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Everything posted by **~Jenn~**

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I hired a photographer out of Dallas. He gave me a great deal and he did my rehearsal dinner, wedding day and TTD. They credited the price of the photographer to the sound system for the ceremony and a few other things. So, I did have to come up with the extra money for my photographer BUT I got a lot more out of the money I would have been spending on the resort photographer. Contact Wedding and Portrait Photography by Jeremy Gilliam Dallas TX he can give you a price or maybe help you find someone that will fit in with your budget. Hey Kat..How does that work? Do you pay for his trip and then your Wedding package also? I would think that would be more Expensive, right? I'm just getting really aggravated about not hearing back from these photgraphers and I am open to all options!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa I am SO excited for the premiere of Survivor tonight - they may be my all time favorite TV show - besides being a reality TV addict - I love challenges and this is always so good!!! Who else is excited for Survivor tonight? I can't wait!! I too am a Reality Show Junkie and I have been waiting for survivor patiently!! Ooh and I love your "Eagles" Pic! GO BIRDS!! :-)
  3. I just ordered 24 bags from oriental trading....If I have more then 24 people coming, then I will do it per couple...if i have 24 or less, then they will get their own..LOL that's how I am deciding :-)
  4. Well I have no Idea what I am going to do...i think I still have time to decide..but it would help if someone could get back to us :-(
  5. I love it...Plus they are affordable...I'm just sad that they don't have a lighter color blue I would order them in a minute!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 Just got back from the New Kids concert, and for any of you who are going to go (I saw posts about it) it was amazing! They were just as good, if not better, than they were when I went 19 years ago. They did a lot of great new songs, and did all the old favorites. And Jordan can still hit ALL those high notes perfectly. It was just such a great time, and all of my friends had an amazing time as well! Ooohhh YAY!! Thanks for posting this..I am going on November 5th in Philly with 10 friends and we are all SOOO excited! I'm glad to hear they do the old songs!!!
  7. what about if you hired your own photographer, but used the Dreams Photographer and the pics that come in your package for your TTD? Would they let you do that? If Clauda Rodriguez ever calls me back and I can hire her, I plan to ask Dreams about the TTD with my package. That's 50 pictures for that which I think is more then enough and I won't feel robbed!!
  8. I have been making myself crazy with this. I sent my STD's out....but my biggest concern is people deciding to book there trip on their own and I don't know until they get there. I can see some of my Aunts & Uncle doing that. So I've decided at the end of April to send a formal invite to EVERYONE...My RSVP will be in the form of a Postcard and they will RSVP for Mexico and also my AHR which will be 2 weeks after we get back. This way I get an exact head count. Then, a week or so before Mexico, I will send my Travel Brochure and Luggage tags to those who RSVP'd yes for mexico. It's alot of postage, but that's ok..At least I will have an accurate head count. The only snag I will have is if we decide to do to the AHR in Sept....then I will probably have to send a seperate invite for that since I can't expect people to RSVP in April for something in Sept. But I will dross that Bridge when I get to it!! LOL How did everyone else handle theirs
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I wouldn't reccommend taking little kids. They seriously had 200ish people on there. It was worth it for a bunch of adults though. We had a great time. I just think if kids do lose interest it's a three hour cruise and it would be a hassle for their parents. I know there are private dinner cruises you could look into. Here is one I found. Might not be as crazy as the Pirate Cruise. But then again... the kids may love it. There was one kid that I saw on our cruise and he seemed to have a good time. Cancun Queen Cancun Cruise - The Best Cancun Dinner Cruise ever! Hmm...Thanks..I was thinkin that..I remember in your review you said how crowded it was. 2 of the kids will only be two and it probably won't be worth it. I did look into that Cancun cruise thing. I think We may just decide when we get down there as far as the rehersal dinner. I wanted to do something different and special as kind of a "Thank You" so hopefully I will find whatever it is I'm looking for!! LOL Maybe I can just see if anyone wants to do the pirate thing another night on our own:-)
  10. Hey Kat..I have a question about the Pirate Cruise....I really like that Idea for my Rehearsel/Welcome Dinner....But I was wondering if you think it's worth it? I am going to probably have about5 kids there...2 very young...Do you think it would be too big of a Hassel with about 30 people? I know you said it was really crowded. I wanted to do something different for them...But I don't want it to be a whole big ordeal!! :-) Can you get a Private cruise?
