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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. Girls-you have convinced me to pick up the first book in the series! ...I just can't wrap my head around the character being a 'vampire'...Lol.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Almand2Be Hey Y'all, I am ready to book with Riu, but I keep reading these posts about how great Dreams is, so it is reallllly swaying me. How close is Dreams to downtown - would anyone know how much a cab would cost either? Also, I tried to make an online reservation at Riu and emailed Daniela, I know she is notorious for not returning emails though. Should I be worried about not having it reserved if it is not until August 15th? I am so clueless about this...Thank GOD for this site!!!!! Thanks everyone! Megan Congratulations on your wedding!! I am getting married at the Palace in just over 2 weeks (holy sh**t!! Lol.) and I thought I could give you some insight-I have not had any issues w/ Daniela taking too long to get back to me. She has actually really impressed me with her response time, so I have only positive things to say....(hopefully that won't change when we get there!) I have never been to Cabo, but I was told the resort is pretty close to town ($10 cab ride) or even walking along the beach. This was huge for me as I wanted our guests to have the option of being able to do "touristy" things if they so desire... Like Kelly said-I would contact my TA to get things rolling to secure a date. I have lots of info, so let me know if you'd like any more questions answered!
  3. Hmmm...This has me intrigued...I LOVE to read, but I am not a big "fantasy" person (I haven't ever read any of the Harry Potter books...) I usually read crime, mystery and Nicholas Sparks as I do like a good love story.... I wonder if these books are available in Canada? I have never heard of them before...
  4. So.....my wedding is 15 days away and we leave for Cabo in 10!!! I am sooo excited I can't concentrate on anything but sun, sand, relaxation, getting married, wearing my dress etc etc. During all of this, I have noticed my appetite has disappeared!!! I find myself hungry and wanting to eat, but NOTHING appeals to me and i basically have to force myself to eat something! I LOVE food, so this is does not feel right for me....I hope it's just nerves..... (BTW-I apologize to the Mods if I put this thread in the wrong place!! )
  5. I met my FI online as well!!...I didn't think I would ever put a profile up on a dating site, but I am so happy I did! We've been together for 2 1/2 years and it's been the best time of my life!
  6. The first song that popped into my head for this is: "Good Time" by Alan Jackson....but I don't know how fitting it would be for father/daughter!
  7. I think i will go with a flower...probably an orchid?? Now, what color?!?! WHY did i leave this to the very last minute
  8. I PM'd you for the orchids....I hope you have some left!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C I got my hair flower from Mickey on estey. I love it. As far as the hair piece, do you have a beauty brands or beauty first there? We have them and they have really nice ones. No, we don't have either of those stores here...
  10. Here is a picture of how I would like to wear my hair....I am torn about whether or not I should wear a flower in my hair....and if you think I should, what kind would look best? I have looked for a similar hair piece that she has in the pic and haven't been able to find one. I definitely do not want to wear a veil as it's too traditional for the look I'm after. Please share your wonderful ideas!
  11. I am sooo jealous-I wish I lived in NYC!! Have fun tonight girls!
  12. BTW: I LOVE your daughter's name!!! That's what I want to name my daughter (when I have kids! Lol.)...except my spelling is: Lunden.
  13. I'm not sure how I feel about sharing the song with both and having one "cut in"...I like the idea of having both of them walk you down the aisle, but I don't think there's anything wrong with having two father-daughter dances!
  14. I heard about this on the news yesterday...it's sooo sad. My sister's roommate is from Edson and her parents live right around the corner from this girl....they said the town in pretty much deserted as people are afraid to go outside. I really hope they catch whoever did this...
  15. LOL-Kelly, I love the big ass flower on the top of your head! Looks like you had a blast! We're almost there!!!!
  16. She is in my thoughts and prayers... Keep us posted!
  17. Morilee has some cute dresses.... Bridal and wedding dresses, prom gowns and bridesmaid dresses from Mori Lee This is where we got our BM's dresses.
  18. If you're un-decided on what kind of live music to get, our minister sent me this post (on BDW) when I wasn't sure...(I have chosen the Mexican Trio) "The Mexican Trio is one of the most romantic traditions ever... Here's why: When a man is truly in love he would hire a trio and bring "serenata" to the loved one. The way a good serenata works is as follows... The future groom hires a Trio or a mariachi band and they all go directly to stand outside the loved one's window. If the light inside the room is lit then the serenata has been approved and appreciated by the future bride to be... If the light inside the room is never turned on... Then it is more likely that the father of the bride will let the dogs out! Trios are actually accomplices for marriages! And it has happened that sometimes you need more than just one "serenata" to get the job done. So when you have a Trio at your wedding it means many things... But the most important thing is that your husband to be is already bringing you the first "Serenata" " So depending on how much of a romatic you are, the Mexican Trio might be for you! I love the tradition behind it!
  19. I agree with PhillyBride...i think you should sit them both down and tell them how you feel. It's not fair that your dad asks you to up and leave the life you have created for yourself and your soon to be husband. If your parents can't accept him, (and from your post it doesn't seem that Marc has done ANYTHING for them to dis-like him) then maybe you need to consider not havng them in your life. That sounds harsh because they're your parents, but who needs toxic people in their life (no matter who they are)?!?! My FI has written his parents off because he's tired of being hurt and getting let down by them. Unfortunately, we can't choose who our parents are!! Good luck girl!
  20. Congrats Yari!! That's an awesome wedding gift....I'd love to get my FI Red Wings tix for a game in Detroit..hmmm, you got me thinkin'...
  21. Pants vs. Panties Mike was going to be married to Karen so his father sat him down for a little chat. He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants, handed them to your mother and said, 'Here: try these on'. She did and said, 'These are too big. I can't wear them.' To which I replied, 'Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will.' Ever since that night, we have never had any problems. 'Hmmm,' said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try. So, on his honeymoon, Mike took off his pants and said to Karen, 'Here - try these on.' She tried them on and said, 'These are too large. They don't fit me.' Mike said, 'Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will. I don't want you to ever forget that.' Then Karen took off her panties and handed them to Mike. She said, 'Here- you try on mine.' He did and said, 'I can't get into your panties.' Karen said, 'Exactly. And if you don't change your jackass attitude you never will.'
  22. clmarti1-Lol...that's funny, my FI told me to go bigger but I was too scared...now I wish I listened to him! I have saline, so one day I can go back in and have him fill 'er up!
  23. WOW!!! WHat a great house! I LOVE the yard! Good Luck!!
  24. OMFG!!! I can't believe these poor brides are out of all this money and their dream day is shattered! And they lock the doors etc?? TERRIBLE! My thoughts are with them!!
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