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Everything posted by KAMAY11

  1. I'm a little late coming to this thread and I am so sorry to hear about the problems your boyfriend is going through.. I am going to be very blunt here and say that I am not sure why you are planning (or talking of) a wedding when there has been no proposal or ring? I hate to say this old saying, but aren't you trying to run before you can even walk?? Obviously there seems to be a lot going on with your boyfriend, which is VERY unfortunate, but as his partner i think you need to stop all talk of anything wedding related and focus on being his friend. Focus on getting him healthy & confident before you panic about having to cancel a wedding. I have to agree with TheFutureMrsBrown & say that i think he is the furthest thing away from wanting to be married. As hard as it is, taking a step back from the "wedding" situation is probably the best thing you can do and let things fall as they should. Hope this wasn't too harsh but the reality is, there has been NO PROPOSAL.
  2. Has anyone read or heard of "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett? I just picked this up...it's different from what I normally read but I'm all about reading different types of books lately.. Angelina: The Book of Negroes is one that I'm always drawn to, but never bought...Now I may have to get it after your awesome review!
  3. I just finished reading The Kite Runner....It is by far, the BEST book I have ever read....(And I have read A LOT of books!!) I highly recommend it! The new Emily Giffin book is called: The Heart of the Matter...If you go to her website, she has a sneak peek of the first chapter (or Prologue..can't remember) and it sounds good!!
  4. I thought it was hilarious when the girls were describing Tenley as a Disney character....And as much as I don't like Vienna, i have to give her props when she said Tenley dreams in cartoons...Lol. Tenley used to be my favorite, but I don't like any of the final 2 anymore. As for Rozlyn, MY GOD what a HOE! SHe is absoltely gorgeous, but she needs a bellhop to carry all that baggage she has! She was clearly lying thru her teeth and turning it around about her son and then she was babbling on about how she thought the girls in the house were pretty?? That's not the issue you dimwit...You were messing around with a producer and you got caught! I have to say that I like Gia now...She didn't really do anything for me before, but now I wouldn't mind if she were the next Bachelorette
  5. News – Tiger Woods to Wife, Kids: "I Am Deeply Sorry" – Celebrity News – UsMagazine.com
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by btn1091 I agree that Ali would make a great Bachelorette!! It would be a fun season! i DISAGREE!!! I do not see what the big deal is with Ali. I agree with Sandra&Mario who said that they need to start "fresh" with new faces.
  7. Does anyone know anything about this?? If you've had it done, what was your experience like? I am considering getting this (for old acne discoloration) and would like some input. Thank you beautiful BDW ladies!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM my favorite quick go to breakfast: whole wheat english muffin with almond butter and banana slices. I add a bit of nutella for some sweetness but that's just me. I tried this this morning and I loved it! I sprinkled some cinnamon on too. Thanks for the great (albeit easy) idea!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Did anyone see the scenes from the final episode though?! It honestly looks like he picks nobody! That would be the best case scenario at this point I think. I did notice that Vienna was crying quite a bit and it didn't appear to be "happy" tears. I think it would be great if he chose no one.....What a waste of a season though!! Lol.
  10. This is kind of off topic and maybe I was the only one who noticed, but did anyone see how Jake was "dancing" with Gia when they went to the market?? LOL. I know some guys can't dance, but because he is probably the nerdiest Bachelor to date, I had to point it out. Tenley was my favorite until last night...How many freaking times are we going to hear that the last guy she was with was her ex-husband?! I think the only reason why he's going to pick Vienna is the sexual chemistry they have...there is no way it will last.
  11. I have been getting chemical peels for about a year and let me tell you, the first few my face definitely PEELED!!! I always schedule mine for a Wed. because by Fri/Sat my face is falling off....I know that sounds unsightly, but the glow that you have afterwards, is SO worth it. I don't know much about microdermabrasion....It is something that I'd like to have though....I am doing these because I have red marks/scars on my face from old acne.
  12. Ladies..... I am not a breakfast eater AT ALL....I always have to choke something down to avoid the dizzying, starvation pains that I get around 9am. That being said, what is your favorite thing to eat in the AM?? I'd prefer some healthy ideas (No empty sugary carbs!! ) Right now, I am eating plain oatmeal & sprinkled some cinnamon on top... IDEAS PLEEEASE!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I might be the only one, but I agree with Ali's decision. It would suck hard if at the end of the show she was left with no guy AND no job (if he didn't pick her). Everyone is saying jobs come and go, but in this economy they don't! And she lives in San Fran which isn't a cheap place to live...it would be impossible for her to stay there without her job. I dunno...I think she did the right thing to be honest. I wish he would pick Tenley! Fackin Vienna... I agree with you 110%!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by stacey Ive never heard of it, I will have to check it out. I have to admit though that I love buying the books slightly used from Amazon and keeping them. For some reason I love seeing my library grow. I know, im a nerd. Oh and I dont like to share my books either. I don't share my books either!!! I'm SUPER anal when it comes to this. I don't like bent pages (unless I do it) or cracked spines....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva If he does really pick V than he is a douche! AGREED!!!!!!! This was a weird season.... I hope that Tenley is the next Bachelorette! She's my favorite...Her voice is a little high-pitched, but she seems like a genuinely nice girl. I think she's beautiful too.
