Ok, here's some background info-My FI is not super close with his family....his mom is a total flake and he has issues with her from growing up. (she was super young when she had him, there was a swinging door of men, abandoning him when he was 13, going w/o electricty and heat for days on end etc.) Everything my FI has accomplished in life has been on his own...he has never asked for anything from her. (Even if he did, she would never give it to him) He also has a sister (who couldn't be more different than my FI...she relies on their mom for everything! Re: money) My FI just can't be bothered with a relationship with either of them, and as our relationship progresses i can see why.
ANyway, when we got engaged and decided on a DW his sister pretty much decided for me that her daughter was going to be our flower girl. (Fine, not a big deal). She bought a flower girl dress, asked if her friend could come to the wedding (who was going to be in Cabo as well) and swore up, down, sideways and backwards they were going to come to our wedding. NOW, i get an email from his mom saying his sister ISN'T coming (for some reason his sister can't tell me herself?). I am torn....a part of me is sooo mad at them for letting my FI down once again (he would never admit it though) and wondering if I should say anything or just let it go