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Everything posted by Lyss

  1. Lyss


    Hello my name is Alyssa and this is my first time being a part of a forum... My fiance Michael and I jut got engaged July 24th and we are trying to decide whether to have a wedding here in Ontario Canada or if we should go down south. In our hearts we want to have a destination wedding but are feeling like it is a lot to ask of our friends and family. I had been searching the net and found some gorgeous pics of a wedding in the Mayan....I contacted the bride who is AmyInMI and she forwarded me to this site that she said was extremely helpful in helping her plan her destination wedding. So...once we figure a way to brouch the topic of going away to get married with our families I hope I'll be able to pick your brians for ideas and be able to help anyone with anything if I possibly can! Lyss
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