  16. My guess is Ali leaves (if the spoilers that I've read are accurate)...SHe's prob fed up that Jake is being a tool and is keeping that air head Vienna. SPOLIER ALERT****** Jake's pick is Vienna....
  17. I, too am going to agree with everyone in this thread... The $$$ I received from my mom, was them coming to my wedding. I personally would rather have had my parents at my wedding then cash in my hand. How do you think he's "favoring" his kids over you? You think that it's fair that your parents have to to dish out prob close to $3+ grand to come to your wedding PLUS whatever you feel you're entitled to because that's what they gave your siblings?? While I understand your vent, it didn't cost your parents money to go to your step-siblings' wedding(s). At the end of the day, be happy that your parents want to come and share your day with you! Sorry if that's too honest, but you really have to take a minute and put this into perspective.
  18. I missed the prego part too....Who was it?? I have to agree that Jake is a complete dud....All he seems to say is: "i have to get my bearings"....blah blah blah.
  19. Scubadiva-A friend of mine saw the spoiler on some website... She told me who the Top 3 are as well as who he chooses...
  20. The spoilers I have recived are panning out so far....If he chooses who I was told, HE IS AN IDIOT!
  21. The Bachelor is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine!! I loved the drama with Rozlyn...I thought she was GORGEOUS but she was a little weird when she kissed Jake. ANYWAY, I saw a spolier as to who the final three are and who his final pick is! If it's true, I don't like Jake anymore!!...lol. My favorite is Tenley....I think she's gorgeous.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Thats in my Top 10 Must Reads! Have you read the Memoir the Glass Castle? Thats my #1. I am reading Memoirs of Geisha and I can't put it down. I have the Friday Night Knitting Club but can't bring myself to pick it up and read it. I had to force myself to get thru Friday Night Knitting Club...It wasn't terrible, just blahhh. I have not read The Glass Castle before...I may have to pick up that, Memoirs of a Geisha and The Kite Runner....Wooohoo, I love having new books!! For some light chick lit, I'm looking forward to Emily Giffin's new book "Heart of the Matter" to come out this Spring!
  23. I just read the Friday Night Knitting Club...I thought it was only OK. I am about to read A Thousand Splendid Suns which I have been told is AMAZING! I need an amazing book, as it seems i have been disappointed quite a bit lately!
  24. I am also going to be an outsider with this and say that a lap dance is just that: A lap dance! I understand that you were put off since you weren't expecting this trip to be his Bachelor party but unfortunately boys will be boys. He is marrying YOU and loves YOU... My DH went to a strip club while we were in Cabo and it didn't faze me...He was with friends & family members and HE CAME HOME TO ME! I don't agree with putting limitations on ppl....If you tell him "don't get a lap dance" and he ends up getting one, would you like him to be secretive about it and be afraid to tell you or would you rather have a laugh about it together?? Vent to us or your gf's but at the end of the day, a lap dance is harmless! I always think its funny when girls get upset when their man goes to a strip club...Have you seen what some of the girls are like?!? Sorry if I am being harsh but in the grand scheme of things, this seems silly. PS: If he has done something in the past for you to feel uncomfortable about this or you're not sure if you trust him, then that's different.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton I Loved the Pact and My Sisters Keeper...... hated the Time Traveler's Wife and struggled through the whole book to to read it How was the Other Boelyn Girl? I am putting together my christmas list now I can't stand the Harry Potters or Twilights (sorry to all the fans out there) I have Water for Elephants, Memoirs of Geisha, Open (Andre Agassi Story), 19 Minutes, the Emily Griffin books--- what else should I be adding here ladies? My God....there's another person out there who can't stand the Twilight series?!?!?!? Woooooo!! I just DO NOT understand what all the hype is about. I am currently reading Water for Elephants (so far, so good!) and I also picked up The Friday Night Knitting Club 19 Minutes is a good book but the ending is a bit disappointing....Emily Giffin is awesome chick lit!
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