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Everything posted by Simistar

  1. Hey ladies, Just wanted to let you guys know about this thread I posted awhile ago... It's a link to a review of a bunch of different online book companies, like Shutterfly and Mpix etc... The guys who did the review ordered from all the companies (more than a dozen I think) and then compared quality etc... Anyway, it might be helpful in deciding which company to use... http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/63586/wondering-what-company-to-use-to-print-your-photo-book-read-this-review Good luck!
  2. Â Congrats Ayita!! You must be over-the-moon excited! I hope the amnio goes well...I think that can be a bit risky...? We will all have our fingers crossed for you:-) Â Â Carly, I am SO sorry... Perhaps a step back is what you need... I'm just a month of trying in so I'm sure I can't grasp how disappointed and frustrated you must be... But I can say that wow, baby-making can be exhausting and again, we've only been at it one month! So I can imagine how mentally and emotionally exhausted you must be... break would probably be good. Â I did find out from using that Clearblue digital fertility monitor that I don't ovulate until like day 19! yikes. Glad I bought it:-) I'm pretty sure AF is coming (all the symptoms) so I don't think we were successful this time... Â
  3. Thank you:-) Unfortunately, I just read another posting on this forum from a bride who used him and got terrible pictures... So, he's still out there ruining people's wedding photos...AAARGH! Â
  4. I'm REALLY sorry to hear about your experience! Not sure if you already read my review (link below) about my experience with Michael Maurus and CWP, but it was pretty much the same... Other brides posted on the thread I started that they didn't even receive ANY of the pictures they paid for! It's a good thing you posted something...at least maybe more brides can be forewarned... (Not that that helps you unfortunately...) Â Now, all that being said... There are AMAZING people on this forum! I had help with photoshopping some of the bad pics Michael gave us to make them more usable.... Perhaps a professional in your area (or on this forum) can take a look at all the pictures and help you "fix" some of them...? If there's anything I can do to help (not sure what that would be...I know how to use Lumapix Fotofusion to help with layouts if you decide to design your album... and will be taking a course in a month or so on how to use Photoshop...but don't know how right now:-)) In any case, more than happy to help if I can... And again, sorry to hear about your photos... Â
  5. Â Â Hey girl! That's very nice of you to say...but you know I got some inspiration from your pro album!:-) And the funny thing is, I didn't actually use my new Mac for this project, I used my old PC laptop:-) FF is made for PCs...you CAN run it on a Mac but you need a special program (Parallels or similar I believe) which I didn't have... Â As for what company to use, if other brides out there are looking for something less expensive than Black River Imaging, I posted a link in another thread to a review I read online... This guy ordered from about 15 different companies (like Mpix, Picaboo, Blurb, etc) and compared them all, in terms of quality etc... It's a good read if you're wondering what company to use... Here's a link to that thread...(with the link to the review:-)) Â http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/63586/wondering-what-company-to-use-to-print-your-photo-book-read-this-review
  6. Â Haha -- you don't want to ask me about my experience getting my hair done:-) (Anyone who's read my review -- there's a link to it at the bottom of this post -- knows it was a disaster:-)) I would suggest getting a trial FOR SURE...and if you have any hesitations at ALL about the person doing your hair...i..e she's just not getting it, or you're not entirely happy with it, have a back-up plan! Either know how to do your hair yourself or take the number of a recommended hair stylist (I there's a thread somewhere on that...under the RM Vendors I think...) and call that person if you need to. I kind of had a bad feeling about the woman who did my hair even during our trial and I should have followed my gut instinct and just have done it myself on my actual wedding day...which is actually what ended up happening, lol:-) Â
