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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. 1). I am a Geophysical Technologist. My dream job would be to be a writer for TV shows or movies! 2). My favorite hobby is reading 3). My favorite holiday is Christmas-I love the smells, the music, the decorations, the food...i could go on! 4). My greatest achivement would be: Buying our house 5). My favorite animal is my 2 cats...they have the best personalities ever!! 6). My dream trip would be to Greece or Australia 7). My favorite food is Mexican, pizza, steak, pasta..... . My mom and my husband have made the biggest impacts in my life...I will be forever greatful to them! 9). If I could live anywhere, I would live somewhere tropical... My question: What is your greatest fear?
  2. Hey fellow Calgarian!!! I would be just as upset as you are! It was very selfish of your FSIL to "book" a date AND place in the Okanagan and then turn around and say they want a DW wedding instead...WTF?! You are your FI gave Alex and Dave the respect of waiting and letting them enjoy their engagement and then once you have your plans in place she decides to change hers...Maybe she's jealous and is worried people would want to go to your wedding instead---i know that sounds dumb, but who knows what she's thinking....her actions were pretty low if you ask me! Keep us updated!!
  3. I like this thread-It's given me some good laughs today! Once when I was like 3 or 4 we were in a restaurant and I was eating salad...apparently I really like the salad dressing because I yelled out: "This is great hairdressing!!" Lol. My mom still laughs about it. Every summer I visited my grandparents in Kelowna, British Columbia and I thought that JUST their house was called Kelowna....i didn't know it was a whole city... Ahhh, the simple days of being a kid!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I use to do acrylics for 6 years. I clip them super short. Then soak in acetone. Then file the top and repeat. If you rip them off they will hurt your real nails. It takes a while to get them off though. If you keep filing them down they will eventually come off easier. Don't rip them! I have ripped 2 off and the nails beds are realllly soft... Good idea about clipping them short and then soaking them...i'm going to try it-THANKS!!
  5. Does anyone have any "home remedies" that removes gel-acrylic nails?? I don't really want to go to the nail salon, but if I have to, i will.... TIA!!!
  6. I am a Geophysical Technologist---blah blah blahhhhhhh...lol
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by chickadee024 2-3 weeks? Thank goodness I'm not alone! We have some good friends who just got married. The guys are both in the Mason lodge together, and I know that the other couple has sex a couple times a week and that our guys talk about it. I've been very self-conscious about it, since 2-3 weeks is about average. You just made me heave a sigh of relief. I can put the vagina mothballs away. LMAO-Vagina mothballs?!?!??
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by chickadee024 Here is my confession, hope it's not too personal: I feel like joining a convent. It seems like the FI is always in the mood, and I am not! I have so much stuff going on - my job has just become super-hectic with my program finally going live, I'm trying to plan a wedding and 2 AHRs, my mom (who was supposed to help plan all this) has stage 4 lung cancer that has metastasized to her breast and brain and I'm trying to spend all the time I can with her, trying to arrange a chapter meeting for my professional association, starting to strategize Christmas shopping, plus all the cooking and most of the housework. And he wonders why I'm not in the mood - where am I supposed to get the energy? Plus, he whines and guilt trips whenver I turn him down, which as we all know increases the desire for next time. (For example, he'll ask me to kiss his stomach. I do. Then he sighs really loud and says that he wishes all his dreams would come true. Meanwhile, I'm trying to squeeze in his stomach kisses between reviewing grant applications, loading the dishwasher, and designing the boarding pass invites.) I almost feel like this is pulling us apart. I've told him before that women are different from men. We need to be at ease mentally before we can really relax physically. I suggested that he help ease my burdens (help more with wedding planning and housework), but that lasted all of about a week. And every time I have to remind/ask him to do something, I mentally extend the sex ban because I'm pissed (which doesn't bode well). Should I not get upset when he grabs my boobs when walking in the door after work instead of asking about my day? I think I deserve a little more respect. And it makes me see red when he wakes me up in the middle of the night because he can't control his lust. I'm okay with weekend surprise wake-ups, but since I get up at dawn through the week, I'm not cool with weeknight surprise wake-ups. Does that matter to him? I've been taking Wellbutrin for the depression/anxiety, but feel like I should be taking a women-Viagra as well. I'm not a prude, but I'm marrying David Duchovney and it's not good! I feel better. I'm happy you posted this---I am not in the mood for sex a lot of the time(for some reason I can't make the first move either)...I am very attracted to my DH but sex seems like such a chore to me some days....I am scared he will go else where!!! I honestly feel like there is something wrong with me-Can you be attracted to your husband but not want to have sex?!?!!?
