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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. My wedding date is Oct.16th in Cabo at the Riu Palace, and we've have decided to have a Mexican Trio play during our ceremony. With the package that we bought, pre-recorded music is included but we thought live music would be more appealing. Do any past brides have any experience with live music (mariachi, trio etc) for their ceremony?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Ok i dont know how to multi quote so I will try and break it up. Abbygirl: She told me no room for dancing. I really wanted to do our first dance there also. FI said that we will just do it on the beach after the ceramony. You can still do speaches. I guess the dancing depends on how many people you have out there. SHe hasn't said anything about paying extra for the chairs. I know a girl that got married there in April and they didn't charge her. She said they even gave them campaign for everyone at no cost. Getting very excited! I have my bach party this Sat. makes it seem even closer. Lgarner83: I told Erika as soon as I booked that I wanted the steakhouse and what time I wanted for the same reason. I know that there is another wedding that day and didn't want to get get stuck with the left overs. If there is something you really want I wouldn't wait until they contact you. Just send her an email and keep a copy for your files to bring with you. Kaylee: I haven't been to the Palace, but from what I have heard it very similar. The terrace is away from the public. They can still see you, but your not in the middle of the room or anything. Were going to head to the lobby bar since the disco wont be open yet, have a few drinks. Put the old people to bed and head out on the town for the night. Were getting very close! Thanks Kelly! I'm going to stop obsessing now...lol. I know-we're getting sooo close! Have fun on your bachelorette party!!!! Make sure you post pictures! My shower is this weekend....it makes it seem so real now!!!
  3. Hmmmm.... I'm just worried about the 'semi-private' aspect of it....we don't really have the extra money right now to reserve for a private event. I wish I could just picture it in my head!!! What did you girls do for your reception? A&P08's pictures of the steakhouse terrace look beautiful..and she said that was semi-private. ...I just need to stop stressing!
  4. If we reserve the terrace for a private event, is the food extra? Or is it included as if you were doing a semi-private? The pictures that you have-I am assuming are the rehearsal dinner?
  5. LMAO.....I love the last one!!!! Hahaha
  6. Awww....so sorry to hear about your loss! I know how hard it can be to lose a pet-they really are a part of your family! My thoughts are with you!
  7. A&P08-I have a question also...When you say 'terrace' does this mean we have an area booked off just for us? I have also booked a semi-private reception at the Steakhouse, and I can't picture how it's going to be! Are we in the middle of the restaurant with other people? Also, since there's no dancing, did you go to the disco after? How was that? Sorry for all the questions, but my wedding day is coming up fast and I am curious to know how it's all going to fall into place...
  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana!!!
  9. I'm right behind you girls!!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by...YAY!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C I asked Erika and she said there is no room for dancing or anything like that. I think with the royal you just get more decorations. That is why we opt with the basic package. I ordered center pieces from Floraten the chuppa and the chair bows my self. It was prettier and cheaper that way. After dinner we are going to the lobby bar putting the old people to bed and heading out for the evening. Kelly, I have a question about the reception set up as well! (sorry to be asking you this, but I know you said you've been to before!) Have you been over to the Palace?? If not, I'm sure the setups are similar... I'm just curious to now how the dinner part is set-up in a semi-private event? Are we on a terrace of some kind away from others or are we right smack in the middle of the restaurant? I know there is not a lot of room for dancing, but that doesn't seem to be a big deal....i guess we'll have to head over to the club afterwards. Thanks for your help!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Celina; is the Vallarta fully booked yet? I didn't know it held a max of 100 people, but still that's quite a bit. I think she means the AHR venue is 100 ppl...
  12. I think having the bridal contact them with the msg you wrote is the best thing to do (it's polite, but gets the point across). Hoping that they DON'T come is risky...what if for some reason they do show up?? (maybe just to torture you?? Lol.)Then your seating, tables, food etc etc. might be screwed up!!
  13. My username is the first 2 letters of my first name: ka (Kaylee) and the first three of my last: may. Pretty creative huh?? *sarcasm*
  14. Oops...I forgot to post the link: Smoke Tanning Lotion by Supre
  15. Hey! I use 'Smoke'-the Tan Maximizer (green bottle). It has worked very well ths far and smells good too! I have to agree with ErinB-Stay away from the tingle lotions....they burn and you end up being red all over! NOT FUN!
  17. I also agree with everyone here...I would get married at the gazebo.
  18. Paypal is the only way to go....personal cheques are too flaky!
  19. That is very wise of your FI to want to pay cash for everything! I wish I could say we were doing the same.... :S I kind of went through the same thing-My FI proposed to me in Dec.2006. I was so excited, i started planning everything RIGHT way. I even went so far as to put a deposit on a wedding venue. At the time we were living in a condo with my sister and it was an all around bad situation! My FI sat me down one day and told me he wanted to push back our wedding because he wanted to buy a house first instead of spend $$ on a wedding. Needless to say, i was devastated. I had the same thoughts as you, but I had no choice. I had to forget about getting married right away. Fast forward year and a half later-we have our house and even though we lost $$ on the deposit for our original wedding venue (a stuffy golf course in Calgary!) I am thrilled we waited! We have our dream DW and when we get back we can celebrate a MARRIAGE. I know it's hard to let go of having a wedding right now, but your FI is very smart in that he doesn't want to get in to debt over this and is focused on a future for the 2 of you. Hang in there...it will ALLLL come together in the end!
  20. I say have both! One Matron of Honor, the other the Maid of Honor.
  21. Then i wouldn't worry about it! They're going to look great!! (Definitely doesn't look like kleenex either! Lol.)
  22. They're pretty..but I know what you mean about the detaling on the strap. My thoughts are: if the girls carry bouquets it might be too much ...what if they had white parasols??
  23. I LOVE that Britney has started to out her life back together.... I bet she's going to be awesome at the VMA's this year...not like last year's performance!
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