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Everything posted by edssbride09

  1. Hey Ladies, So miss Montego bay and I have been PM'ing about our weight loss goals, but since there are a couple more we can try posting here... I mean we are all "april 2009 Brides" and are "checking in" so it keeps with the purpose of the post though i suppose we could make a new post? Thoughts? We just made christmas weight goals... I want to be down 6 lbs by xmas! I am on my way and avoiding the halloween candy to do it!
  2. My baby came out so UGLY!!! Wow, i better think twice before marrying FI... haha, or i shall just choose more flattering pictures!
  3. About two years ago I got my mac... my baby! Honestly up until the day I bought it, I hated mac's... i thought i couldn't use it, and they were tricky... I also thought you couldn't do a right-click but you totally can, just differently. After about a week I was in LOVE with it. It is so small, amazing, works efficiently, long battery power. My FI bought himself one about 6 months later becuase he liked mine so much... There are a few things that can be frustrating, but there are ways around any "mac" issue you may have. Join the mac club, its fun... watch a few of the pc mac ad's just to make yourself certain!
  4. Miss Montego bay it seems like just you and I, so i just sent you a PM, I don't want to take this thread on a new tangent that the other ladies aren't in to!
  5. Hey Michelle, my best friend has had one for 12 years, she got a permanent one when she was only 16 and had to have her colon removed. I think the advice about the pillows is a good one, and thankfully you don't have too long to deal with it. I thought i would share a funny story though... So my friend "L" couldn't graduate high-school with the rest of us because of her illness, she had to take her final year at another school and one day in class during an exam the girl behind her lets out quite a loud "toot." Everyone turns to look and laugh, and the girl goes, "ew, L you are so disgusting." She found this quite amusing since she no longer had a colon, everything was all stitched up, and it would be physically impossible for her to have made the offending sound. I know it was a hard transition for her and I really hope that things start to get better and more comfortable for you... it will be gone before you know it. All the best
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by montegobay09 I'm definately jumping on that one!! I want to lose 10 lbs as well and I'm determined to do most of it before the festive season begins so that I can have a positive attitude through the holidays. I do much better if I have someone that I can be accountable to. Thanks for the offer! Do you want to make it a daily accountability, weekly?? I am all for daily accountability! I mean that is what it is going to take! Lets give it another day and see if anyone else is interested and if not, we can totally go the PM route!
  7. Hey Ladies! So... this is a bit of a different progress report but I know many of us are going to be striving to lose a few pounds before April, and I was wondering if anyone wants to share their progress, or even be a PM weight loss buddy? I personally want to lose 10lbs and just joined Weight Watchers online to keep myself accountable!
  8. Wow, you're getting married soon! Congratulations and welcome!
  9. Welcome, i am sure you will find so many terrific wedding locations on here!
  10. Welcome to the forum, its lots of fun here!
  11. Welcome Erin! There are lots of us April 2009 brides on here, i am sure you will find it useful!
  12. Your hair looks so great both blonde, and dark. But the dark looks so beautiful, i would go dark!
  13. Sunbride, thanks for that very well put synopsis of the situation!
  14. I sure hope so, i just adjusted my budget to reflect the exchange rate (it was based on 1 to 1 before) and this is adding 1600-1800 dollars!!! Ouch, i am going to have to make some cuts
  15. I am super stressed about this... i have to pay for my wedding in February, and all the prices are USD! It was at par when i booked. This sucks! Thankfully I have a Canadian photographer so I get to pay that in CAD funds... Lets hope it starts to climb as fast as it fell...,
  16. You looked fantastic!!! I absolutely loved your hair, and the headband... could you please tell me where did you get that (and if you are selling it :-) That is exactly what I am looking for! Stunning!
  17. I voted to change it, though it was beautiful the 1st time around. Why not go something different though, not everyone gets to have 2 weddings!
  18. That is too tragic, i am really sorry you had to go through this again. You did all that you could
  19. I have ordered bridesmaid dresses on angelinatz.com last year, and recently ordered my wedding dress from bestbridalprices.com
  20. I love them! Black cats are always the best! (it is a little known secret :-)
  21. My girls got theirs online for $68 at Donna Ricco Dresses :: Shop for Petite Dresses, Missy Dresses, and Women?s Dresses. they had some amazing sale dresses a month ago, they may still!
  22. So, my FI was set on having a custom suit made by this incredible travelling tailor... He was SET on this! Being the frugal bride that I am, i was constantly trying to get him to see that he could get a great suit without blowing our budget on a custom one... well last night we were checking out the Macys site and found it!! It is not your typical tan suit, and i absolutely love the colour. PLUS I found a terrific discount that gave us free shipping, AND 20% off, so the grand total was $256.00 for this beautiful Calvin Klein number! If anyone wants to order GM attire for the next 2 days you can use the code for mens ware VIPSALE! We just also ordered all the pants for the GM! I can't find a picture to post, but here is the link for any other frugal brides out there! Calvin Klein Tan Tic Suit Separates - Suits & Suit Separates - Men's - Macy's Was so excited I just had to share!
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