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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. I am not a vampire book lover....BUT I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife. I agree with the previous posts on here that say it's hard to get in to. It's definitely a good story line but I wasn't crazy about it. I had to force myself to finish it.
  2. How about the new Riu (Emerald Bay) that just opened?
  3. I am thinking of taking some multi-vitamins and supplements, but I want to get the opinions of others as to which brand is the best? One a Day for Women? Centrum for Women? or is it better to spend the money and get something that isn't so mass produced? I would also like to get preggers one day, so is there anything that I should be focusing on consuming? (folic acid etc)
  4. Fun thread! I have quite a few crushes....Don't judge! Lol. My first crush is Jennifer Aniston....I love everything about her! Kate Beckinsale, Courteney Cox, Famke Janssen (http://imstars.aufeminin.com/stars/f...528-133024.jpg) and Kristin Cavallari...(I despise the Hills, but i think she's so pretty!)
  5. Ladies, I had to share this with you.....(You will need speakers on your computer) This guy is a "class" act! READ BELOW BEFORE LISTENING The story is this: a girl was out with friends having drinks on King St (in Toronto ). This guy approaches her and won't leave her alone -saying how cute she is. She finally gives in and hands the guy her business card to get rid of him. The attached is an MP3 file of not one, but TWO voicemails this guy left. This goes down in the history books - especially the second voice mail. After hearing them you can clearly see why she didn't call him back - instead she called in to the Z103.5 morning show & had them play this on the air. Ladies: He is out there... The reason some girls stay single - very funny! - melodymaker's posterous
  6. I am a huge fan of this show, but I haven't been able to really catch up for awhile. If someone has a chance, would you mind giving me an update?? Here's what I know: -Sharon's baby is really Nick's (Does he know?) Jack thinks he is the father? -Ashley has been getting tormented by Adam (is she still pregnant? Did she actually run over Nikki? Has Adam been caught yet?) -Mary Jane/Patti kidnapped Colleen (that's all i saw and i don't know why). I don't really know the story here... -Lily has cancer....are her and Cane still married? -Update on Victoria and JT? I know the "gist" of the stories, but not the full details!
  7. We have 2 cats and they are indoor/outdoor cats (only in the summer though). We rescued the one cat and she likes to roam through the neighborhood and roll in any dirt she sees, so we have her on a harness and a leash. She likes it because she can sit outside. The other one walk around outside but always comes home....He used to be the most sketchy cat (afraid of eveything and everyone-except me) but now that he's going outside, he is completely different.
  8. Hey girl... I saw this post and alllll the feelings i had around our wedding came rushing back to me....We also got married in Cabo right around the time that Hurricae Norbert was supposed to hit. I was beyond stressed and I swear, i became a "hurricane tracking" expert...lol. I emailed my WC @ Riu Palace and Suzanne Morel constantly and they really didn't seem to be all that concerned (which in hindsight was good, because i didn't get worked up)...Cabo RARELY gets directly hit with hurricanes (not like the Mayan side), I was told they usually feel the after effects. The day we arrived, we had a pretty bumpy landing and the weather was rainy, windy & over cast but the next day when we woke up, the sun was shining and it was beautiful for the rest of the week! PLUS, the resort wasn't as busy as it would have been because i think some ppl cancelled due to Norbert. Here is the thread I posted about the hurricane around my wedding (It's good to read because the locals really put it into perspective for me....) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30317 I will be sending some positive energy your way, but i have a feeling the weather for your wedding week will turn out great! You're in my thoughts!!!!!!!
  9. Thank you girls soooo much!!! I love having some new reads! Jenn79-I think I'm going to try The Sweet Hereafter...I lenjoy reading real tear jerkers now & then! I am also intrigued by Jennifer Weiner and Fried Green Tomatoes...I saw the movie years ago but the book would probably be good too!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 To see someone else say to get their ears pinned is crazy, but i am so with you. This is off but do you have a picture of your hair from your weddding day. I like it alot and it looks like your ears are covered. I love that you noticed how my hair covered my ears!!!! I specifically told her i didn't want them to show.... Here are a couple pics...
