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Everything posted by **~Jenn~**

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM Those dates were not available way back in January, I tried to get that weekend when I originally booked. Definitely send Jill a PM. She is awesome. I actually fired my old TA and hired Jill. She is very personable and better yet was married at the resort so she knows her stuff!! Good luck. I also fired my TA and went with Jill!! And after having to wait 2-3 weeks to get a confirmed date....The week I hired Jill, she got me a CONFIRMED date within days!! My Save the Dates went out today and I am VERY excited! I am going to post them on here tonight when I get home from work. I was WAY too tired last night...It has been a long week of cutting, folding, stciking and stuffing!! :-( But it's done now and we shall see who actually comes :0) I'm so excited! Anway..My point was...Def go with a Travel agent and I would Recomment Jill :-)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sandiegoTam Hello All! This is so far the best website I have found for destination weddings. So far we are looking at Cancun and Riv Maya. Any recent bride insight/reviews are welcome. Cheers, Tam Welcome!! This site is GREAT! You will find lots of Ideas and great tips. Happy Planning!!
  3. **~Jenn~**

    No idea!

    Quote: Originally Posted by miriamc Hi! My name is Miriam. My partner and I have just got engaged. We plan a ceremony somewhere in Mexico in July 2009 but are looking around for a nice, family friendly (3 children between us), all inclusive. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Welcome!! Happy Planning!! You can look into Dreams resorts....They are pretty Family friendly :-) Good luck!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Will wouldn't watch it with me either, but I am really looking forward to what they come up with on this show. I am really happy they are putting in older people story lines and I also hope Lori Loughlin gets a bigger role because I heart her! Aunt Becky is the best!!! Mine actually did and he actually liked it..LOL But I get him into all kinds of shows. As for Lori Loughlin...When they first showed her my FI was like..."Oh Rebecca Romin-Stamos is in this!!" ME-"No, that's not her name" FI-"Oh right, Just Rebecca Romin" ME-"LOL no, Her name is Lori Loughlin" FI-**Confused Look** ME-"Her character was married to John Stamos's Character on Full house..Not real life" FI-**Still Confused***Then..."Oh Right!!!" LMAO..I had to share..It was so funny
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa OK...crap! How am I supposed to do this AND BB10? Not to mention that I have plans tonight & I'm going to miss both! I had this same problem...But Thank god for DVR!! hahahaha...I recorded BB and watched 90210! I was so excited for this...It's a lttle slow to start, in my opinion, but I think that once the Characters get personalities that shine through...it will be really good. It's definitely not the original, however...I really enjoyed it. As for BB10..I have the live feeds, plus I read updates daily (a dork, I know) so I really only worry about the live shows :-) Glad to see so many girls on here like all the same things I do!! BB10, 90210 & NKOTB!! :-) LOL
  6. Welcome!! It's very overwhelming...But take a breath and slowly look into different places. If you find one you like...The chances are, someone here either is going to or already was married there and can anser lots of questions. Most importantly, take your time and remember that this is about you and your FI...Do what you guys want and let everything else fall into place :-) Lots of luck nd happy planning!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaB I think I was in the 7th grade for the first concert. The next day, my crazy friends and I tried to track them down at the hotel where they were staying. We missed them but ended up taking a pic with one of their limo drivers (by the limo)...so he said. Thinking back on it now, I'm pretty sure he was some random dude! But we were soooooooooo happy! Kooks! HAHAHA...We tried to do this every single time they came to Philly when we were kids. It never worked out though! At least you got their driver!!
  8. I am going to the concert in Philly in November and I am SOOO Freakin excited!! Me and my Friends are totally looking the part with out NKOTB shirts and Ripped jeans... Dorks I know..But we were such die hard fans...I am so excited they have reunited!!
  9. **~Jenn~**

    Newbie! ;)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jenvoy Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer. Our wedding date is 9/26/09 in Sedona Arizona. I noticed many of you are getting married in a tropical climate. We were engaged in Negril, Jamaica. It was amazing! Is/Has anyone married in Arizona, or Sedona? Any advice or tips? Thank you! Welcome!! 9/26/09 was my original wedding date, before I decided on a DW. I actually just cancelled that date today with my local Venue :-( My advice would be to add this site to your favorites!! It's addicting, funn and Very informative!! :-) Lots of luck with your planning!!
