Hey Michelle, my best friend has had one for 12 years, she got a permanent one when she was only 16 and had to have her colon removed. I think the advice about the pillows is a good one, and thankfully you don't have too long to deal with it. I thought i would share a funny story though...
So my friend "L" couldn't graduate high-school with the rest of us because of her illness, she had to take her final year at another school and one day in class during an exam the girl behind her lets out quite a loud "toot." Everyone turns to look and laugh, and the girl goes, "ew, L you are so disgusting." She found this quite amusing since she no longer had a colon, everything was all stitched up, and it would be physically impossible for her to have made the offending sound.
I know it was a hard transition for her and I really hope that things start to get better and more comfortable for you... it will be gone before you know it.
All the best