  11. I never heard of this Idea before and I LOVE it!! I think we will do it for our AHR...It will look really cool, especially since we are going to have a Photo Both there so they can put those pics in the guest book and sign it. It makes my whole Casual theme. I love it!! thanks for all the Ideas giirls!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i hear ya ... and just yesterday i made a post b*tching about how my company isn't giving raises (again) ... "i'm lucky to have a job. i'm lucky to have a job. i'm lucky to have a job." It's actually a scary time. I always joke about getting laid off and how I could only be so lucky, but it's no joke now :-( We can only hope it gets better from here!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl my future FIL just got laid off today. he supports his wife (she can only work part-time), three college-age children who still live with him, four cats, and a dog. their finances were pretty much a mess before the layoff, so i'm imagining there's no "emergency fund" to fall back on. i hope he got some sort of good severance package at least ... oh, and his vehicle was a company car too. thankfully, they live in philadelphia, so there's at least public transportation. times like these i feel guilty for the wedding expenses and especially so for having a destination wedding they are spending so much on just to attend for their son. and my fiance feels like a schmuck for the new golf clubs he just bought when he knows his parents are going to be struggling now. in other craziness, my *matron* of honor still thinks she might be pregnant (despite several pee-tests saying NO) ... then i just saw my *maid* of honor (yes, i have both) tuesday night and *SHE's* 8 days late! this morning i found out one of my bridesmaids left her husband yesterday. took the kids and moved back in with her mother! what the heck is going on here?!?!?!! craziness! and how weird that in the midst of wedding planning, my life is the LEAST drama-ridden of them all!?! wow!! I'm sorry about your FFIL! The Econmy is really horrible right now and everyone who actually has a job should really be thankful. I understand what you mean about feeling guilty for the wedding expenses. Our parents threw us a engagement party this weekend, that they were planning from before we decided to have this and I didn't want it! Not because I am ungrateful (It was a really great party) but because I feel like in the next year I know we'll have a shower thrown for us and on top of that, people have to put out money to come see us get married! So I really know what you mean....I hope for the best for you r Future in laws!! And OMG about the other craziness going!!! All I can say is, be there for whoever you need to...and thank god that all this drama has nothing to do with your wedding :-)
  14. UGH! What is it with Dreams and never getting an answer! If it weren't for me hiring TA Jill, I would still be waiting on a confirm for my Date! :-( I filled out a form for Claudia Rodriguez, Twice now and I just filled one out for Juan Navarro. But I haven't seen anyone on this site who had pics done by him! Craziness. I was thinking of asking the WC if I can just use my 50 pics that come in my package for my TTD session. I wasn't going to do one, but if I hire an outside photographer..I might as well put those 50 photos to good use, ya know? I'd probably book Claudia Rodriguez if she would get back to me..Ever :-) Sorry..I'm done venting! :-)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by bbpacco This is the price list I got from Claudia Rodriguez. Thanks! She still has yet to get back to me, so I will decide when she does :-) LOL Did any one use Juan Navarro and have pictures to show for it?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I'm not sure I asked about the free package which is supposed to be 50 pics and he said that he took 300-400 and. So i've summised you get to pick what you want out of them. I never did get a reply to how much per pic after the 50 tho So has anyone who was already married here used the Dreams Photographer?? And were they any good?? I just contacted Claudia Rodriguez (for the second time) hoping to not ony see if she is available, but I wanted a quote from her too. 50 pictures come with my package, and honestly, I think 50 professional pics are enough and the rest can be candid shots from everyone's camera's. However, if their Photographer is really bad I would definitely look else where. I guess I am saying I would love to have 50 