  10. Welcome & Congrats!!! Happy Planning
  11. I'm in the same boat...Right now I have 2 MOH's and 2 BM's...He has one best man and one Groomsman. I'm not worried about walking down the isle since they can all walk up alone and come back down with 2 girls to one guy..However...It's going to look really uneven up there. It is still early, so maybe a few more of his friends will book trips, but if they don't, I guess we'll just be un-even :-) If that is my only worry, then I made out ok!! :-)
  12. When we originally planned a "Traditional Wedding" Our wedding song was going to be "It's Your Love" By Tim McGraw & Faith Hill....However..Now that we are going the DW route, I think I want that all to change. I'm thinking keeping that song for our first dance in Cancun, but when we have our AHR I wanted to do a kind of "Rock The reception" type thing...Or maybe just get something Choreographed...I Dunno...I definitely don't want to use the same song for both receptions. I just don't know if I have the nerve to do a "rock the reception" dance and my FI has NO rhythm...At All..LMAO
  13. I have a question for those who actually made OOT bags and carried all of the stuff with them...Did you need a whole extra suitcase?? I plan on doing a bag or each of my guests with a Beach towel (Monogramed) and other little things they may need...But all I keep thinking about is all the suit cases I am going to need. Was it hectic getting it all there and then putting them together? I'm also making my bouquets and bouts and god knows what else....Center pieces maybe? I dunno, but I am gonna need alot of suit cases aren't I? I better tell my FI to pack lite!! hahahahaha
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM Well talked to finance' this am and if Hurricane Gustav hits New orleans then we may be forced to cancel our wedding. Hell we may even be forced to move! Please say a little prayer for us all...Thanks, Jen Oh No!! They are evacuating there now!! You & your family are in my thoughts & Prayers and I hope when this is all done, everything wasn't as bad and they think and you guys are safe as well as your house and your wedding plans!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by melinda234 So I just got dates back from the Riu palace and they only have Thursdays avalible? Any thoughts? Does this make is hard on guests? We have a "Thank you" dinner instead of a "Welcome" dinner? I just feel having it on a thurday night, if people have to come in on thurday, it won't give them time to settle, meet up with us, etc. I am so confused now!!! I felt the same way as you...My wedding has to be on a Wednesday since that's the only date available. I wanted a Friday-Monday...Anyone one of those dates, so if people didn't want to stay, it could be a long weekend...but I am happy I got a date and we are making due with a Wednesday. No one really seems to mind actually, so I think your ok :-) Everyday is a Saturday at a DW!! :-)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica While I am still trying to process this whole thing ... my last BM called me tonight during dinner and told me she isn't coming. I have 73 days left and she waited till now to tell me. I went from 4 now to 0!!! Some of ya know the story... but come on... she has been going through everything with me and up until a month ago everything was perfect and she told me that even though everyone else had backed out she was gonna be here for me, since my friends are my "family" and I don't have any real family joining us. It's been hard enough to go through the other backing out for all different reasons and my Sandals girls know what I have been chatting about, BUT her whole trip has been paid for since March!! Granted she took the ins so she will get it all back but 100 bucks for her and her husbands trip... Through this whole process of finding out who is who in my life... and the strain of crying my eyes because everything felt like it was falling apart here is just something else to add to the mess I am going to call my wedding. One thing I do know is that this day is about Jay and I which I can't wait for November to get here so we can have our "happy begining".. BUT WHOLLY CRAP when it rains it really does pour. My friends are my family and that is all I really have ... without having them to share our special day .. it makes me feel honestly ... loser - like?? This whole wedding will have all of Jays family (yes which is mine and has been from the get go) and his friends.. I'm not sorry for my rant ... cuz I needed to get this out ... but after a few glasses of wine I'm in a happy mood a peacefull place... LOL..... and CRAP is my favorite word since I really try not to swear around my 5 yr old... 8o) So tomorrow when I give Ann my BL weigh in ... I will be at the bottom of the list with like 5lbs gained... YAY!!!!!!! I'm