I am having the official wedding blues Forgive me, if I am rambling but I just want to get some stuff off my chest.
I started off with about 65 guests total coming to my wedding. Now, I think I'm down to about 20 who I know are definitely going (or at least that's what they keep saying), but deposits have yet to be paid from those "definite 20" and everyone staying staying on our resort (moondance villas) must be paid in full by March 1. The wedding is on June 20, 2009. The deposits exclude airfare. EEk!
My best friends, who are also my maids of honor (there are two of them) are now telling me that they don't know if they are going to be able to make it due to the economy. I gave them TWO YEARS TO SAVE FOR THE WEDDING! That's less than $50 a month that could have put the the side that they agreed to do happily in the beginning. They even encouraged me to have the wedding in Jamaica. They are the lucky ones who still have jobs, no large bills, no house in foreclosure, and no reason to scream about the economy since the economy's downturn has had little to no effect on their financial situation, and they had TWO YEARS to SAVE!
Everyone seems to be procrastinating about the wedding and so many try to convince us that we should have our wedding at home instead of Jamaica.
I knew that many people would not make it to our wedding because its in Jamaica, but there are so many that have disappointed us that we didn't expect and I am nervous that there will be very few people there.
Is anyone else experiencing these wedding woes?