  11. I'm giving this thread a BUMP....I am in need of a new book as we're taking one last vacation before summer is truly over *sob* Here are a few i have finished in the last month or so: -19 Minutes -My Sister's Keeper -The Tenth Circle (hated this btw) And I'm just about finished Salem Falls.... I like Jodi Picoult, chick lit and mystery/drama/court room stuff. Any ideas??
  12. GREAT THREAD!!!! I, too can't pick just one thing i'd like to change, so here are my Top 3: -THIGH reduction...I hate wearing shorts, then sitting down and seeing them expand! LOL -NEW SKIN!!! This sounds weird, but i am battling adult acne right now and it's very hard to deal with....so i would want smooth, unscarred, supple skin! -To get my EARS PINNED! WHat i wouldn't change: -My eyes....lol -My arms...WHen i work out, they are the first to get toned
  13. We were also in a similar situation....DH proposed in Dec.2006 but we didn't get married until last year because he wanted to focus on buying a house first. I was sad at first, but now I am very happy we waited. We bought our house in June '08 and got married that October. I agree with the other posts....If you can afford to do both, then GO FOR IT! If not, there's no harm in waiting.
  14. I just saw this article....Not sure how reliable it is....! News - EXCLUSIVE: Bachelorette Winner Cheated With Two Different Women | Usmagazine.com OHHH, the DRAMA! I LOVE IT!
  15. I just finished reading 19 Minutes, and I have to say I wasn't crazy about it...The story line is really good and I definitely found it sad, but I HATED the ending!!! I am now reading The Tenth Circle (any thoughts??) by Jodi Picoult and The Pact is next on my list...
  16. KAMAY11


    I used to be an Ugg hater (see: short skirts and Uggs ) but I have to admit they have grown on me and I LOVE them now!!! We had such a long, cold winter last year that i HAVE to get a pair this year. I had such a hard time swallowing the price tag (in Canada, they are about 295 for the mid length ones!) My sister is in Los Angeles right now and she said she found some for 140! I am sooo excited to have a cute pair of warm boots this winter!!! YAHOOO! I have a question though....How do you clean them??
  17. I just started reading Jodi Picoult....I bought My Sister's Keeper and I cried! It was so good!!! (I heard the movie has a different ending than the book, so i don't even think i will see the movie). Her writing style is amazing....she has some one-liners that really make you think. I just bought 19 Minutes and I can't put it down! I am tempted to take a week off in AUgust and read all her books! I heard "The Pact" is good too.... Emily Giffin is another one of my fave's....I didn't like Baby Proof as much as Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Love The One You're WIth is also very good....AND she has a new book coming out next Spring called The Heart of The Matter. Can't wait for that one! Some of my other fave authors are: Jeffrey Deaver (the BEST mystery/crime writer IMO), Harlan Coben, Michael Connelly, Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson.
  18. I'm so late posting, but WOW....Kerrington is a beauty!!!! Congratulations Kelly! I can't believe how fast time goes....It feels like yesterday we were planning our Cabo weddings... All the best!
  19. This press release was just emailed to everyone in my company....SO sad! I apologize, its quite long! FOR RELEASE: 2009-06-01 GM ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT WITH U.S. TREASURY AND CANADIAN GOVERNMENTS PROVIDING FAST TRACK TO COMPETITIVE FUTURE FOR 'NEW GM' NEW GM, BUILT FROM COMPANY'S STRONGEST OPERATIONS, EXPECTED TO LAUNCH IN 60-90 DAYS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP GM FILES VOLUNTARY CHAPTER 11 TO IMPLEMENT '363' SALE AGREEMENT GM IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN THE U.S. AND WORLDWIDE, HONORING ALL CUSTOMER COMMITMENTS Warranty, service and customer support continue uninterrupted, backed by the U.S. and Canadian governments Essential suppliers to be paid in the normal course Employees to be paid in the normal course Operations outside U.S. not included in court filing DETROIT, June 1, 2009 - General Motors Corp. (NYSE: GM) today announced that it has reached agreements with the U.S. Treasury and the governments of Canada and Ontario to accelerate its reinvention and create a leaner, stronger "New GM" positioned for a profitable, self-sustaining and competitive future. Pending approvals, the New GM is expected to launch in about 60 to 90 days as a separate and independent company from the current GM ("GM"), with two distinct advantages: it will be built from only GM's best brands and operations, and it will be supported by a stronger balance sheet due to a significantly lower debt burden and operating cost structure than before. The New GM will incorporate the terms of GM's recent agreements with the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) unions and will be led by GM's current management team. The New GM will execute the key elements of its April 27 viability plan, along with additional initiatives, to achieve winning financial results by putting customers first, concentrating on adding to the company's line of award-winning cars and