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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. So, here's my update: I am now on a VOLUNTEER COMMITEE for our "Day of Caring"....(it's a day where the company likes to give back to the community, so we decided to do a Bowl for Kids event). SO THERE, MR. BOSS MAN!!!! CAN YOU BE MORE SOCIAL THAN THAT?!?!? Lol.
  2. Jennwo-I agree!!! The girls seem to *gasp* actually like eachother!! Lol. I think Melissa scored some MAJOR brownie points when she made Ty that tooth fairy box....i thought that was really cute of her to do. Her family situation was weird, but who's isn't?? Haha
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Is Molly the one that had the family who made him draw a picture. If I were him I would have been totally shocked at both her family and Naomi's family. I think he made the right choice. I don't think he will get back with Deanna, the gossip columns would have never let that one stay quiet. I do think he will let Molly go and the final two will be Melissa and Jillian. Yep, that's Molly! Her family (well except her mom) seemed very stuffy to me...her dad didn't even crack a smile.
  4. Congratulations Mo!!!! He is absolutely adorable!!
  5. I am so happy that Naomi got the boot! She was waaaaay too immature for him and she bugged me! I absolutely LOVE Jillian (also because she's Canadian!) and Melissa. I have never liked Molly, but for some reason he seems to really be in to her.... I hope Jillian and Melissa are the final 2.... DAMN YOU DEANNA!!! Lol.
  6. Thanks for participating girls!! I know it can be a total waste of time, but it's fun to read!
  7. I am not in the mood to work today, so i thought I'd start this thread....(Any Facebook members may recognize it.) Basically you just write 25 random things about yourself. It's a good way to get to know some other BDW members too!! I'll start....hopefully others will follow!! LOL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I am so afraid of trusting others, in fear that i will get hurt 2. I don't do well with constructive criticsm 3. My first pet was a cat named Kane-she lived until she was 15 4. I hate my ears-I think they stick out too much and I despise my inner thighs...ughhh 5. If i could get away with it, i would eat fatty foods for the rest of my life. A cheeseburger sounds so much more appealing than vegetables! 6. I wish i had more discipline to work out 7. I miss my dad every single day and often wonder how different my life would be if he was still here. 8. I would rather stay home on a Friday or Saturday night with some take-out and a movie than go to the bar. This might be due to the fact that i have partied A LOT in my younger days 9. I can't wait to be a mom...but the thought also scares the sh**t out of me! 10. My amazing husband spoils me to no end..... 11. I once read 7 books while i was on vacation in Mexico for 2 weeks 12. My mom and sister are my best friends....without them, i don't know where i'd be. 13. I love drama-Not my own, but when it's happening to others, i love it! 14. I try to find humor in every situation....A good sense of humor is a MUST! 15. I met my husband online and I knew from the first night we met, he was someone I wanted to spend my life with. 16. When I was 19, I was one of 5 nannies for quadruplets. They were high needs babies with FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). I often think of them and wonder how they are. 17. I have a re-occuring dream that my teeth are either loose or falling out. It is the WORST dream ever.... 18. I am very shy and get intimidated by others easily...I wish this was something I could overcome. 19. I would like to go to Belize, Greece & Australia before I die 20. I am a total gilry girl 21. I wish I didn't cry as much as I do....I cry when i'm happy, angry, frustrated, PMSing...ahhh, the list goes on. 22. When I was 16 my best friend and I got busted with fake ID's at a club...the plice were going to charge us with fraud but thank god the charges were dropped! The next year I was caught shoplifting-My poor mother! 23. I would be truly lost without my BlackBerry 24. Until my relationship with Doug, I have never in a long term relationship 25. I am terrified of needles...I hate them, can't look at them and the thought of them make me want to vomit.
  8. I haven't watched this show in AGES, but i was home the other day and finally got to catch an episode.... I am actually really happy that Nick and Sharon slept together....i've always liked them together, and I cannot stand Abby. Her acting is terrible....and that Eden story is weird too...IMO
  9. Congratulations Kelly!!!! I love the name btw-very unique! Ahhhhh, I have baby on the brain now.......
  10. I will have to disagree about leaving an hour before, and say that you'd be safer with your original thought of AT LEAST 2 hours before. 1 hour seems to be cutting is VERY close....but that's just my opinion!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Soooo anyways... Congrats MO. Shea it will be soon hang in there. I cant wait until tomorrow morning. To find out what Im having. YEY!!! I wont be able to post until after work, but I promise I will. HOW EXCITING KELLY!!!! YOU MUST BE DYING TO FIND OUT!!!!
  12. After i posted this, I REALLY hope I didn't offend anyone!!!!!!! Mod's, if this is inappropriate, please feel free to take it down....