  9. This is a great thread!! (Thanks Erin!) -My SIL drives me bonkers-i think she's a total baby-doesn't take control of her life and feeds her kids JUNK (my nephew is very overweight) to make up for their father being a dumbass -some days I have no idea how I ended up in the job that I'm in -i take ant-depressants because if I don't i feel like I lose control of my emotions and my life -i hate my former bff right now
  10. Afterwards everyone headed to the nightclub (La Pacha or something) which is located on the resort...I know this is something that you may be worried about (dancing ending at 11), but honestly, don't be! The club was fun and you can even go hang out in the lobby bar-it's 24 hours! The views are also un-real...although it's hard to tell at night! Lol.
  11. I agree with the girls-I too had a HUGE issue with my bridesmaid and as a result, we are no longer friends!!! If I could turn back time I would not have wanted her to be a part of my day. (I HATE the fact I have to see her face in my wedding photos! Lol.) The people in your wedding party should want to be there for you on one of the biggest days of your life and be happy for YOU! In the long run, i think it's better if your sister is not your MOH-her heart is obviously not in it. Saying "F**K you is completley UNACCEPTABLE!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by joshfrommontreal As a Canadian I just want to say thank you to all Americans that made this happen. Well said Josh--We could definitely feel the power & emotion up here in Canada when Obama was elected the new President!! I shed a tear as this was such a powerful & historical night!! I would be very proud to be an American right now!
  13. If I was able to vote, it would also be for Obama! I think he has what it takes for a positive future!
  14. Erin is right-If you want something done or to look a certain way I'd recommend bringing it down yourself. Mine and my bridesmaids bouquets had ribbons tied around he handle. I thought they did a great job!
  15. CONGRATULATIONS KELLY!!!! Hopefully your morning sickness will subside after the first trimester...
  16. That's what I thought too--huh, WEIRD! *sarcasm* BUt you're right-I do now know where our friendship stands!
  17. BTW-Just to clairfy she WAS NOT there for dinner... Lol-reading this email exchange sounds childish...
  18. Update: Here is the email I sent her: (I was probabaly not as nice as I could have been, but like i said-this issue is bugging me) I hope you're having a good day... Listen-I know that I said I hope we can get past the issues we had in Mexico, but in order for me to do that I need to get some things off my chest. I am still very hurt, angry and upset about how things were between us. I asked you to be my bridesmaid because you are my BEST FRIEND and you have been there for me through everything. The way things were while Sheldon was in Cabo, you definitely WERE NOT. You threw in my face that the times you did try and come hangout with me, there were no seats or I was "surrounded by people"....I am going to be honest-That is a total cop-out and a flat out excuse. You DISAPPEARED pretty much the minute Sheldon showed his face. I know in your mind you think I am being selfish or whatever else, but THIS WAS MY WEDDING!!!!!!! Every girl is allowed to be selfish once in her life, and this was my time. Like I said to you before, all I wanted was for you to say HI or show that you fucking cared. Also, you were so excited for me to meet Sheldon and I barely ended up talking to him! I understand that this was also your vacation and you struggled to come up with the money to come, but ALL i hear in my head when you told me that was when you flat out told me that you probably could have afforded the trip if you hadn't gone out drinking and to the bar every night.....that REALLY pisses me off. When you were yelling at me and crying, it was very clear to me that there you have some under lying issues. I NEVER WOULD HAVE DONE TO YOU WHAT YOU DID TO ME-IF I WAS EVER YOUR BRIDESMAID, THE GUY WHO I WAS WITH WOULD COME SECOND!!!!!!! It was very apparent that me, that myself, Doug and my family came second while Sheldon was around. I DEFINITELY didn't need you to hold my hand everyday and be glued to my side, but for godsakes-come for dinner, a drink or say HI! If you were just a guest at the wedding, i wouldn't feel this way-But you were my bridesmaid! You represented me!!! Her response that she sent me today: Your email didn’t make me mad or hurt, but sure made me realize that even though I do hope we can move past this for the sake of the friendship we have built; I am not willing compromise my integrity on this issue. Think about what you were expecting from my perspective, I was amidst a difficult break up, and right away was dealing not just the emotional hardship but financial as well. Despite that I had my own things to deal with; you made me feel obligated to go to your wedding, and I pulled some serious strings to make it happen. I agreed to be your bridesmaid before I knew it was going to cost me so