trucks through four core brands and continuing to invest in green, energy-saving technologies. Under its plan, GM will sell substantially all of its global assets to the New GM. To implement the sale agreement, GM and three domestic subsidiaries have filed voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, and the sale is subject to the approval of the Court. Because GM's sale of assets to the New GM already has the support of the U.S. Treasury, the UAW and a substantial portion of GM's unsecured bondholders, GM expects the sale to be approved and consummated expeditiously. GM has asked the Court to approve a number of steps to protect current and new GM customers, ensure that its operations will continue uninterrupted during the court-supervised process, and provide for a smooth transition to the New GM. GM dealers will continue to service GM vehicles and honor GM warranties, and U.S. and Canadian government guarantees of manufacturers' warranties are designed to reassure consumers. GM will use its cash-on-hand and a new Debtor-in-Possession (DIP) financing of approximately $33 billion to: ensure an uninterrupted supply of goods and services and provide for other cash requirements prior to closing of the asset sale; fund liabilities to secured lenders; and provide contingency funding to handle any potential unexpected needs. Furthermore, in conjunction with the sale, the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian and Ontario governments will provide funds to administer the wind down of the remaining assets and the closing of the chapter 11 cases. GM employees worldwide will become part of the New GM. "Today marks a defining moment in the reinvention of GM as a leaner, more customer-focused, and more cost-competitive company that, above all, can quickly generate winning bottom line results," said Fritz Henderson, GM president and CEO. "The economic crisis has caused enormous disruption in the auto industry, but with it has come the opportunity for us to reinvent our business. We are going to do it once and do it right. The court-supervised process we are pursuing provides us with powerful tools to accelerate and complete our reinvention, as well as strong safeguards for our customers and our business. We are focused on the job at hand, for the benefit of our customers, employees, dealers, suppliers, retirees, taxpayers, investors and other stakeholders. "We recognize the sacrifices that so many have been asked to make as we have worked to reinvent GM and the automobile," said Henderson. "GM deeply appreciates the support and the demonstration of confidence in our future by President Obama, the Presidential Task Force on Autos, the Canadian and Ontario governments, American and Canadian taxpayers, the unsecured bondholders who are supporting the proposed sale transaction, the UAW and CAW and their leadership, and the men and women of GM, including our retirees. You have enabled us to carry out this vital transformation for the good of GM, our customers and the economy, and we are working to validate your trust each day. "From day one, the New GM will be well-positioned to capitalize on the award-winning vehicles we have developed and launched during the past few years, and on our investments in exciting new technologies like the Chevy Volt, so that we can build and return value to our customers and to the millions who will have a stake in our success. The New GM will play a critical role in the future of the automobile, and assure that the U.S. has a strong stake in this rapidly changing global manufacturing industry," Henderson said. Business operations continue globally without interruption GM's North American manufacturing operations continues to monitor production output to make sure it aligns with market demand, and currently intends to ramp up manufacturing operations as market demand improves during the latter half of the year. None of GM's operations outside of the U.S. are included in the U.S. court filings or court-supervised process, and these filings have no direct legal impact on GM's plans and operations outside the U.S. GM confirmed that all business operations are continuing without interruption in its Europe; Latin America, Africa and the Middle East; and Asia Pacific regions. "Worldwide, GM dealers are open for business, offering competitive financing options on our award-winning vehicles, continuing to honor our industry-leading warranty coverage, and providing outstanding service," said Henderson. "Furthermore, the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian governments have issued a strong vote of confidence by backing GM's vehicle warranties." GM has filed various "first day" motions with the Court to ensure the company's continued ability to conduct normal business operations. Upon Court approval, GM will be expressly authorized, among other things, to: Honor all obligations to customers and continue customer programs, including warranties, without interruption Respect our operating and financing agreements with GMAC, supporting continued wholesale financing for dealers and retail financing for customers Pay dealers' open accounts and continue warranty and incentive programs Pay essential suppliers and logistics providers for goods and services