  7. Hi ladies! Haven't posted on here for awhile, but I've been following the thread:-) I feel like I got married soooooo long ago (2008) and things have changed so much since I got married at SMB that I'm not sure how much help I'd be... However, just thought I'd throw my two cents in on a few things, for that it's worth:-) Â When I went, they were totally disorganized, so hopefully this has been sorted out, and it sounds like it has. (My mom and I went together and they didn't have a room where we could both be in at the same time, but they squished us into the "bridal suite"...which at that point was really just a room where I think they did massages:-)...Anyway, with two blow dryers going in that one room, we blew out the power in the whole salon:-) So they moved my mom to the main area...) Again, I'm sure that has all been sorted now, but I would suggest you let Cecilia know beforehand what you have in mind, and tell her in the MINUTEST of detail, and then when you get there, go to the spa/salon yourself, talk to the manager there and make sure everything's okay... i.e. don't leave it all to Cecilia...she's busy and can let things slip. Â We didn't stay in the honeymoon suite, but friends of ours did! (Which was kind of funny since they were there for our wedding,lol:-)) Anywaaay, it was GORGEOUS...it was ground level though, so if you don't have a view. But you do have a private swim-out pool. And jacuzzi tub. We had an ocean-front room on the top level (third floor? fourth? can't remember) because we loved being able to look out at the beach and the ocean, so we preferred our suite. Either ocean-front or honeymoon suite gtes you into the "preferred club" which I thought was worth it:-) The honeymoon suite is quite large, so it would be good for getting ready with your bridesmaids and for pictures... I'd say, if it's in your budget, splurge on it (or at least an ocean-front)...they ARE beautiful. Â Hey Kits!:-) Yes, we had 24 guests (so 26 incl. us total) and we LOVED having a DJ! But we had some dancers/partiers on our crowd:-) The DJ also helped with some announcing and kept the mood upbeat... So if you think your crowd isn't really the type, you may be better off with an iPod and speakers. Plus, my DH and I did a cool first dance and we needed the DJ to be controlling the music for us:-) And generally, my DH and I did not want to have to worry about the music, we just wanted to relax and have fun...and with our luck, the iPod or speakers would have broken two minutes before our reception started, lol:-)
  8. Fingers crosses...you never know!:-)
  9. That's what I thought -- I just wanted to make sure I was reading it properly:-) Some of the instructions I've had to read a few times to make sure I got it right, lol:-) Â
  10. Yeah, I know...having to get up early just to pee sucks... But I do think you have to keep doing it on weekends to be consistent... From what I've read, I think most people set their alarm, pee and then go back to sleep. Or try to anyway:-) Â And of course, I now have yet ANOTHER pee question... This is for the digital fertility monitor in particular...Do you have to test at the exact same time every day...OR is it okay as long as it's within the "window"...? Â
  11. Thanks for the help ladies! My DH and I bought one yesterday... we bought the expensive one (not the $40 kind) and got it on sale for $199, whoo-hoo:-) (it's normally $250) I just figure, I'm 37 and I wanna make sure we're making use our of every fertile moment possible, lol:-) Glad to hear the positive feedback from those who have tried the fertility monitors..... You have to wait til the start of a cycle to start using it, so for me, that should be within the next couple days, then I'll report back on how it goes:-) Â I do have a question I'm not sure any of you can answer, but.... It says you're supposed to use your first urine of the day for the testing stick... I will often get up in the middle of the night (3am/4am/5am...somewhere in there) and pee,then go back to sleep. Would THAT be considered my first urine of the day, or can I test the first pee when I actually get up...? Â TIA:-)
  12. Hi Ladies! Â So glad I just found this thread... read through all 24 pages of it! My husband and are about to start TTC... I've already been doing lots of searching online b/c there is SO much I did not know about all of this! Glad there's a thread here with you gals helping out...the other TTC forums just don't seem as good:-) Â I do have a question I didn't see addressed... Has anyone on here used a fertility monitor...like the ClearBlue Digital Fertility Monitor, or similar...? Just wondering what your experiences with them have been... Â Thanks - and good luck to everyone trying!
