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Everything posted by Anon101

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by scooby9c Hopefully this works this time :-) Love it! You're making me rethink my decision to just go with one of the resort-provided designs! Good luck getting everything done.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Are you getting your makeup done at the spa? How much is it? So obviously I need to rethink my timing for the day. Originally I was thinking of starting our hair at 12!! Tiffany told me to schedule 2 girls at a time? I've read mixed things from those who got their makeup done at the spa, so I'm not sure. I was quoted $168 (including a trial). I'm thinking I'll do the trial and, if it comes out bad, do my own for the wedding (so, in case I don't end up going with the resort on the wedding, I'll bring backup makeup -- and try and negotiate a discounted payment for only doing the trial). The price is obviously ridiculous, but what else is new! FYI - the bridal hairstyle is $85 and the bridesmade hair is $50. Not sure why she said 2 girls? Maybe there is another wedding your day and slots have already been reserved? If having 3 girls go at once makes a difference, I would push her on it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Anon - OMG so what time am I going to have to start these appointments if my ceremony is at 4pm? My ceremony is at 4pm too and I'm starting at 9am! I'm doing hair from 9 to 10:30 and makeup application from 10:30 until 12pm (also 1 1/2 hour appointment). Then we're doing pics from 12:30 until 3pm, with an hour to freshen up in between. Gonna be a busy day!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Does anyone know how many people they have working on hair at a time on the wedding day? I'm trying to figure out how much time it will take for 4 of us. Nicole - Not sure if every day is the same, but we were told they will have three salon hairdressers available at a time and that Hair Style Combo appointments (for bridesmades) will be 1 hour while the Bridal Hairstyle appointment (for bride) will be 1 1/2 hours (note, there is also a Bridal Suite, which the bride may be able to use and they have an additional stylist available for this -- so, with the Bridal Suite, you may be able to do 4 appointments at one time). The salon opens at 9am. Hope this helps!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Here's the skinny on the food (haha nothin skinny because I gained 3 pounds in 6 days)... Thanks for the info, but you have me shaking! You said don't eat the meat and don't eat the fish -- with a few awfuls and gross's thrown in. Please tell me you are exaggerating a bit and I shouldn't be petrified that we have 75 guests coming...omg, the food sounds disgusting. I am going to throw up.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Which meal option do you think is better: 1. Stuffed chicken breast with cottage cheese, sun dried tomatoes and olives, accompanied with potato gratin and mixed vegetables. 2. Pork Tenderloin with bell pepper pesto crust, roasted endive and corn cakes. I'd say the Pork. Probably would appeal to more people and sounds good!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan I'm going to email Tiffany one last time on these fabric sheers. She told me $150 each. Ash, you should definitely email Tiffany. We were quoted at $100 each, and now I have her checking into reducing it to $75 (we are getting 2). She mentioned some sort of sale on the fabric as the reason others were getting a quote of $150, but it seems odd that they would buy this fabric brand new for each wedding -- I would think we are just using sheets they already own (and reuse) -- so, yeah, recheck -- sounds like there is flexibility here.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 lol wow I should really get on some of this. My wedding is before yours and I haven't picked anything yet. I would assume that its pink and regular sand. That would make no sense to me to both be pouring the same colour. Let me know what Tiffany says... no point in me sending an email to her too! Just heard back from Tiffany... "For the ceremony, the minister speaks then towards the end of the ceremony, the minister explains what the sand ceremony is and then you both have your own vases with the same colored sand and you take turns filling a separate vase. I will find out what the cost will be for an additional color for the sand." I will let you know when I hear the cost for an additional color for the sand - though, I think Katken said it is $5.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 I'm doing a legal ceremony.... I didn't think you could change it. Oh wait, you're talking about the sand ceremony still. I have a script already prepared so I guess I need to give it to Tiffany. Wow I'm just realizing how unorganized I am lol! Sorry -- I was talking about the actual ceremony (so no worries for you!). I think Tiffany will tell you to just bring the sand ceremony language to your onsite meeting, but not positive. Katken, thanks for the info! It's weird that Tiffany originally said to choose one color (and didn't include any more info), but maybe she'll include some of these details when she writes back. Did the cost of the ceremony include that pretty vase with your initials? Thanks!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 lol wow I should really get on some of this. My wedding is before yours and I haven't picked anything yet. I would assume that its pink and regular sand. That would make no sense to me to both be pouring the same colour. Let me know what Tiffany says... no point in me sending an email to her too! Okay; no problem. I will post the reply when I hear back! Have you requested a copy of the ceremony language? If not, you should definitely do that. The sample that we were sent was totally off from what we wanted it to say -- so, we need to go through and re-write it...