provided before and after the company's court filings Continue pay and benefits for employees and retirees; however, the amount of non-qualified pension for some executive retirees may be affected. The New GM GM's agreements with the U.S. Treasury, the Canadian and Ontario governments and the UAW and CAW, in addition to the support of a substantial portion of GM's unsecured bondholders, will enable the New GM to be a leaner, faster and more customer-focused enterprise, consistent with the vision, goals and plans of GM's enhanced operating plan announced April 27. The New GM will: Focus on four core brands in the U.S. - Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC - with fewer nameplates and a more competitive level of marketing support per brand Effectively close the competitive gap in active worker labor costs compared with transplant auto manufacturers More efficiently utilize U.S. capacity while increasing over time the percentage of U.S. sales manufactured domestically Feature lower structural costs enabling its North American region to break even (on an adjusted EBIT basis) at a U.S. total industry volume of approximately 10 million vehicles. This rate is substantially below the 15 to 17 million annual vehicle sales rates recorded from 1995 through 2007 Achieve its lower structural costs in part by further reducing 2009 salaried employment in North America from its year-end total of 35,100 to approximately 27,200, and continuing to improve its balance sheet by reducing retiree benefits for salaried retirees and non-UAW hourly retirees Provide a higher level of customer service through a more focused U.S. network of approximately 3,600 dealers Continue and increase its investment and leadership in fuel economy and advanced propulsion technologies Capital Structure of the New GM A critical element of GM's reinvention is to achieve a significantly stronger and healthier balance sheet. On March 31, 2009, GM reported consolidated debt of $54.4 billion, along with additional liabilities, including an estimated $20 billion obligation to the UAW VEBA. Under GM's agreements with the U.S. Treasury, the Canadian and Ontario governments, and the UAW and CAW, and with the support of a substantial portion of GM's unsecured bondholders, upon closing of GM's sale of assets to the New GM, the New GM's capital structure will be comprised of: Approximately $17 billion in total consolidated debt, including: $6.7 billion of debt owed to the U.S. Treasury $1.3 billion of debt owed to the Canadian and Ontario governments $2.5 billion of notes issued to the new Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (New VEBA) Approximately $6.8 billion of other, primarily international debt, but excluding Europe $9 billion of perpetual preferred stock with a 9 percent annual dividend, payable quarterly in cash, $2.1 billion of which will be issued to the U.S. Treasury, $0.4 billion of which will be issued to the Canadian and Ontario governments and $6.5 billion of which will be issued to the New VEBA Common equity, 60.8 percent of which will be owned by the U.S. Treasury, 11.7 percent of which will be owned by the Canadian and Ontario governments, 17.5 percent of which will be owned by the New VEBA, and 10 percent of which has been reserved for GM for the benefit of the unsecured bondholders and other unsecured creditors of GM Warrants granted to the New VEBA to acquire newly issued shares in the New GM equal to 2.5 percent of its outstanding common equity Warrants granted to GM at closing to acquire newly issued shares in the New GM equal to 15 percent of its outstanding common equity, with various exercise prices and expirations Other than the $8 billion of debt owed to the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian and Ontario governments by the New GM, all amounts owed by GM or the New GM to the U.S. Treasury and Canadian and Ontario governments would be equitized in exchange for the New GM securities described above, and no other debt will be owed by GM to the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian and Ontario governments. GM Europe Restructuring GM announced separately today, GM Europe has an agreement for €1.5 billion of bridge financing from the German government and a Memorandum of Understanding to partner with Magna International Inc. Under the agreement, the Opel/Vauxhall assets have been pooled under Adam Opel GmbH, with the majority of the shares of Adam Opel GmbH being put into an independent trust (the balance to remain with General Motors), while final negotiations with Magna proceed. Negotiations to close the agreement should take several weeks. . New products and technologies on track The New GM, with its strong financial base and best-in-class dealer network, will support a portfolio of award-winning vehicles, including the Chevy Malibu (2008 North American Car of the Year and J.D. Power and Associates' segment leader in its 2008 Initial Quality Survey), Cadillac CTS (Motor Trend Car of the Year) and its Buick brand (tied for 1st place in J.D. Power and Associates' 2009 Vehicle Dependability Study). The New GM will have a number of key vehicle launches in 2009 and 2010, including: Chevrolet Camaro, a dramatic, moderately priced sport coupe with highway