GREAT pics...I would be happy with that, but if they are crap then of course, I'll be pissed..LOL Also, Does anyone hae any pricing for Claudia Rodriguez? Thanks :-)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i laughed at this because i LOVE the red carpet, but then again, red is my color, so it would match, not clash. if i was using any color that would clash with red i would just go without it. unfortunately, rose petals would blow away, and the walkway is curved so i'm pretty sure aisle runners wouldn't really work ... plus again there's that wind factor (probably why they use carpet for the weight). you could maybe try flowers along the sides of the walkway (like pomanders hanging from short garden stakes?) to dress up the aisle a bit? LOL they really should invest in a white carpet too! lol Actually, Red is My FAVORITE color!! And before I changed to a Destination Wedding...Red were the colors of my BM's dresses, But since we are doing it this way, I want tropical colors :-) If my colors were still red, I would LOVE the carpet, but I think I will tell them I want to go without :-) Maybe I will try something I can put in the ground going up the isle, LIke flowers or something like that...When we get there I will stop at that Walmart and see what I can work with! Thanks!! :-)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by amyblant Is there anyway you could email them to me directly? I don't have enough points although I have been pretty active on here. Hi! Just so you know...You earn point by clicking on posts and also posting...But it COSTS you 50 points everytime you click to open an attachment. So that's probably why your points aren't adding up...I don't have many, but I can donate some to you I'll do that now!!
  19. I also have a Dreams Cancun question that i'm not sure has been asked before. What's up with the Red carpet they put down when your walking down the Isle near the gazebo? I HATE it...It looks off next to the pretty white chairs with the pretty colorful ribbons...and then this red carpet in the middle! Is there an alternative? can you not put anything down and maybe try rose petals??
  20. You looked GORGEOUS!! And that place is so beautiful! everything looked perfect! Did you carry the Parasol & Flowers?? Either way...Wow..Even though there are only a few pics they are amazing! Congratulations!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel Hi, Does anyone have the template in power point? I searched and could only find ones in Microsoft word format. Thanks, Carla Here is the one from Becks that I used. It's really good and you can decorate it anyway you wish. Again, this isn't mine, it's Becks..So she gets any and all credit on how good it is (And it's good) All my family & friends thought my Boarding passes were done professionally!!! Enjoy Boarding Pass Template.ppt
  22. Added My Date!! :-) Quote: Originally Posted by epargin I haven't responded! Although I'm at the waaaay bottom... October 2008 Stacey & Ely - October 14th, 2008 Laurine (dancingdolphin) & Jim - October 26th, 2008 November 2008 RJ & Stephanie (lucy106)- November 8, 2008 Trish (flygirl) & Matt - November 9, 2008 Kristi & Neil - November 10, 2008 Samantha S & Damon - November 20, 2008 December 2008 Brianna & Danny - December 6, 2008 January 2009 Kristy & Mike - January 16, 2009 Michelle & Steve - January 18, 2009 February 2009 Reilly (soon to be Mrs. Glasser) & David - February 23 March 2009 Angel (Angel) & Sanford - March 1, 2009 April 2009 Lyndsey (lynds) and Nick - April 17, 2009 Diana (dc22173) & Anthony - April 25, 2009 May 2009 Jaymie & Ales - May 4, 2009 Jenn (Jenn387 & Mike - May 8, 2009 Kelly & Joe - May 13, 2009 Marie (hartyt509) & Scott - May 15, 2009 Lisa (mummergirl) & Tom - May 28, 2009 June 2009 Jen (simbasim) - June 13, 2009 Gen (gen moriya) & Josh - June 14, 2009 Jenn(PhillyBride09) & Joe-June 24, 2009 Tracy (skye15) - June 30, 2009 November 2009 Jennifer (Keiperwedding) & Chris - November 7, 2009 Jodey & Simon - November 12th 2009 Emily (epargin) & Darren - November 14th 2009
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 How did you cut the edges? Did you do it yourself or take it somewhere else? Well the place that I had them copied.....They cut the Tickets..But they didn't cut the rounded edges...So it took me two nights...and even though it took about w week for my thumb to stop tingling...I got them done. I cut the rounded edges at the bottom and on the top of the ticket :-)
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