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Everything posted by sofylina

  1. Hey Tobi, simply beautiful. Turns out we were on the same cruise, and our steward was amazing. Sorry that didn't turn out great for you. As for the food, we were in the Universe dining room, late seating and our food was fab. We have booked the destiny for next year for our wedding. Can't wait!
  2. Ah thanks guys, I am blushing. They were all put together from scratch, (the pocketfolds were already made). The shell ribbon and seal are individually made and cut. Can't say they were cheap, 300$ for 55, but I so wanted pretty invites. As a destination bride, there are certain things I have to live without, THESE I needed, lol!
  3. After a lot a lot of work... Here they are, My wonderful FI helped me make these, printing, cutting, gluing, embossing. We are so please with them! Our guests can't believe we made them. Enjoy! Our friend wants us to help her make hers...side business lol!
  4. My mom hates the idea...but I guess I haven't really shown her the pictures from BDW. She is traditional in that way! Guess the name doesn't do it justice, rather takes away,,,, mmmmm, we could call it "shoreline canoodling"!!!
  5. I also have an Ering from Tacori, I love it so much My band will be Tacori, but the earings will be from QVC Tacori! Thank you so much for posting. I love that these pieces are real Tacori, just made with Diamonique!
  6. It looks beautiful, maybe up close is rougher...but overall they are spectacular! Beautiful stamp!
  7. I used a heat tool, embossing powder and The Top Boss embossing stamp pad in clear. All our paper is pearly shinny. No issues on either reg paper or card stock, envelopes and pocket folds.
  8. I remember you saying that! Looks wonderful. Beautiful bride Congrats
  9. I was always weary about these "knockoffs". The prices were great, but I was always so worried. Now that I have seen a few ladies' responses and other posts...I am thinking that I won't have to SETTLE for a cheap dress that I like so so...but rather have the dress of my dreams for under my initial budget. I have never been a label girl...so to say I have a Vera Wang or Maggie is of no importance to me. I just want to feel incredible and not be broke... As for ethics...well....if you can feel comfortable buying it an wearing it, than I don't see an issue as you know it is not THE real one. If you are uncomfortable, then don't do it.
  10. I agree, have your FH's people with him at the front. Your girls walk in, then the rest is traditional. Don't make it an issue, simplify your planning words I am trying to live by!
  11. Think outside the box! The sets that are labelled sand ceremony are much pricier than a basic set you could find at Target or so, that would be just as good...and MUCH cheaper. As for us, I think we are going to do the frame. Can't see myself keeping a bottle of sand around as decoration!
  12. We got engaged in July and had one in August, when my FH parent's were visiting. We only had familly, and a few friends that are coming to the wedding. We went to a loungy restaurant, and paid for the full meal. Guests took care of their drinks. As for gifts, most people gave us cards with cash...which we didn't expect, but helped pay the supper bill. So much fun! Would love to have another one
  13. OMG, I am in love with this dress...from the website only. I was never one to say I needed a Maggie, but now, I think I need this one. I keep thinking about it, must find it to try it on!!! Can't wait to see the pics of you guys post post post!!!
  14. I think that if you want to keep them secret, you should give each other an approximate word count, that way one doesn't go way over the other.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by pbandj2010 Hi Sophie, My fiance and I are also getting married on a cruise in April 2010. I just booked it this morning. We're going on Princess and getting married at sea. Good luck with everything! Jill That's awesome. We are so excited about it. Everybody who we are inviting can't wait. It's starting to look like 50 people will be joining us. So you are doing it at sea uh? That's so romantic
  16. This is what we are doing: Nov 08 to Jan 09 --> verbal, we told people we are hoping will join us about our general plans Feb 09 --> confirmed and booked DW March 09 --> sending out invites asking people to book their cruise ASAP, including a STD post card from Grand Cayman so they can have it in clear view on their fridge Wedding is April 2010, ample time, this is how we wanted to do it. We have a website and the address is on the std. We will be sending out travel brochures a few months before sailing. Hope this helps
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