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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I have a feeling that Stephanie will be the next bachelorette..im just putting it out there.. she's really nice and seems like a genuine person but not for him. Someone needs to send Shannon and that other girl with the weird mouth home. Which is the girl with the weird mouth?? (The only one I can think of is the girl who left to take care of her sick grandma....) Good point about Stephanie....I agree!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I have a feeling that Stephanie will be the next bachelorette..im just putting it out there.. she's really nice and seems like a genuine person but not for him. Someone needs to send Shannon and that other girl with the weird mouth home. Which is the girl with the weird mouth?? (The only one I can think of is the girl who left to take care of her sick grandma....) Good point about Stephanie....I agree!
  3. JANUARY January 16- Carolyn (Carolyn) January 23- Tati (tchuchuca) January 29- Tina (~*petals*~) FEBRUARY February 3 - Danielle (daniellenderek) February 9 - Candiekiss (Candie) February 14 - April (litl_april) February 22 - Ana (Ana) February 26 - Katy (KatyKo) MARCH March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) March 21- Danelle (missdanelle) March 21 - Bridget (Bridget810) APRIL April 12- Kristen (kristendotcom) April 15 - Erin (Erin6341) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) MAY May 9 - Lisa (Chiquita) JUNE June 5 - Jessica (Jess) June 5 - Helen (Helen_S81) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) JULY July 1- Brandi (MsBrandi), Kaylee (KAMAY11) July 6 - Adrene (YoursTruly) July 10- Susana (Susanandmo) July 18 - Tami (foxytv) July 18 - Lacey (laycj1 July 29- Desiree (Tylersgirl) AUGUST August 04 - Amanda (BachataBride) August 15 - Abbie August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 22-Stacey August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) SEPTEMBER September 15 - ErinB September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) OCTOBER October 1 - Kathie (Kathie) October 13 - Kristy! October 18 - Kathy (paraisobeachbride2009) October 29 - Angel (Angel) NOVEMBER November 20 - Kristie (aaronsgirl) November 25 - Ayita DECEMBER December 1- Tiffiney (Tiffiney01), Michelle (beachbride0 December 2 - Denise (FutureMrsLewis) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*) December 11 - Lisa (Lisab)
  4. The widow seems like a really good person, just not Jason's type... I have a feeling he picks Nikki....
  5. My fave's are: Nikki, Megan (even though no one likes her!) and Melissa. (Shannon & Erica need to be sent home!!) I used to think Raquel was pretty, but last night she kinda reminded me of Michael Jackson...lol. Jason looks super sexy with his baseball hat on...IMO-he looks better dressed down then he does during the rose ceremonies.
  6. 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing 4. Growing Pains 5. Charlie's Angels 6. Facts Of Life 7. Small Wonder 8. Step by Step 9. The Love Boat 10. Bosom Buddies 11. The Wonder Years 12. Family Ties 13. Moonlighting 14. Living Single 15. My Two Dads 16. Blossom 17. Saved by the Bell 18. Who's the boss 19. Dallas 20. The Muppet Show 21. My so called life 22. The Smurfs 23. Three's Company 24. Knight Rider 25. The A Team 26. Dynasty 27. Today's Special (was this just a Canadian show? I'm not sure) 28. The Cosby Show 29. Wonderful World of Disney 30. My Little Pony 31. Alice 32. Kids Incorporated (hehe) 33. I Dream of Jeannie 34: She-Ra: Princess of Power 35. Gem 36. Truth or Dare 37. Ally McBeal 38. Mork and Mindy 39. Full House 40. Family Matters
  7. When I got my hair done by her for my wedding, I did have to go to her salon as the Riu does not allow outside vendors on to the hotel grounds. (Does Dreams allow you to bring in outside people?) While it is crappy that Suzanne won't come to your hotel to do your hair, I do understand why she doesn't do this-Her and her staff are VERY busy, and unfortunately she may not see it as a benefit to go all that way for just one service. (Crappy, I know) If all your girls were getting something done, then i don't think she'd mind coming to the resort. On the day of my wedding, one of her assistants drove us back to the hotel which was very nice!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by missdanelle this is definately a thread for you Danielle. I dont see my sons name on there either; Joaquin. Funny, my FI and I are planning on having another one when we get married (maybe a weddingmoon baby!!) if so and if we have a girl well give her the middle name Maya since were getting married in Riviera Maya. Kinda cheesy I know! AWWWW!!! I think that's cute! Definitely not cheesy.
  9. Woohoo! My name made the list! (#19-Kaylee) I never, ever see my name on these kinds of lists, let alone spelt the same way! I am a little surprised as to some of the names also....the names i like for girls didn't make it though, so i'm happy about that! (I have to share with you girls though...Lunden, Rowan, Emery, Emerson) Awww....now I want a baby!!! LOL
  10. I did a search for my question and wasn't able to find anything....I apologize if this has already been answered. I was wondering if there is a way to change my account so that I don't have to receive new "Post" updates via email It's starting to drive me bonkers with the amount of emails I get sent to my crackberry! I know that at the bottom of the emails, there is a link to unsubscribe from that particular thread...Is this th eonly way Thanks for your help!