so sorry! I don't know the whole story, but from what you told me here its a real shame.....You do seem to have the right attitude though, and while I know it's dissapointing when your family (in this case your friends since they are like your family) backs out....It will help you to remember that your marrying your real "best friend" and this day is about the two of you making this commitment. Everyone who didnt make it will be sorry in the end...especially after they see how beautiful you looked and how great everything turned out!! i am going through some drama myself, and we just set our date on Sunday!! So I imagine there is more to come. So far, my brother & his family.....the ones I rearranged my dates for so it wouldn't coincide with his kids communion and dance recitals...Well he all of a sudden can't afford it. I'm not being mean, and if someone can't afford it..who am I to say you can? But he was the LAST person who i thought would be telling me he can't afford it....But Whatever. We also had other people making comments about pricing and my thoughts are...if you can't come, don't, but don't tell me how much you can't afford and all of your money situations...We have our own money issues to manage and a wedding to pay for...on our own!! UGH Anyway...Keeo your chin up...your getting married soon!! YAY :-)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari My shower was so much fun! It was fiesta themed and there was yummy food. A great time was had by all. I wasn't able to take photos, but my MOH did. As soon as she sends them to me I will post them. Today we went to NYC and did lots of shopping. I got two cute dresses for my HM. Tomorrow we are heading home, but not before we visit the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also we have to make our final stop at Gino's and get some cheesesteaks!!! Here is my Cheesesteak advice....Skip Genos!! :-) It's just a tourist attraction and if you want a ood cheese steak or Chicken cutlet Sandwhich (YUMMMMM)...Go to Tony Lukes on front & oregon ave.....They are AWESOME :-) Glad you had funn though!! :-)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Tomorrow I am heading to the East Coast. I am super excited. My mom and MOH are coming with me. My East Coast shower is on Saturday...yay! On Sunday, we are going to NYC and do some serious shopping. I am so freaking excited!!! No worries, I am taking my camera and will take lots of pics. your coming to my hometown!! Have funn! :-) & Welcome!!
  19. Ugh...I am going through similar stuff today!! Hang in there girl. Ya know when I first started reading these posts about family backing out and everyone would say, it happens to all of us DW brides, I thought, well not me..My family is all gung ho and waiting on our date to be set...Well surprise, Surprise....Our date is set and already my brother gave me the "i don't think we can afford it speech" after I went crazy trying t find a date that accomodated his childrens Communion and dance recitals.....and now my FI's mom and step dad are getting all upset over the prices...because they wanted to give us a "big" gift!! Who cares about the gift...We spent all night telling them it will be the best gift to have them there!! They just say,"well you have to see where we are coming from" Whatever..I spent all day crying and being aggravated...My dad is already not coming (i knew that ahead of time) so I was gonna have my Brother walk me down the Isle and now it looks like I either have my mom do it or I am walking alone....Ya know what though...I don't care...this is what WE want. If you can't afford it...don't come...If your gonna complain don't come....This wedding is ours and what we want..with or without everyone else!!! So hang in there and stick to your guns...This is about what you guys want!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by hayley Because Im on a budget, I dont think I can afford to have the welcome dinner, the rehearsal dinner, and the reception all because we have over 100 people. So if we told everyone to meet at a certain restaurant in Dreams and then maybe just had a bonfire and smores on the beach, do you think that's cheaping out? That sounds awesome!!! Are you doing that at Dreams Cancun I would love to do omething ike that as well. Just remember...A DW can be anything you want it to be..You don't have to follow Tradition :-) And that is different and sounds like funn
  21. **~Jenn~**


