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Everything posted by sofylina

  1. PhillyBride, your bouquet is posted on her website...oh lalla! Beautiful!
  2. Just went on an 18 km bike ride...oh yeah! I better have lost weight for my weigh in tomorow
  3. I have been making them, so good. I freeze them, and thaw them out when I need them!!! I tried the marble cake mix with Diet Coke, so good too!
  4. beautiful inspiration, you will be a gorgeous bride
  5. Oh yeah, another 2.2 lbs....Best feeling in the world. Went to the gym 4 times...drank sangria, beer, brie and baguette and all you can eat sushi...I stayed within my points, and I still lost a considerable amount! I love WW!
  6. Great choice, I think they are just the right amount of retro Love them!
  7. oh, those passion parties are always hilarious!
  8. Not a great week, I was baaaad. But still 0.6lbs down.
  9. Hey Sleves, get in on a thread, 2009 or 2010 brides All together we will stay motivated and share results!
  10. Hey tata2, I am on my second week of WW, I get weighed tomorrow for the 2nd time!My first week was great, lost 4.4 lbs!!! I just couldn't believe it. I am actually eating MORE in quantity, and MUCH better quality. I still have a ways to go and weight to shed...but I am motivated. 6 months is still quite some time. Hit the gym, GO to the WW meetings and stay motivated. You want to look HOT at your wedding and in a bathing suit, so get to it. Weight Watchers works, simple as that, AND YOU KNOW IT,,,,Been there done that, no? Feel free to message me on here We are all in this together! Don't forget, the weight loss is nice for the wedding, but fabulous for your health and self esteem for the rest of your life. Stick with it hun!
  11. ladies ladies How was your week? I can't be the only one still watching!
  12. Monday is finally here! I was so excited, felt like I had a good first week, and enjoyed my weekend with some food allowances...and I lost 4.4 lbs. I am beyond thrilled! What a reward for me On a side note, I made those cupcakes...love them! 2 points (because they are muffin size.) Ladies, give it a go!
  13. Hello ladies, I was inspired to finally join WW this past week. I will have my weigh in on Monday and see how the 1st week went. I have not been exercising, but I have not cheated once, so hopefully that pays off. I am getting married on April 27, 2010, in Grand Cayman, off a cuise. We already have 39 guests booked Can't wait to lose this weight!
  14. Looks like a blast, your friends are hilarious!
  15. 1 year out to our wedding. I am so excited today Joined WW and ready to hit the ground running. (sorry mods if this is OT...I just had to share)
  16. I love this thread! Let's keep it going. Seeing "real" figures in the dresses makes it so easy now to visualize myself! Thanks ladies
  17. so beautiful you look great! I plan on getting my dress from Zero Love also, the beading looks great too
  18. I didn't think I wanted a shower....but this is changing my mind! looks like a great time
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