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Everything posted by Jess&Dan

  1. Hey ladies, is anyone else having their day at a Riu in DR, or better yet at the Bambu.. we are just starting to look into things for our December 2009 wedding, does anyone have a price list for the extras, or menu's? Thanks a lot for any help!
  2. I am starting to plan at the Riu Bambu, for December 2009!
  3. Thanks everyone, for those who asked we have not yet booked anything but, We are strongly leaning towards the Riu Bambu. Does anyone have any suggestions? We really don't want our guests to have to spend an arm and a leg to come, so, trying to find a good affordable spot!
  4. Hello, My name is Jess we are starting to plan our wedding for December of 2009 in Punta Cana DR. Can't wait!
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