fuel economy of up to 29 mpg An all-new Buick LaCrosse premium midsize sedan The luxury midsize Cadillac SRX crossover and CTS Sport Wagon The Chevy Equinox and GMC Terrain, midsize crossovers with class-leading highway fuel economy of 32 mpg The Chevy Cruze, GM's new global compact car The revolutionary Chevy Volt, an extended-range electric vehicle that can travel up to 40 miles on battery power alone with the extended-range capability of more than 300 total miles. "Our products are our future, and our lineup of new cars and crossovers are a great foundation for success," said Henderson. "The New GM is here to stay, and our brands position us to compete well in profitable segments with vehicles that are second-to-none." GM also reaffirmed its commitment to improve the fuel efficiency of its vehicle fleet, meet or exceed new federal fuel economy and emissions regulations, and push ahead with advanced propulsion technology. GM will launch the Chevrolet Volt extended range electric vehicle in 2010, expects to have 14 hybrid models in production by 2012, and will have 65 percent of vehicles alternative-fuel capable by 2014. "The New GM will become a long-term global leader in the development of fuel-efficient and advanced-technology vehicles," said Henderson. "In doing so, the New GM will contribute to the development of advanced engineering and manufacturing capabilities in the United States, which are critical to the future of the U.S. economy." GM's primary bankruptcy counsel is Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. GM is also represented by Jenner & Block LLP and Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP as counsels. Cravath, Swaine, & Moore LLP is providing legal advice to the GM Board of Directors. GM's restructuring advisor is AP Services LLP and its financial advisors are Morgan Stanley, Evercore Partners and the Blackstone Group LLP. About GM General Motors Corp. (NYSE: GM), one of the world's largest automakers, was founded in 1908, and today manufactures cars and trucks in 34 countries. With its global headquarters in Detroit, GM employs 234,500 people in every major region of the world, and sells and services vehicles in some 140 countries. In 2008, GM sold 8.35 million cars and trucks globally under the following brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall and Wuling. GM's largest national market is the U.S., followed by China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia and Germany. GM's OnStar subsidiary is the industry leader in vehicle safety, security and information services This news release and management's comments on it contain "forward-looking statements." These statements are based on GM management's current expectations and assumptions, and as such involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that we now anticipate -- both in connection with the Chapter 11 filings we are announcing today and GM's business and financial prospects. Those risks are described in GM's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 which was filed March 5, 2009, GM's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2009 which was filed on May 8, 2009, GM's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 14, 2009 and other GM filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  20. I LOVE JILLIAN!!!! There are a few hotties for sure on this go around...Although i don't know any of their names and can barely keep track of them...lol. (IMO-They all look so similar!!) I like Jake (the kiss was very weird though...) and I don't really like Wes. The guy who has a lot of testosterone kinda bugs me too....(I don't know his name, but Jillian gave him the first impression rose and he hates Juan...). Aaahhh, I love mindless television!!!
  21. Oh my goodness....I am soooo sorry to hear this happened!!! I can't believe someone would stoop so low as to STEAL a package from someone else's doorstep!!! A similar situation happened to me, except it was with my passport...Canada Post screwed up and deivered my passport to the wrong person (I was scared sh**less about who could have my IDENTITY). Long story short, w/. the help of the post office, they were able to find the person and get it back....but my god, those few days were NOT fun!!! Hang in there...Who knows, you may end up getting your package back?!?!?? *HUGS!*
  22. HotTamale-What Smashbox primer did you buy?? My friend also recommends using this, but I thought she was full of sh*t....LOL...Now I'm tempted to go buy it and use ith with my Laura Mercier. What exactly does the primer do?..even out fine lines etc?
  23. I am a huge Laura Mercier fan...her foundation is awesome. (Her line is a bit pricey, but well worth it!) I have gotten many compliments on my skin since switching from Bare Minerals.
  24. LMAO-JaimeLynne...I love the "Rain or Swine!!!" I think humor is great in situations like this....The day we were flying to Cabo for our wedding, Hurricane Norbert was blowing through and needless to say there were quite a few nervous travellers....My DH and his friend made funny t-shirts that said: Hurricane Norbert Blow this! (insert arrow pointing to his manly-hood...lol.) Everyone in the airport loved it....
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