his friends, my friends, his family, my family) all been able to hang out in the same spot since everyone is all over the country.
  10. Congrats!! sounds like a destination wedding is perfect for you! Welcome to the forum!!!!
  11. ~Debra~

    Negril 2009

    congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  12. ~Debra~


    I love your name...so unique. Welcome!!!
  13. I don't mind....the rate for 3 nights in a double is $462 and the rate for 4 nights in a double is $603. Single rooms are a lil more expensive. I don't remember them all offhand but I know a single for 3 nights is $703 and...that's all I can remember right now. lol
  14. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the links!!
  15. I don't know anything about those resorts...but welcome!!! I'm sure some of the girls on here can give you some feedback.
  16. Congratulations and welcome!!!!
  17. Oh! gotcha...well we never told her how many people we were inviting. To my knowledge, I don't think you have to. However, when we did get the quote she said that at least 10 rooms would have to be booked for us to get that rate and of course we are going to have at least 10 rooms at the hotel. I believe that's how it works. That's how it worked for us anyway. Maybe some other girls had different experiences.
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