  13. I thought this was hilarious...... For his birthday, little Johnny asked for a 10-speed bicycle. His father said, 'Son, we'd give you one, but the mortgage on this house is $280,000 & your mother just lost her job. There's no way we can afford it.' The next day the father saw little Johnny heading out the front door with a suitcase. So he asked, 'Son, where are you going?' Little Johnny told him; 'I was walking past your room last night and heard you telling mom you were pulling out. Then I heard her tell you to wait because she was coming too. And I'll be damned if I'm staying here by myself with a $280,000 mortgage & no bike.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I think we need to turn this thread back into what it was started for - talking about mommies-to-be checking in. No offense but I really don't want this to turn into a whole vaccine debate. Thanks! I agree Lizz.....I am not a mommy-to-be (i hope to post on here someday!! ), but i do enjoy looking at this thread regularly to check out the latest BDW member baby news.... The last thing I want is this thread to be shut down for differing opinions!!!
  15. You can definitely set your profile to where people can't view your "Friends" list: Go to: "Settings", then choose "Privacy Settings". From there, choose "Manage" under the privacy heading. THEN, go to "Search"...from there you can choose what kind of setting you want people to see when they search you. Make sure that "My Friend's List" is not clicked. This will prevent anyone (but yourself) from seeing your friends list. ....I hope that wasn't too confusing......
  16. I personally couldn't imagine having a big princess dress for a DW-I was SO hot in mine, and my dress wasn't poofy or heavy at all.... To each their own though....
  17. I would definitely recommend using Suzanne Morel over the spa at the Riu....That being said, the Renova spa is great for manicures, pedicures and massages! I looked into using Neysa Berma for my hair, but she didn't respond as quickly as Suzanne did. I really appreciated the promptness that Suzanne had! She is also a perfectionist, so she WILL NOT let you leave her salon unless you are 100% happy with your hair. I'm not sure where Neysa's salon is located, but Suzanne's is maybe 10 min from the Riu....meaning less travel time on the big day! She actually had one of her assistants drive us back to our resort....I thought that was great! Hope that helps!! Good Luck!
  18. Hi Wendy! Welcome to the forum! I am from Calgary also! You will find tons of info on here! Good Luck & Congrats
  19. Hey girls!! I am not a mommy-to-be YET, but my DH and I have been discussing it as of late and I have some questions for you!!! (I hope it's okay that I post in this thread....) Lately, I have major baby on the brain!!! For example, last week i had three dreams that I was pregnant and actually going through labor. I want one for sure (I am excited to experience that love you have for your child), but sometimes the thought freaks me out!! I guess my question is, Are you ever TRULY ready for a baby?? Plus, in this economy it makes me even more scared!! My DH is 10 years older than me, and has said that he would like to have kids sooner rather than later, so i said in a year I would be willing to try for one....I just want to know if there is that "AHA" moment, where you just know 100% you're ready to be a mom. We make pretty good money combined, but I just fear we will be broke. I am completely rambling, but any advice would be much appreciated!!!! Congratulations to all the mommies/mommies-to-be on here!!!
  20. Thanks girls!! At least i know i'm not the only one who feels small talk is a complete waste of time! Chanti-I can't believe he's giving me grief about this either...not to mention the fact that he came to my office and specifically asked if i've talked to other people. Give me a break!!!
  21. I am having one of "THOSE" days......... Background story-Before xmas i had my review and it went quite well....The one thing my boss told me to work on was being more social. Now, when I was hired to do my job the project i took on completely limits my interaction with my co-workers. That being said, I do still manage to go for coffee with some girls and I have befriended some people in other departments. I am a very shy person-until i get to know someone, and then I am quite outgoing. I am easily intimidated by people and that is a barrier that I try to get over daily. I am also the type of person who gets so focused on my work and deadlines that I don't WANT to talk to people some days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like to come to work, do my job and then leave. If i make friends during that time, then great!!! So yesterday my boss comes in my office and makes small talk with me and then asks if I've "gotten a chance to go around and talk to people?" Whcih I haven't-according to his standards that I should.... I don't WANT to go in to peoples' offices and sit down and interrupt them and talk about nothing!!! I feel that I am very friendly to people, say hi and make stupid small talk in the elevators etc. I'm not a total bitch!!! The girls in my group are very clickey(sp?) and I know they look at me like I'm standoffish. I'm just frustrated....am i here to work, or socialize??!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by DWbride09 well if it makes you feel any better I was let go 2 months ago and FH was just laid off last week. Neither of us has a job and we're 4 months aways from our wedding. lol All roads lead to success though, even the detours. Oh my god!!! Sending positive thoughts your way!!!
  23. OMG!!! Thank you for sharing that story!!! I wanted Arizona to win anyway, but this just solidified it!!!
  24. I am soooo sorry to hear this happened to you guys!!! I, too am terrified about lay-offs....I work in the oil & gas industry, and with the price of oil hovering around $35-40 US a barrel, things aren't as optimistic as they were in the summer. Like you said-at least you are not in the wedding planning stage-that would have been horrible!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! It sounds like your husband is very good at what he does...hopefully he doesn't have a problem finding another job.... God I hope the economy turns around SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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