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Everything posted by Scott-Pierre

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by sasha Do you have a contact for sheila bakery Sheila's email is [email protected].
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Scott-Pierre - Have you ever been to Marlin Monroe's? Are they any good? I have never heard of Marlin Monroe's. As Turk mentioned in her post, I have never heard anyone talk about it either. My coworkers are always talking about good/new places to eat, so I am sure they would have mentioned it if it was really good.
  3. Any Savannah, Ga area brides out there?
  4. I live in Savannah. I just did a baby shower at Carlitos. They have a back room that we used. The waiters were NOT friendly and the food was just ok. This was my 3rd or 4th time eating there and the food has always been ok, but the waiters weren't. The only problem is that Carlito's would be the best location for u if u are getting married on Tybee, and want to party downtown. Just a heads up parking is limited and the garage across the street fills up quickly. There are lots that u can pay to park, but they are usually $10. I prefer Jalapenos and there is a location on Skidaway Rd which would actually be closer to Tybee and there is better parking. I have never eaten at this location, but I have at their other 2 and the food is always good! They are my favorite mexican place in Savannah. I actually just had Jalapenos last night! I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions!
  5. I grew up in Reading, Pa... it is sooo wierd to see it on TV when they show them out and about. The same club Jon got caught at is where I celebrated my 21st bday! How wierd! I must say Kate is not very nice to him on the show.. maybe they edit it that way, or maybe she really is mean... I would need to go out and get a drink if I was him too! No matter who is cheating on you, I feel sorry for the kids. When they are old enough to really understand what is being reported in the media, they are the ones that will be hurt the most. Maybe instead of running around with other people and doing all of these interviews and events, they should be at home with their kids.
  6. If you missed the first episode, search for it on You Tube. Almost all of the previous episodes, from last season, have been put on there by someone.
  7. I know that someone already purchased the pink hanging tea lights, but where did u get them from?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze I didnt get pics from her. I just found a pic of what I liked and asked her to replicate. I did all the additional decorations (seashells and brown sugar) Was she not able to do the additional decorations for you? How did you transport them to Jamaica. They look wonderful in the pics!
  9. ErikaJ- I am just going to order them. The light ivory looks like it would match my dress prefectly. It is a little much for flip flops, but u only get married once! I will let you know how they are! Meli122- Thanks for the info!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by xcandilkx Did you take a look at the size chart on their website? What size am I? Thanks for the link. I had checked that out before. I was hoping someone would be able to rate the comfort. Looks like I am just going to have to go for it and see for myself!
  11. Congrats and thanks for sharing! It looks like everyone had so much fun! You were a gorgeous bride. The salon did a great job on your hair. Your TTD pics were amazing!
  12. We are using Usher's "Here I Stand". Its a new song, but has that old school feel. I LOVE his voice on this song!
  13. No one out there used these flip flops? I would really like some feedback before I order. Thanks!!
  14. I think your ring is gorgeous and worth spending the money to get a custom band to fit. You are going to wear it for the rest of your life, so it is worth it! You could do a really thin band of diamonds, in the same cut, that would just fit right under the engagment ring. I think that would be beautiful!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Marnie&Peter I would just like to add tho that when I was talking with Chandalyn thru emails prior to our wedding she told me that you wouldnt be able to use the cd player at all during your pool side reception. im not too sure what your reception plans were and whether or not this is accurate. Thanks for the heads up! We are doing the poolside, so I guess we will go and buy a Bose Ipod player just to be on the safe side.
  16. Could you guys please send me the email of some pics as well? [email protected]. Thanks!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by BlakleyBrideToBe I love you them! I'm going to try and get her to do mine. I looked on her website for a phone number. There is a phone number listed but no area code, does anyone know what the area code is? Thanks Lori I am not sure of the area code, but I know that she is in Canada. Her direct email is [email protected]. Or u can fill out that quote request form on the website and she is pretty prompt at getting back to you.
  18. I am using her as well. I just paid my deposit, so I don't have any pics to share. However, if u do a search there are a few posts where some girls have posted pics of their bouquets.
  19. Congratulations on the wedding and becoming a mom! You looked beautiful!
  20. Have any of you ladies ordered bridal flip flops from Tracey Asai Designs? They are really cute and I am thinking about ordering a pair. My question for those of you that have, do the sizes run small. large, or true to size? Are they comfy? Thanks!
  21. Thanks for the info!!! Scanning will definitely save on postage to Jamaica!
  22. Does anyone know what Sheila's delivery charge is?
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