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Anon - you only choose one colour of sand? Hmmm I didn't know that. I thought we have to bring our own sand? We were told to pick one color and our excel spreadsheet indicates "Unity Sand Ceremony with pink sand." It seems strange that we would both pour in the same color sand (the whole point is the joining and mixing of two separate sands/people!). Maybe the second color is regular sand -- which better be the case! I asked Tiffany for the details. Anyone else know more?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beckerba Anon, Of course the one question you ask I don't have an answer too...arg, I am so sorry. We are not doing a sand ceremony, so I don't have any good advice on that one. Ha! No worries!!! For anyone interested in the answer, I have this question out to Tiffany and will post when she replies.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by beckerba Thank you everyone for their advice and taking the time to write back to me You all are the best... If anyone needs advice or have questions I have probably asked it ALL...PM me and I would be happy to help or give my two-cents on how I made my decisions or the answers I received. Here's a question for you: do you have any details about the sand ceremony? My FI and I are trying to rewrite the ceremony language and need more info on exactly what is the process involving the sand ceremony so that we can properly write about it. One thing that surprised me is that you only choose one color of sand -- I assumed it would be two, with each of you pouring one color into the jar. Anyway, any info on this would be helpful! Thanks. Hope your planning is going well!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Anon I think that looks perfect! I don't want to go to crazy on decorations because the place itself is beautiful and I wouldn't want to take away from that, KWIM? I personally think that people will just be awed by the view! Thanks, Nikki! I definitely agree that the natural surrounding will be just about all we need (woohoo!). I didn't think that wrapping only the polls would look good, but I do like the picture! I guess I need to email Tiffany and see if it is even possible and how much it will cost...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Anon I think that looks perfect! I don't want to go to crazy on decorations because the place itself is beautiful and I wouldn't want to take away from that, KWIM? I personally think that people will just be awed by the view! Thanks, Nikki! I definitely agree that the natural surrounding will be just about we need (woohoo!). I didn't think that wrapping only the legs would look good, but I do like this picture! I guess I need to email Tiffany and see if it is even possible and how much it will cost...
  16. Hi. Thanks for everyones thoughts about decorating the palapa! I found this picture on the Karisma site -- planning | Karisma Hotels & Resorts (go to picture 6 of 8 ). Maybe something like this (white fabric with a color-matching bow wrap) would look good. Thoughts? Thanks!!!
  17. Has anyone considered how to decorate the palapa for a Zavaz Plaza wedding beyond hanging paper lanters? I was considering using fabrics. So maybe (1) fabric leg wraps with or without bows(http://www.pacificpartycanopies.com/...rapes-blue.jpg), (2) fabric draped inside the roof (something like this -- http://www.pacificpartycanopies.com/...tent-liner.jpg) and/or (3) connect pulled-back fabric between the polls (like this -- http://www.liweddings.com/mywedding/album/i/33493.jpg). Any thoughts -- would it look stupid to have the legs and inside with fabric and not the top. Would it look good to drap the whole thing, including the top. Would it look nice to drap only the legs? Other ideas?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Solidshan83 Hi Girls....Here are the pics from the wedding: http://mexicanweddingphotos.com/edua...annon_jeffrey/ LOGIN: mwp_bride PW: Mwp77500 Enjoy! Shannon, your pics (and you!) are beautiful! Congrats! My fiance is looking for white shoes similar to those that your hubby and the groomsmen wore. Do you know where they are from?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Do you mind sharing approximately how much it is to bring your own photographer? I'm wondering if that is the way to go...I just dont want to spend a ton of money, and i Know if u bring your own, u have to pay for a 3 night stay, right? We're paying $3000 plus all travel (for two, for 3 nts), so around $4700 for Friday night (rehearsal dinner), all day Saturday (wedding) and Sunday (brunch, TTD) -- plus album cost, which for their top of the line including parent books etc. will probably be another $3000 or so (but, of course, there are cheaper options)...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by katken I forgot to answer the question about the plaza being gravel. It's not gravel. It's concrete. It's like regular sidewalk. I wouldn't go barefoot, but you can wear any shoes, heels, flip flops, etc. and you'll be fine. Katken, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! It is VERY helpful to hear from someone who was already married at the resort! As to Claudia, we had originally booked her for our wedding, but cancelled and decided to fly someone in after pricing things out. After pricing the "Golden Package" plus 2 extra hours of service, she became VERY expensive (and we weren't crazy about the final product -- something like 250 pictures -- I can't remember). Anyway, we are now paying a bit more, but we will get pictures for the whole vacation and a professional wedding album. I tried to get Claudia to lower her prices and she said that she couldn't because of Karisma. Maybe she expressed her anger to the hotel and the relationship fell apart from there
  21. Katken, what is your thought on the new plaza in terms of size of dance floor/palapa? From the picture you have posted, it looks as if the area under the palapa (which I assume to be the "dance floor") is on the small side (as in, good for a group of 35-40, but maybe a bit small for a group of 80+ for dancing). Is this right? Thanks!
