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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. Thank you so much for the post! All of this information helps me a lot! I'm really looking forward to getting my hair done at Suzanne's salon!!
  2. Call me cold, but we're not having anything back home...it would cost us money that we'd rather put towards a house. If we had the $$ or someone was willing to pay for it, then we might consider it. Happy Planning!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Kaylee chose the same dress I used. They are Tiffany Blue (aqua) but don't look that way on the website. The Turquoise is also very pretty. I got my MOH dress through tjformals.com as recommended by Morgan. You can usually find a 15% off coupon. We didn't pay tax or shipping nor any charge for plus sizes. I think they worked out to be $104 Wow Erin! That picture looks awesome!! I wasn't sure how the sashes would look being the same color as the dress, but it looks great! It's nice to see how it all came together.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis I hate the way those 'bandeau' tops look... I dunno about you girls, but my boobs look like oranges in socks in one of those tops... my solution is to wear at all times before the wedding a strapless top, on top of my regular bikini, unless I am in the water, I am wearing that strapless shirt - like the ones with the built in bra from victoria secret.... ps... that isn't me... that would be a pipe dream LMAO.....I'm so happy to know I'm not the only girl whose boobs look terrible in those bandeau tops!!!!!!
  5. I am worried about this also!! I have tried to wear the strapless bikini tops but they look terrible on me!! I think I am going to have to fake-n-bake as much as i can beforehand...
  6. I saw this article on the MSN homepage today and thought it was appropriate! Enjoy! Inside the Groom's Mind - Â* MSN Relationships
  7. Jenn-wow our situations are very similar....a**hole in-laws who walk all over our men! I just want to stand up for my FI and tell his family to stop hurting him and letting him down....ugh. The part about his sister not wanting to fly because she was 4months pregnant is funny (*sarcasm*) My cousin was 8 1/2months pregnant and flew to BC from LA for her sister's wedding on her doctor's ok...the sh**t people come up with to not come to weddings baffles me!
  8. I would recommend taking it to the seamstress to see how much work will actually need to be done. My wedding is in Oct. and my first fitting was Aug.9 and I go for my second one in a week. You have lots of time-but if you'd feel more comfortable, take it to the seamstress and see what she has to say.
  9. I decided to send an email to my FSIL and said-your mom emailed me the other day and told me that you and the kids aren't coming to our wedding. I wish that you would have told me yourself when we talked the other day. Then i just went on to say our legal day is going to be kept very private, with only our witnesses in attendance. Maybe it was rude, but I am not one to let things like this go...i wanted to say more but it's not my place. My FI doesn't even bother with them anymore. Why are families such a pain in the a** sometimes??
  10. Here's a link to my BM's: Bridal Gowns Informal bridal bridesmaids Prom Flower Girl Quinceanera Stores The color on the computer is not accurate as to how they look in real life...they're a really pretty turquoise. These dresses look amazing on all body types too...my BM's are a size 0 and a size 8. Good Luck!
  11. I am nervous too!!! I just can't see how she's going to be able to fix what needs to be so it fits me perfectly! I'm not good at putting my faith in others...lol. Oh well...I find out next Saturday how she did....
  12. Agreed...last night's episode was verrry boring! *yawn*
  13. Could jealously be a reason? I know that sounds bad...
  14. Wait...they got HOME the day of your shower, yet she still didn't show up??!!?!! That's not right....I would definitely say something to her! (I'm having a sh***y day though, so take my advice how you want! )
  15. I'm so happy there's a Y&R thread! I have been watching it for longer than I'd like to admit! I love Cane & Lily together....Chloe aka Kate (new development! SHe's Esther's daughter!) needs to go away! Can anyone refresh my memory--what happened to Nina & Cricket?? I want Trisha to come back...she was awesome!
  16. I know exactly what my FI will say-"Don't bother." He's written them off, and doesn't see any point to bring anything up with them. It makes me sooo sad that his family is like this. I just want to stand up for him...
  17. Sorry, one more thing-I just re-read the email that my LOVELY FMIL wrote and look at my favorite part: "I understand that you are getting married first in Calgary - I do hope that you will invite Sarah and the kids as they are not able to go to Mexico - Sarah in particular would feel as if she has some family there who care." WTF?!!!!??!!! SHE hopes we'll invite her to feel like SHE has family that care?!?!?!?!! WHAT ABOUT MY FI?? I'm sorry-I'm so mad right now, i'm shaking.
  18. Thank you girls!!!! I am not in the best mood today either...but I think i'll go with a firm email. Not too bitchy, but gets the point across! (I do like your answer though Becks!!!)
  19. I work with a guy who is going to Cabo a day after us....he says him & his wife go every year at this time and he's never had a problem with weather... I guess we just have to look at it that if there is a hurricane, we'll definitely have a wedding no one will forget! Lol.
  20. Ok, here's some background info-My FI is not super close with his family....his mom is a total flake and he has issues with her from growing up. (she was super young when she had him, there was a swinging door of men, abandoning him when he was 13, going w/o electricty and heat for days on end etc.) Everything my FI has accomplished in life has been on his own...he has never asked for anything from her. (Even if he did, she would never give it to him) He also has a sister (who couldn't be more different than my FI...she relies on their mom for everything! Re: money) My FI just can't be bothered with a relationship with either of them, and as our relationship progresses i can see why. ANyway, when we got engaged and decided on a DW his sister pretty much decided for me that her daughter was going to be our flower girl. (Fine, not a big deal). She bought a flower girl dress, asked if her friend could come to the wedding (who was going to be in Cabo as well) and swore up, down, sideways and backwards they were going to come to our wedding. NOW, i get an email from his mom saying his sister ISN'T coming (for some reason his sister can't tell me herself?). I am torn....a part of me is sooo mad at them for letting my FI down once again (he would never admit it though) and wondering if I should say anything or just let it go Help!
  21. Nothing right now.... I read online that the last hurricane was in 2001. I am going to be watching the weather channel obsessively now!
  22. I have to agree with Heather....I would try the clip-ons (but have a professional put them in!!)
  23. Okay...can someone please tell me how often hurricanes hit Cabo?? One of my guests is freaking out that we're going to Mexico during hurricane season. (wedding is Oct.) From my understanding, it is not THAT common but I just wanted to know if this is something i should worry about.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mushkilla Hey Kaylee, What time are you meeting Suzanne with your ceremony at 2pm? We have a 4pm ceremony, and I have contacted her to see if she can prep us when shes finished with you guys! Nadia Hi Nadia, I am getting my hair done at 10am on the ceremony date.
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