much, and you were already having Jess back out, so I tried to be there for you since I felt bad for you. Everything from you asking me to be one of the first 10 to put down a deposit, I did it. That is the kind of friend I am, to ANYONE in my life, because that is the kind of support I would want in return. Where was everyone else for you then? And you’re right, there were underlying issues when we were arguing, but they had nothing to do with Sheldon. It was petty of you to suggest that I was unhappy in my relationship, and again in your email to suggest I have “issuesâ€. You are deliberately trying to hurt me, and that IS NOT WHAT REAL FRIENDS DO. We had barley been there 18 hours and already you said we were ignoring you? WTF?? Yet we still came to join everyone that evening and you are the one who didn’t acknowledge me. Then everyone just left without any mention of even where dinner was going to be that night. So of course when there wasn’t room we just did our own thing. (Gladly) After that I would say hello if I saw anyone from the group, by why would I go any further out of my way if the effort is not reciprocated? Not to mention how childish I thought it was of you to try to make an announcement about what he does for work, like his presence needs to be justified or something?? Let the guy just relax and be himself for god’s sake!!! It’s not anyone’s business unless he wants to talk about it. No wonder I wanted other people in my life to meet him first. This was also my holiday, and it was his too, and we had no interest in being judged or talked to in such a manner. Not to mention, if I had known that the whole trip every one would meet in the same place, hang out in the same area, and meet again to eat in the same restaurant, and “checking in†before and after doing anything…like a fucking routine in a kindergarten class, I would not have signed up. Even if Sheldon had not come down, I would not have wanted to spend a whole week in group like that, it’s just who I am. You would have found some other reason to be critical of me & what I want to do, just as you continuously try to control those around you. You wanted the whole week to be about you (guy or no guy) which is a ridiculously selfish expectation. I don’t regret a single moment that he was there for, and would do it all again. I know I didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe she has some valid points, but all I wanted was for her to acknowledge where I was coming from. She was a shitty bridesmaid all along and I think this was the last straw for me. I feel like I am psychotic expecting her to be there for me during the trip, but it's not THAT unrealistic is it?!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mushkilla Hey Ladies! Congrats KAYLEE on your marriage! The last shot of whateveritwas at the club really put me over the edge LOL! It was a fantastic night, and really nice seeing you there! I too had my hair done with Suzanne and ironically met Kaylee at the salon! Her hair was gorgeous. I did not have a clue as to what I wanted done with my hair...I just imagined that it would be all up and have a messy curly look...well I totally didn't tell her what I wanted, and the end result was somewhat of a 'greek princess' look. I received tonnes of compliments on it, but it took me a while to get used to it (only because it was not what I imagined, which was TOTALLY my fault!!!!). Now when looking back at the pics, I absolutely LOVED it!!!! Her team is wonderful, and Suzanne won't let you leave the salon until your 100% satisfied. She is very honest and upfront. She doesn't take offense to any of your concerns either - she just corrects them for you. I would totally return to Suzanne if I ever needed to - fantastic job. I also had my makeup done there - again, great. I am not a makeup person, so it again was hard to get used to! But she knows exactly what shades to use, etc. Good luck to all the future Cabo brides!! Nadia Hey Nadia!!! Your hair looked FANTASTIC!!!! I absolutely loved your flowers too! I hope you had an amazing day-i was really happy with how everything turned out. ALL THE BEST!
  20. OMG-She is ADORABLE!! I just want to sqeeze her!! WHat a nice wedding present! I love the name Sadie too!
  21. This was fun! My baby was really ugly though!! Lol.
  22. ....The Changeling?? I really want to see this movie and was wondering if anyone has seen it? I love Clint Eastwood as a director... SInce my DH is out of town this weekend and I have dumb friends, it looks like this may be the first movie I'm going to ALL ALONE! Lol.
  23. I hear ya SunBride! I am absolutely amazed at how some of our friends and family have let us down throughout the process of planning our wedding. I am still disappointed and upset at my BM that did come. we ended up getting in to a HUGE fight the day before my wedding...http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31093 I wish she hadn't come!! It's amazing how people's true colors coming shining through in moments like that!
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