  22. I somehow fell off this list. Added -- November 14, 2009. Have a great weekend! October 2008 November 2008 jennrenn23-November 3, 2008 andrea110808 - Nov 11, 2008 amysteele444 Nov 14, 2008 December 2008 Magda&Neil - December 22,2008 January 2009 Mrs.StephP2Be - Jan 8, 2009 winwinbride - Jan 10, 2009 candj08 - Jan 17, 2009 McBradley - Jan 21, 2009 February 2009 tsashamia - February 7, 2009 dasarokr - February 13, 2009 shannonmarie09 – February 28, 2009 March 2009 saavy - March 7, 2009 manders757 – March 14, 2009 April 2009 MelissaG - April 4, 2009 Lucky1 – April 8, 2009 jhawkev - April 11, 2009 mineelbi - April 15, 2009 lilmisssunshine - April 16, 2009 beach bride - April 16, 2009 beachgal - April 17, 2009 mitchell.johanna - April 18, 2009 miro2be - April 19, 2009 brownie24 - April 20, 2009 khoyle - April 22, 2009 Katherinehealy4-09 - April 24, 2009 5 pm JHarwood2Be – April 25, 2009 Polly….Prince – April 26, 2009 teethdh – April 26, 2009 May 2009 trayce2222- May 3, 2009 MGP - May 5, 2009 milejilo – May 8, 2009 weddingchick – May 9, 2009 [email protected] - May 9, 2009 chaangel - May 12, 2009 Sensatori Bride - May 14, 2009 Polina - May 15, 2009 jennik13 - May 17, 2009 moore.vj1 -May 17, 2009 heather hunder - May 20, 2009 kddsmj - May 21, 2009 aggieangel01 - May 22, 2009 dlindsay - May 23, 2009 pepper55 – May 24, 2009 jenbuchan - May 27, 2009 June 2009 katken - June 5, 2009 AustinGirl- June 6, 2009 misslocke - June 8,2009 Jenkatherine - June 12, 2009 Soon2beTWells -June 12, 2009 TriciaD315 - June 15, 2009 SolidShan83 - June 26, 2009 July 2009 Meesh - July 10, 2009 August 2009 September 2009 D&ESept2009 - September 5, 2009 Allisa – September 9, 2009 October 2009 selina - October 1, 2009 Shandalier - October 2, 2009 Beckerba - October 10, 2009 sensatoriwedding - October, 17, 2009 Wendi80 - October 24, 2009 November 2009 cappucino2009 Nikki07 - November 5, 2009 mkondracki- November 8, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 Anon101 - November 14, 2009 beachbride 2009 - November 20, 2009 - 4pm heather0618 - November 21, 2009 Hoosierfan - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 gemwhite2be - November 27, 2009 Angelfish – November 28, 2009 – 4pm December 2009 January 2010 melissa.crossley - January 2, 2010 southmil - January 31, 2010 blondie bride x February 2010 March 2010 Melsha - March 16, 2010 April 2010 daifje - April 10, 2010 Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010 sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 Kate 2010 – May 7, 2010 LivandScot - May 7, 2010 KittenHeart - May 8, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 2, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 August 2010 September 2010
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by DRod0214 i love the GC idea. I would love to take a look at you welcome letter if you don't mind sending me a copy @ [email protected] I would greatly appreciage it. Hi! We haven't put a letter together yet. I figured we'd be able to find a bunch here but, surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be many (or maybe I just can't find them!?). Here's one that someone was nice enough to post -- http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t43806
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by CTall119 The GC to your resorts shop - I think that is VERY clever idea (as you never know WHO may have forgotten suntan lotion - or WHO has an extensive collection of shot glasses!) Here is what we are including in our guests gift bags; please note that our wedding colors are bright orange and bright fuschia: - Embroidered beach towels. The ladies towels will be bright fuschia with lime green embroidery and the mens towels will be bright orange with lime green embroidery. The font will match that of our invites and wedding stationary. - We are having handmade Aloe Aloe soaps put in (which have lavendar, aloe, lemon, and bergomot essential oils in them) and are made of shea butter so they will be super moisturizing after a day in the sun, and the aloe will help to treat any sunburn that may have been gotten. - An invitation to a champagne brunch the morning after they arrive. - A personalized thank you note thanking our guests for traveling so far to celebrate with us (the cardstock matches the rest of our wedding stationary.) - A Kodak underwater camera - An organza bag that has a tin of mints that match our stationary, a package of goldfish, and a package of swedish fish for snacks (beach wedding, fish theme!) These items will be placed in a brown bag tied together with raffia and faux flowers. Each bag will have a hang tag with our guests last name so they can be given the appropriate bag upon check in. Any other ideas of what I can include? Thanks!! Thanks. Yeah, we were thinking a GC to our resort gift shop. I wish I had time to put something together like you're planning, but this will have to do.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Divine Embroidery I'm confused were you looking to replace oot bags with a gift certificate. So instead of an oot bag they will receive a gift card of $25.00. That is a great idea but oot bags are a lot cheaper then 25.00 a piece. Unless you are counting the items in the oot bag as well in that 25.00 a person. But even so you can find great personalised oot bags on here that are very affortable and you won't have to make anything. Just an idea. I would hate to see you fork out all that money when an oot bag can be cheaper. Good luck with your planning. I was thinking we'd only give gift certificates. So, welcome letter/schedule plus gift certificate (to replace filled OOT bag). I feel lazy, it just seems so much easier than personalizing and filling bags (including getting them down there).
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