  13. Hi Ladies, Â I know LOTS of us DIY our own albums, guestbooks etc and use sites like Shutterfly, Mpix, Blurb, etc. I just came across this review of about a dozen or MORE different online book publishers... The guy who wrote it ordered albums from all the companies and then compared them, so it's a REALLY good review of each one, comparing quality etc. And he even reviews some Canadian sites for all the Canadian BDWers!:-) Â Anyway, here's the link to the review: Â http://www.digitalhomethoughts.com/news/show/97676/ Â It's REALLY long (15 pages!) but near the bottom of the first page, there's a link that says "skip to conclusion" and that gets you to the end results...which is probably what you'll be most interested in:-) Â Hope this helps all you DIYers :-)
  14. If you're not happy with the work the she did, or even the effort she put it into, I would look for another photographer RIGHT NOW! Seriously. I am saying this as someone who had a terrible wedding photographer and consequently, terrible pictures. If we had had the chance to do an e-shoot with him first, to see his personality and his quality of shots, there's NO WAY we would have booked him! Our photos are my biggest regret of the whole wedding planning process. There's no "do-over", so make sure you get a person you trust and whose work you love, even if it means losing out on a deposit to do it. Good luck:-)
  15. Hi there! Â Sorry for taking SOO long to respond! (I was out of town for a REALLY long time and have been swamped...) Anywaaaay, I searched and searched through the pics I have and the only shots I have of it decorated are from our reception at night, in the background... It's basically the way they decorate it, though it looks a lot nicer in the daylight:-) And of course, that's just the basic decoration...you can pay to have more "stuff" added, like flowers, etc... Â Did you try posting this question on the Secrets Maroma Thread...? Someone there may be of more help...? Â Â GRRRR!! I've tried posting the pics I have of it at night and for some reason it won't let me post! It keeps saying an error ocurred...Hmmm...will try again tomorrow and see if it works! Â Â Â Â
  16. Okay guys, I looked up all the email addies I had for Cancun Wedding Photography and Michael Maurus... My guess is the ones with people's names may not work, since they likely don't work there anymore, but again, I would just mass email all these addresses and see if ANYONE answers! Â Here they are: Â [email protected] Â [email protected] Â [email protected] Â [email protected] Â [email protected] Â [email protected] Â My fingers are crossed for you guys that you get your pictures!! I mean, mine sucked, but at least I got them (and could then try to edit them to make them salvageable...) Â Please keep us posted on what happens!!
  17. Â Yikes -- sorry guys! I've been swamped and forgot to look up what email addresses I have/had for him...Will do that today!! Not sure if they'll work, but worth a shot... What a JERK to not get you guys your pictures!!!! Â
  18. Oh man! I'm SO sorry to hear this... I too wish I had been able to find reviews like the one I did on Michael Maurus and his work before we booked... which is why I wrote it. I'm sorry you're having trouble too, but it's good you posted about it...so more future brides will know what he's all about. I'm out of town right now, but on my computer at home I have some email addresses I used when I was still dealing with him. When I get home (won't be until Monday or Tuesday) I can post/PM the email addresses I have for him...not sure if they'll work, but worth a shot, right?;-) Â
  19. Free shipping from flowerclip.com until August 31st. Enter code: FREESHIP
  20. I'm not sure if it's changed since I got married there (Dec. 2008)...I don't *think* it has, but I just had to pay for a day-pass ($90) to get any outside vendors in...photographer, DJ, whatever... SMB just charged the cost of a day-pass (which, BTW, seems to change depending on the day you ask Cecilia:-)) Good luck!!
  21. Crap -- have totally missed out on this thread!:-) I'm old and married now and don't get on here as often as I'd like:-) On another thread a few of us were talking about meeting up a while ago... Then life got in the way:-) I HATE that:-) Anywaaay, just throwing the idea out there...which I did on the other thread...and hopefully i can lasso some of the other Mrs. on here who are from Vancouver...but I'd love to have y'all over to my place (it's in Vancouver, near Granville Island) for drinks and appies! The only thing is, I'm in LA until probably mid-September, so can't so it til then...but figure that's enough time to get the word out and see if anyone's interested:-) So, if you're interested, lemme know!
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