    Quote: Originally Posted by Samanthasim Hello! My name is Samantha and although we have not set a date yet, I am looking into getting married in Cancun next May (2009). I don't have much time so hopefully I will get the date and location finalized by the end of this month! I'm so excited Welcome and Congrats!! FYI..I am fairly new here myself..I just decided this month to have a DW in June of 09!! But all the dates I really wanted in June were taken (at Dreams Cancun, Which is where I am getting married)...So I think I have finally found a date I can live with (waiting on confirm) But I definitely had to settle :-( However, I say get started on that Date girl!! After that...Have a ball!! Your gonna love this site..I have gotten some great ideas here!! :-) Enjoy!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by meagan OK, so my FI and I are looking into getting a dog. My dog passed away a couple years ago, and his dog (a boxer named Rocky) lives with his parents because he gets anxiety when you take him anywhere else (the dog, not my FI) Anyway, I want a Puggle SO BAD!!!!!! I have always had little dog (my lasy dog was a cockapoo - cocker spaniel and poodle mix) and he has always had big dogs. I thought a Puggle was a comprimise. Well....my FI says they are too hyper. Does anyone have one, is this true? I am so annoyed, because he really seems to be standing his ground on this one - I hate that! He wants another boxer, which I love, but I just want a Puggle!!!!!! I think I just needed to vent a little..thanx for listening or any advice you have. Wait..So he thinks Puggles are hyper...But he wants a Boxer!! They are Crazy hyper!! And big! I think that a Puggle is a good compromise...however...All dogs are different and with the proper training and exercise...even the most hyper dog will know the time and place to be that way :-) My dog (Lab/Cocker spaniel mix) is only 2 and he still has lots of energy...I live in the city and I really don't have a yard..On top of that, my FI and I both work and he's alone alot during the week...So he goes on LOTS of walks before and after work and on Thursdays and Fridays, he goes to Doggie daycare!! :-) It may sound silly to some, but my dog is Happy and well rested on the weekends and we don't have to feel guilty if we have plans on the weekend!! Anyway, before I started rambling about myself (Sorry) I say...go to your local shelter...I'm positive you'll be able to find a really good compromise there and on top of that, you will save a dogs life!! How awesome is that! Good luck in whatever you decide!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Take a big deep breath in, can you smell that? It's puppy breath.. :-) Yesterday I went to visit a puppy that DH's aunt is fostering.. Oh how I miss puppy breath.. These are just a few... Isn't he so freakin adorable? YAY!! God for your aunt! She is Fabulous person for Fostering an animal!! I foster kittens..However..this little guy is SOOOO cute! I miss when my dog was a puppy and I definitely miss Puppy breath! :-)
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 So, my FI is not a details person. Wedding planning is so not his thing and basically with this (and most other things) I have to do the research, narrow it down to 2 or 3 choices, and then he will give his input and we can make a final decision together. That's fine since there are a lot of details involved, but last night he was over and couldn't even answer basic questions for me. It went something like this... Me~ What's the name of the resort we're getting married at? Him~ Ummmm, (giggles) I can't remember. Me~ Where in Mexico are we getting married? Him~ Somewhere near Cancun. Me~ Yes, but what's the name of that place? Him~ Ummmmmmmmm, SantaAcapulcana? Me~ No. What's our wedding date? Him~ December 10 Me~ WHAT? It's January 10. Him~ Oh, I knew that. I swear. I just made a mistake. (giggling some more cuz he knows he's in trouble) Me~ (getting pissed) What day are we getting to Mexico? Him~ Wednesday, Tuesday,... Monday? Me~ *sighs and gives up* Him~ Don't worry I'll be there tho Me~ Great, glad to know that on December 10 you'll be in SantaAcapulcana waiting to marry someone at some resort you don't know the name of. He's lucky he's so damn cute or I'dve whacked him! And whenever he knows I'm getting mad he smiles with his little dimples and is like come here Kel, I just want to hug. How can you stay mad at someone like that! This thread actually made me feel better!! I have been reading other girls posts that say how supportive there FI's were and how they were a team..and I'm thinkin, "My man just wants to show up, Get married and have funn!!...So something must be wrong!!" Thankfully this lets me know that I am not alone!! :-) I feel your pain! But this actually was a very funny conversation...Ya know..If your one of us reading it and not you actually living it! :-) Thanks for Sharing!! :-)
  25. Oh one more thing!! I knew i was forgetting something!! I wanted to ask you where you got your envelopes for your boarding passes?? I just made my STD boarding passes yesterday and I will be mailing them out as soon as my date is confirmed. Thank You!
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