  11. I am addicted to this damn show now!! Lol. I agree with everyone about Shannon....she's a little too stalkerish for me!! I knew right away that Jason liked the girl he gave the first impression rose to (i can't remember her name)...she was the first to ask about Ty and you could tell he thought she was a knockout. This is mean, but I think the girl who is widowed dresses very tacky...lol. I was happy to see a couple Canadian girls on there!! wooohooo!!! IMO-Jason is in to brunettes......
  12. I posted awhile ago: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32723 I have had so many problems with my skin for the past year...breaking out nearly everyday and now I have ended up with some scaring. Anyway, I just had to share with you my positive experience with the new makeup and acne face wash that I have been using: I started to use "Bare Minerals" makeup....OMG-what a miracle!!! It has SUCH good coverage without looking cakey or feeling heavy. i.d. bareMinerals I bought the started kit for $75 and it's AMAZING!!!!. I also just started to use Murad acne face products for my face and have had great results! Acne Products | Murad Acne Product | Best Acne Products (I am not a ProActive fan). I just wanted to share these great products with you....I have seen some awesome results!!
  13. SOOOO sad! I knew it was going to be Caylee...I hope Casey gets the help she needs; she is a very troubled woman. I just don't know HOW you can harm your own child!
  14. AUUUUGHHH!!!! I have had a week from hell (i feel bad saying that, because i know there are some people that are worse off than me...but I am going to be selfish and bitch about my issues for a moment...lol.) First, I found out on Monday morning that my Grandpa had a severe stroke. Growing up, this man was the closest thing i had to a father. He and my grandma are the reason that my mom and sister and I weren't living on the streets. I am beyond devastated, but he is improving so that's what's keeping me from totally losing it! Then on Tuesday, I was trying to park the damn truck that my DH drives and I ACCIDENTALLY backed in to this ladies' vehicle. (In my defence, the amount of snow we have in this city and the condition of the roads in the parking lots is not ideal!!!!) I left her a note with my info to call me blah blah. Well, my DH is BEYOND pissed at me. Yes, i completely understand it's crappy timing (xmas, and him being laid off for a month) but why can't he BE MY FRIEND through this?!?!?!?!?!?!?! He is the type of person that gets soooooo frustrated when people make (in his mind) dumb mistakes....I keep trying to tell him that life is full of accidents and mistakes, but it's like he doesn't get it. So for the past few days, he's barely been talking to me or returning my text messages. I'm sad trying to deal with my Grandpa and I absolutely HATE fighting with people, especially Doug. I know this is one of those "give him time" situations, so I just have to hang in there....but it still sucks in the meantime!!! Thanks for listening!
  15. AWW-SO sorry to hear that happened to you! At least no one was home and the poor dog is okay. I just don't know how some people can do this to others...especially around the holidays! Keep your chin up!!!!!
  16. Today is my review....I ABSOLUTELY HATE THESE!!!! I always get so damn nervous before, as I am not one to take criticism very well. I'm sure if there were any MAJOR issues my boss would have talked to me already.....right Anyway, cross your fingers for me!!!!
  17. I don't think we should have to go to work/school when it's this cold out!!! All I can think about is my warm bed!!!
  18. Ahhhh, i thought so...or I thought maybe it was Josh. That is very sad!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess I know who it is - let me know if you really want to know and I'll tell you So I was reading this blog from Tamra and Gena and it said the only time Gretchen would talk about Jeff was when the cameras were on...sad I want to know!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Ayita Hello Jess, this is correct, you have to get an FM3 work permit. A photographer would probably qualify as an artist for this category. It costs 100$-150$ per professional so if you have a team of 2 it would be 200-300$. An informed photographer will probably not accept to travel without it. More info here or isntance : working-FM3 You can google "FM3 work permit". So how come many brides in the past (including myself) have been able to bring down our own photographers? Have we been doing this illegally then? I don't think so.....
  21. WTF?! This sounds VERY odd to me.... I was definitely allowed to bring my own with me-as long as she was staying at the hotel. I didn't encounter any issues at all with having my own photographer!!!
  22. You girls are killing me! LOL-who is it? Is it a husband, one of the wives or one of the kids
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by yari in the current us weekly there is an article about someone who dies. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it made me sad. I love the show though! It is very entertaining. who?!?!?!? I wanna know!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline OHHH thats rrrright its tamara, not tammy! i like tamara the best, the one who had a boob reduction. lmao. Bood reduction, my ass!!! LOL. She is pretty hot though!
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