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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. I heard about this too...I really hope it's not true!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Mango Deck The Hurricane is a categiry 2 and it's supposed to go 3, today, and should weaken as it comes closer to Baja. It's supposed to hit the middle of Baja on saturday, if that happens, We should be getting some wind, rain & high tides (nothing compared to Cuba or New Orleans). But, due to the histoy between Cabo and Hurricanes, this one should either re-direct west and get lost in the ocean or, the most likely to happen, keep moving North-North East and get through Baja, then jumping to the California Gulf, and hitting the nearby states (Sinaloa, Sonora & Baja California). So don't worry too much... You should be getting a price... Getting married in Cabo... on a rainy day??...LOL...Just kidding, that's not gonna happen. Thank you for the update! I am praying that it will re-direct West, dissipate in the ocean or not have a huge impact on land. I am sooo worried!
  3. We are not going to try for a "weddingmoon" baby....for myself personally, I want to be with just my FI for the first couple years of marriage before I have a baby. Plus the way the economy is right now, I am scared sh**less about being able to afford having a child!
  4. Here is the projected path for Norbert: Hurricane NORBERT It looks like by Saturday it will already be heading in-land. I hope it wil all work out....I am just waiting for my guests to start freaking out...if they do, I'm at the point where I will snap.
  5. I emailed Donna from Cabo FLowers (I am buying my hair flower from them) and this is what she wrote back: "The hurricane is suppose to hit this Fri or Sat but we usually do not get much of them. They mostly turn away and head out to the ocean. All we can do is watch as we are suppose to get alot of rain on Sat. It will be gone by your wedding day but the flight in maybe something to check early." Not much help, but it's something...Just THink sun, and we'll get sun!
  6. SEE?! Now do you see why I was stressed yesterday?! Lol. Here is what my understanding is of this storm: It is currently in the middle of the ocean...no where near land. They predicted it's going to move North towards the Baja but weaken as it does so. The result just may be rain...if you look on the Weather Network's five day forecast, they show it being sunny on Saturday, so WHO KNOWS?! Here is a website I have been watching: BlueBox Video Player - weather.com On the right hand side, click on: "The Latest on Tropics". They are mostly focused on Hurrican Marco (on the other side of Mexico) but they do say some about Norbert. (Check this site often for updates) To me, this Norbert will do most of it's damage in the middle of the ocean causing big waves and not touch land.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i find that when my hair is short it actually takes MORE time and maintenance than when it's long! i always *want* bangs and right after i cut them i'm sorry and pin them back until i can grow them out. never did a heavy bang like katie's tho! i say go for it ... it's just hair, right? I COMPLETELY agree....you can't throw short hair into a ponytail. Bangs are a lot of maintenance....
  8. I was wondering about this too!! S**t-I didn't realize they sent them offsite!!! That makes me nervous...but realistically they probabaly do this quite often for brides....right?!?!
  9. I vote for Jennie's and Nicole's! After my wedding, I am also looking to chop my hair off....Katie's cut is super cute but the bangs freak me out! What about a cut like Jenny McCarthy's? I love her hair! Here's a couple pics-in the first pic the length is too short for me (ignore the one with her longer hair), but I like the bangs. I love the length of her sitting at the table with the other celebs...maybe you could incorporate the longer bangs with the length of her sitting at the table??
  10. mushkilla-Yes, I am flying out of Calgary...I am soo excited!! Our time is FINALLY HERE!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Your funny! I'm not going to let you talk to anyone for the next week. THey just get you all worked up. Lol....you're right, I shouldn't talk to anyone! My sister called me at work this morning and started the conversation like this: "SO i have some poopy news...." and then proceeds to tell me all about this storm. Like WTF!!!! Thanks sis!!!
  12. Lol...i always have to worry about something! There's a Tropical storm "Norbert" that is heading towards the Baja by Friday. It's weakening from a hurricane to a tropical storm. They say it'll rain on Saturday but clear out by next week. I'm sure it'll be fine..my damn sister has gotten me worried.
  13. I am sooo excited! I am nervous about the weather though!
  14. Hmmm....that's weird that Daniela hasn't emailed you yet. When did you first contact her to start your wedding planning?? I have read posts on here saying she doesn't return emails and is hard to communicate with...I have not experienced any of this. I have only good things to say about her! She emails me within 24 hours at most. If you are having problems, maybe email Paola??
  15. You're right-that does seem very high for what you need done....i was just thinking that if you had to change a lot on the dress then the price would would be higher! What you're getting altered is pretty much what I had done for my dress and I paid $250...Look elsewhere!!! Good Luck!!
  16. That's the same dress I chose for my BM's....theirs is turqouise with the ivory sash.... Unfortunately, I don't have any samples...SORRY! They are beautiful dresses though!
  17. I am going to go against everyone here and say that yes-$500 does seem high, but what exactly do they have to alter? My best friend had her dress altered (there was quite a bit of work involved) and it came to $500. If your dress requires a lot of changes, then I'd say that price is the norm. ...just my thoughts...
  18. OMG! This boy needs some serious help-you know what they say....one of the signs of a psychopath in the making is animal cruelty! Poor animals!!!
  19. My package included transportation like Kelly's. AI's usually offer shuttles to and from the airport. I'd ask your TA to arrange this for you.
  20. Awww, that's awesome! It's even better that you mom will be there too! Have fun on Sat.
  21. We already have the pants (thank god for that)
  22. I need to vent right now before I throw my phone against the f***ing wall...and I figured what better place to do it than here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our wedding is in 2 weeks, and guess what?!?!?!! My FI still does not have his shirt or the GM's shirts for the ceremony!!!!!! We have gone and "roughly" picked out what they will wear....colors and the style of shirt....so maybe I am just being bridezilla. BUT SERIOUSLY!! WHat if they don't have the correct sizes or they need to be altered? We leave on the 11th, so we very pressed for time! We were SUPPOSED to go buy them tonight, but apparently his stupid friend wants to go for a beer now . I swear, i could hit him over the head...but the last thing i feel like doing is fighting.... Maybe it'll all turn out in the end..........................................
  23. I felt this way when I saw the SATC movie-I missed the characters when it was over....pathetic I know! I just think of how they're doing....
  24. I just Googled Stephanie Meyer and saw the books....I totally recognize the cover now! I think I've seen like 5 ppl in the last few days with the first book....DUHHHHH! Lol. Now I have to go buy it!
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