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Everything posted by coppergoddess13

  1. I guess this doesn't sound like much, but I sat down with a woman at work today and helped her find the website her daughter had posted pics of the woman's grandkids on. This poor woman wasn't even sure how to get to her email, so when her daughter told her to go online and find the pics, she was nearly panicked that she wouldn't be able to see them! I think we're having email tutorials for the next few days to make sure she can get back to them again:)
  2. Wow- I'm way behind most of you! I have my wedding date set (May 22, 2009), and I've submitted my contract to the photographer. The rooms are booked, but I haven't gotten airfare yet. Um... STD cards have been sent out, and the wedding website is up and running... But that is about it! I guess I"ll need to go through your lists, make my own, and get my butt in gear!!
  3. I saw on a different board that one bride was looking for another bride in her area close to her date who'd be willing to split airfare on the photographer she was bringing in. I hadn't ever heard of that, and at first I thought it was crazy (and cheap), but... I suppose it kind of makes sense, if the photog is willing. I'm just wondering if it would work or not- anyone have experience with this?
  4. I did some research and got a recommendation from another DW bride for a photographer who was willing to work for the cost of travel (he has since started charging, so that deal is gone). To me- its worth it to get great pictures. I want to be able to look back in 20 years and remember how gorgeous the day was- that is part of why we are doing the DW in paradise, so why not get great pictures! I would go with a photographer you love, if you can afford to. I would have loved to go with Del Sol, but its beyond our means, so if you can get one of their associates, I say go for it!!
  5. The only thing I have to add is the Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World mix by IZ Cantspellhislastname. I LOVE it, and even though I'm marrying in Mexico, not Hawaii, I'm pretty sure I'm going to use it somehow. Thanks for all the great ideas ladies!
  6. That stinks (in a way)! I'd like to think that your BMs would just be happy to have free jewelry, but it doesn't sound as if that would be the case (my friends and I delight in knock-off stuff, but that is just us). If you aren't comfortable giving them, I would simply return them, and possibly report them to eBay. Good luck!
  7. hanna- wow, it sounds like you are on top of things! I was wondering- how did you approach Rocio about decrease of your package due to bringing your own officiant? When I mentioned taking out the cost of flowers b/c I wanted to bring my own fake flowers, she actually seemed very hostile about it, which I was not expecting- it was just a simple question! Any suggestions on how to approach such things would be appreciated!
  8. We are thinking about including larger mugs because the AI we are going to only gives out disposable 8 oz cups- lots of waste, don't keep drinks cool, and small! I'm also planning on post-it notes and festive pens so that people can get in touch with others at the resort- just stick a note on the door. We are including 'American' snacks like a Hershey's bar, or something like that, b/c I've heard they are hard to find at the resort. Also, I may include an inflatable beach ball for fun and games. There are several great threads about OOT on the forum, just do a search and you'll find lots of great ideas!
  9. Thanks for putting all that together- there are several bits of info that will be useful to me, and I'm sure to many other brides!
  10. I plan to put something like 'cocktails and dinner following ceremony' in mine- just to let everyone know what the plan is. I'm also including a mini wedding day timeline in my oot bags, because with our ceremony at 2, even though we are planning to have the cocktails right afterwards, there might be a little break, and I want all the guests to be on the same page with things!
  11. Adias.angel- thanks for sharing the wording advice! I was actually thinking of an alternate way to describe the TTD session b/c I was afraid they'd think 'trash the dress- what a mess!' and say no! Bridal elegance session sounds so much more... quiet:) Thanks!
  12. Thats what I was thinking! I think Xel-Ha also has a Mayan ruin near it (no temples, just ruined houses) that might be a possible TTD location, depending on the rules governing the site. I'm leaning towards Xel-Ha, if they'll allow it!
  13. Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to review Morgan's suggested reading- I'd love to get some great cenote pictures, but I don't want to destroy any ecological beauty in the pursuit of TTD pictures, so... thanks for posting all of this!
  14. I found some gorgeous pictures of both of these eco parks, and I was wondering if anyone has contacted these places, or knows someone who has, about doing TTD on site. I think they would be gorgeous areas to do it in, but I don't even know where to start finding out info on whether or not they would allow it! Any suggestions?
  15. I don't think there should be a rule on it. The 3 months salary thing was put out by diamond and jewelry companies to make more money anyway, so it doesn't really mean too much, in my opinion. I personally would have been pissed if my FI had spent much more than he did on my ring- we don't need to go into debt to be engaged- its the thought that counts!!
  16. You can always search eBay. If you search for starfish in the jewelry section, one of the categories you can pick from is pins/brooches, so there might be something there!
  17. This dress has been posted for sale on eBay, so if you are interested, please take a look at my auction! Gorgeous Maggie Sottero corset dress for sale - eBay (item 220275475121 end time Sep-06-08 16:46:29 PDT) Thanks!
  18. Wow! I'd love to see any pictures that you have from your site visit to GP! Also, which area did you feel was most central? I'm wanting my guests to have a good location between the beach, pools and food. Did you get to meet with Rocio while you were there, or talk to anyone about wedding related things? I'd love to hear ANYTHING you noticed during your visit! If you'd rather email me, you can reach me at coppergoddess13 at gmail dot com. Thanks so much!
  19. Wow! You really pampered your guests with those great bags! You've given me some great ideas:)
  20. I agree with the pp! I just went through all of this, and I have some new and great ideas of what to put in my OOT bags! I've got some time to get things together, but this gives me a place to start!
  21. I'm wanting to do personalized mugs or cups for our OOT bags b/c the resort only gives little 8 ounce cups out, and I think people will appreciate a bigger glass. However, every place I've looked has very large minimum order numbers, and we are only having about 40 people total, so I don't want to blow my entire OOT bag budget on the mugs! Any suggestions? Thanks!
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