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Everything posted by Scott-Pierre

  1. Are the little white lights included in the free package, or did you have to pay more for them?
  2. Thanks for your review! It sounds like you had a great time. I can't wait to see ur pics!
  3. Congrats! Thanks for sharing! Your pics are great! I am glad to read another great review of Michael's work!
  4. Can't wait to see your pics! If you don't mind listing what you ordered from Tai Flora and the total cost. If they refunded you $400, your original package must have been pretty expensive! I have been going back and forth with them trying to get a reasonable price.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*petals*~ Did you need the official certificate to change your insurance plan at work (if applicable)? Great question! I definitely would like to know the answer to this question as well.
  6. Does anyone have any experience with Chic Events handling the flowers for their wedding? If so, do you have pics? Were you pleased with their services?
  7. Sasha- Have u seen any pics of Chic Events work, besides what's on their website?
  8. Dr BrainFreeze- Are you going to be charged $55 for the 2 yr old to eat dinner at your reception? Do kids under a certain age eat for free? I have several small kids attending my wedding. I hope I don't have to pay full price for them since they won't be eating that much!
  9. Does anyone know if it rains on the night that you are to have a poolside dinner/reception, do they move you to Mammee Bay and refund the $55/pp charge? I know that they could try the Plantation, which is also $55/pp, but what if Plantation is occupied?
  10. Does anyone know how much the mic costs to rent for your reception? I think using a family member or close friend to announce is a great idea! It will be more personal! I am planning on using my IPod as well, instead of the DJ. I want to make sure the music I like is played. Has anyone gotten any feedback about the sound quality for a poolside dinner/reception with the sound dock? We plan to do poolside and I am worried that it may not be loud enough.
  11. Dr BrainFreeze - Less than 2 wks until u leave! U must be sooo excited! I can't wait to see your pics. We are both doing the poolside reception. Not many people have posted pics from a poolside reception, so I am anxiously awaiting yours!
  12. Congrats!! Excellence Cancun is a beautiful resort! I was there last Sept for vacation. The staff and service is excellent! You will not be disappointed!
  13. Thanks for sharing your review! It is disappointing to read your spa experience. How uncomfortable! I wonder if any of the other brides had the same experience but just didn't mention it in their reviews. It seems like you had a great attitude and took everything in stride! Your hair and nails came out great! Did Nikki or Chandlyn come to check on you at all during your dinner? 2 hrs seems like an awfully long time to wait to eat! I hope that you will share your pro pics! Congratulations!
  14. Congratulations! Your pics are beautiful! I love the sunset pic! It sounds like you had a great time, despite the JTL issues.
  15. Latrice- I plan to wear my same dress. I figured a good dry cleaning should be able to make it look pretty good after getting wet. We are also getting married on a Friday. I didn't want to have to wake up early to beat the crowds at Dunn's the morning after my wedding so Saturday was not an option for me! We are actually going to do ours Monday morning. If you are staying for several days after the ceremony, you may want to consider doing it later rather than the morning after your wedding night.
  16. Congratulations!! You made such a gorgeous bride! Can't wait to see your pro pics. Your bouquet was beautiful. Who was your florist? I would like to get a quote from them.
  17. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your pics, they came out great! Your sand ceremony items were very cute. I like that the vases had a heart shaped opening and that you engraved your sand holder. Your french manicure looked fantastic, did you get your nails done at the spa?
  18. Hotwire.com is also a great site. You don't know the name of the hotel until after you book, but you can pick the star rating. I have never been disappointed, and I have used them several times. I have gotten 4-star hotels for less than $70 a night.
  19. Has anyone used chic events? I got a random email from them. Not sure how they got my info There flower prices seem similar to Tai Flora's... expensive!
  20. PS. I still feel wierd telling my parents how we met. I haven't told them it was online. All of my friends and younger relatives know. I don't know why I have this hang up about telling my parents! LOL!
  21. We met online as well. Neither of us was looking for a serious relationship. When I realized he lived in another city, I didn't think twice about him. I just figured we chat online and that would be it. Well after several months of that, I finally broke down and gave him my number. We had great phone conversations. One weekend, he happened to be in my city and we met up. Ever since then we started visiting each other whenever we could! Five months later we were officially a couple! I moved to his city a few months after that and we have been living together since! Meeting him was the best decision I ever made!
  22. How exciting! Have a great time! If you happen to see any poolside receptions while u are there, try to take some pics so you can share! Thanks! Can't wait to read your review and see your pics!
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