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Everything posted by AnneW

  1. These look great! What program did you use to make them?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by rdhbride love them! i've been looking for the flowers on yours where did you find them? going crazy searching!!!!!! It's the Hibiscus "font" on dafont.com. You have to download the "font". The letters are associated with the different types of hibiscus flower. It's a great website! There are so many other ones too - "wm trees" is great for palm trees, there's also "wm aquatic", "sc by the sea", "tropicana", etc. Hope that helps. Good luck!
  3. I love everthing! I am going to have to steal your ideas! You did such a great job! Where did you get the plastic holders for the luggage tags?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by RosieM So cute! What font did you use for the flip flops?? Thank you so much! The flip flops were actually an image that I found on Google Images. This is where I found it. Google Image Result for http://www.clipartandcrafts.com/clipart/borders/images/flipflops-borderv.gif I just copied and pasted it, and then had to rotate the "picture" in the Word document. Super easy.
  5. After countless hours on BDW, and many hours printing, cutting, perforating, and licking envelopes, my boarding pass stds are finally done! I had a bit of a problem with Paper Presentation. I attempted to order blue cardstock through them. After waiting 2 1/2 weeks, my FI called and was told that our original order was lost due to a "computer glitch". He reordered the paper. When I got the paper, after another week, it was the wrong paperweight. He hadn't ordered cardstock. I decided just to use Office Depot's bright blue cardstock for $14.99, and I think they turned out just fine. I came up with three different designs & couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I used all three. I ordered magnets through Vista Print & attached them on the inside of the holder with a removeable "glue dot" from Michael's. I purchased almost all of my materials (rotary cutter, corner cutter, palm tree punch, ribbon) from Michael's. I bought the white cardstock from Walmart. Thank you ladies so much for all of your help! Here they are:
  6. Yes, you need to drag the font file to your "Font Folder" under my computer (I think). Make sure Word is not open when you do this. Once you drag & drop - open a Word doc & it should be there!
  7. You could try wishcentral.com. This website allows you to create a registry and put items from all different stores on it! I'm not sure if you can add gift certificate, but it's worth a try.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Archie510 Yes, I also feel that a veil would NOT go with this dress.... BUT...I also feel like I won't feel like a bride with out it! My Fiancee wants me to wear a veil because he says it makes it even more official! WTF? Anyways, Im still stuck between a rock and a hard spot! Plus, I dont want to spend so much money on a freakin veil!!! LOL I think the dress would go just fine with a veil - something simple - but you could pull it off! It sounds like your FI has been imagining what his wedding day will look like too! That's so great! You could always wear it for the ceremony and some pictures & then take out the veil for the rest of pictures & the reception. Also, you could always attempt to make a veil as a DIY project to save money - or, there's always Craigslist.com, or ebay! Good Luck!
  9. I'm using fuchsia for my BM dresses. I am thinking of using orange, blue, and some green accents. I hope it works out! Anyone have any photos of these color combinations?
  10. Oh Wow! It looks like you had a great time! I'm surprised Burt has made it to all of those bachelorette parties unscathed! He's one tough dude! So are you! YOU RODE THE BULL!
  11. Oh my! You rode the bull! I can't wait to see the pics! It sounds like your friends threw you a great party!
  12. Wow! You look amazing! Sorry to hear there were some bad things that happened. The location looks spectacular! Congratulations!
  13. I'm getting married at the Renaissance Aruba Resort in May 2009. I was so excited to see your pictures, glitterbug! Who was your photographer? Does he/she have a website? Can you offer any info about the food, etc? I am so excited to connect with people on BDW about the Renaissance!
  14. Woops - I didn't think there was a May 2009 Brides thread & I started one today - Petals lead me here! So, I've looked at everything everyone has done so far & I feel like I'm behind. My FI thinks I'm nuts for starting everything so early, but you ladies seem to be on top of things! Here's what I've done so far: - Researched & booked resort (DJ, flowers, etc) - Reserved block of rooms for guests - Researching currently locations for Welcome Dinner - Almost ready to send out DIY Boarding Pass STDs - Hashed out the guest list! - Created wedding website - Started Registry - Designed Logo - Spoken with a Travel Agent - Found, ordered, and purchased wedding dress - Chose BM dresses - Sent out Thank You's to BMs - Spent countless hours on BDW! So, I think that's a good start. I still have so much to do!!!! -
  15. Okay, so I've seen threads for many of the months in 2009 - except May. So, I thought we needed to represent! I think it would be fun to let everyone know where are you in the process, why you chose a destination wedding, where you are getting married, what DIY projects you're working on, frustrations, exchange information, etc... Go for it! I'll start - I'm working on finishing up my STDs (I always giggle when I write that I'm doing the boarding pass STDs, and couldn't decide on just one design - I created three! We chose Aruba for our destination wedding because of the climate & it is some place we have always wanted to go. I am so excited!
  16. I had Amarillis help with one of mine & I also played around on Power Point. You can make one using "fonts" on dafont.com (wm trees, wm aquatic, sc by the sea, etc.) that look like pictures, or you can use clip art. You can create shapes (circles, squares, etc) to enclose it & text in text boxes - and then play with the colors. Once you have created one, you can "select all" and "group" them, and then save it as a jpg file. Then when you import it, or copy and paste into another document (example: a Word doc), then you can change the size without messing it up! You can always PM me to get more info. Good luck. Hope this was helpful.
  17. I've decided to do them at home! I have a photo printer & the copies look just like the ones from Staples!
  18. I don't think it would be too much to do a flower and veil. You can do whatever you want - it's your wedding! By the way, you look gorgeous in your dress!
  19. I really like them! Does the woman who did them have a website? Would you be able to PM to give me her name?
  20. Yep - went for a 6am jog. Now, I'm sleepy. Tomorrow, Jillian Michaels greets me at 6am for my Power Sculpt DVD. Yippee!
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