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Everything posted by **~Jenn~**

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by destination for whoever was waiting to hear back from ceci dumas, I got an email from her the other day. I forgot that I emailed her, but it must have taken her a couple weeks to get back to me because I haven't sent any inquiries lately. If she is not available on your date, she does have an assistant that has a website:CLAUDIO PELLETTIERI - Maestria en Fotografia Profesional - Cancun - Mexico - Galeria de Fotos - Gallery shots - Aereas - Aerials - Arquitectura - Architecture - Bebidas - Drinks - Bodas - Weddings - Editoriales - Publishing - Escenicas - Scenics - Es That was me that was waiting to hear back, but she actually got back to me within a couple days and luckily my day was still available!!! So I have booked her and I am really excited!! Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill Jenn, I had wanted to do these tissue paper flower ball things, from the martha stewart collection, and I had asked claudia if I would be able to hang them. She told me yes, but I never ended up doing them. So, I'm not sure that they would have worked, but they are okay with you doing it as far as I have heard. Thanks Jill!!! I would love to hang those lighted paper lanterns!! Although if things go well for me and if more people keep saying they are coming, I may get to have my Reception on the beach with Mannia and the lighteed Dance floor after all!!..We shall see...But thanks for the info..As always! :-) FYI for those who haven't gone to get their Passports yet.....We went last week for ours and today they came!!! It only took a week!..My sister and my mom went the week before us and they als got it in a week. So if you wanna get that out of the way...You'll have them really quick ad you can check it off your list!!
  2. Ok....I have a Dress!!!! :-) Since Wednesday I had a really good Idea of which dress I was going to pick...Everytime I looked at the picture, I fell in love with it all over....But, I decided to go and try on a couple more dresses, including my top two. To my Surprise....I didn't choose the Dress I though I would! I chose the other dress that was on my top two...I chose....The Destintation Weddingg Dress!!!!! When i put it on today...I just knew. It was really strange because I honestly had it in my head that I liked the other one better, but having them both on again today, there was no comparison. AND...I got it in the ivory I guess you never know what your going to like until you have it on. Thanks again girls for all of your voting, advice and compliment!! I apprecite it. Once again...Here is my Wedding Dress!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jcoop I think I have a date! September 6, 2009. It's the Sunday before Labor day which will be perfect for some of my guests that are coming and are worried about vacation days at work SOOO EXCITED!!! She emailed me today and told me that day was available and i emailed her right back (within seconds!) saying to book it. I hope that it works out...I'm not sure what all has to be done for them to actually reserve the date for me? Anyone know? Well once Jill gets back to you adn tells you it's reserved...She will send you a Survey type thing. That is your Contract to hold your date until you send your deposit in. And then you have another contract to fill out. So I think your good to go!! Just wait to hear from Jill so you know for sure
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I would def try one some dresses in white and ivory to see what looks better on your skin tone. I looked like crap in white. It was too stark against my pale skin, hair and eyes. Ivory was more sublte for me. So it's definately about YOU, and what works best for you. So the pics above are ivory? Cuz I really thought they were white... I think the ivory coloring is flattering on you, but can't say 100% since there is no comparison. Def go try more stuff on to get a better idea of what you want! Actually the first one is Ivory...The second Picture is in White I believe. I originally tried the second one on in Ivory, but since I was so adamant I wanted whit, she found me a white one so I can see what it looks like. Everyone really loved the Ivory...And I did, But I just want a white dress. I know, I gotta be difficult! LOL
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jcoop I'm trying to get a date in September or October of 2009...starting to stress out about it!! Last week I felt like I had all the time in the world, and all of a sudden this week all of my guests are asking questions and I'm starting to freak out. A lot. I think if I can just get the date set I will feel so much better....Luckily, I'm working with TA Jill trying to get a date, and from what I've heard she gets that taken care of quickly compared to other options...so fingers crossed!!! I was having the same exact problem. It's so frustrating because you just want your date already!!! Hang in there...I waited 2 weeks with no response from Dreams....Then I contacted TA Jill and within 5 days I had my date :-) She is Fabulous :-) I have no doubt you'll have your date soon! :-)
  6. Wow girls...SO much feedback!! Thank you!! In the end, I do know it's my decision and to be 100% honest...I think I have my mind made up...But I really do appreciate all of your help!! I know alot of you had said to try different places...And your right, I probably should have..But alot of other bridal stores only carry samples and Since I am a bigger girl, there aren't many sz 16 samples!! LOL they are usually 8's or 10's ...you might get lucky with a 12. And although some of the dresses I tried on at Davids were a little small and didn't zip, I got the full effect because I had the dress on. Also...My time is ticking away here..I have 5 months until the wedding...and alot of these dresses say 18 weeks to come in...I can't risk going anywhere else. I would totally freak if i was waiting on my dress when June rolled around. I got the feeling of "The One" when i tried one of my top two on...However..I really liked the other one as well, Probably because I really didn't think I would! Alot of you like the Runner Ups...and I agree with you...Those Runner ups were my #1's at some point!! LOL I did like them, but I just wasn't feeling like, this is my Wedding dress. It was more like, "Oh this looks pretty but can I picture me in it on my Wedding Day?? No :-( " Now my other decision is...White or Ivory....Both of my top 2's I tried on in Ivory and everyone who was with me (I had my Mom, FMIL, Sister and Best Friend..LOL) they all liked the ivory. They said it looked good with my skin. And again, I agree..:-) I liked the Ivory too, but I don't want an Ivory dress. I want a white one :-( I'm just not sure I liked either of those dresses in White as much as I liked them in the Ivory. Is this what Wedding Dress shopping is like for everyone?? Hahahahaha Again, Thanks for all of the Advice and comments and compliments and thanks for putting up the poll!! I love it! :-) I'll check back on Saturday after I make my decision to let you know which one it will be :-)
  7. Thanks Ladies!! I really Appreciate all of your Input. I am going back on Saturday to try my Top 5 on....I really did like how alot of these dresses looked on me...But my Top two are the ones where I could picture myself on my Wedding day wearing them :-) To be Completely Honest...I am leaning towards the second one. I don't think my pictures are doing these dresses Justice, but that one is so detailed and really beautiful. Trying on dresses makes everything feel alot more real! :-) It was very strange. I've been in that dressing room there for both my sisters and my moms Wedding in the last 6-7 years and now it was my turn. Very strange!! But nice :-) Thanks again!!
  8. Actually...All of my "Nots" weren't dresses that I didn't like..They were all dresses that didnt look good on me :-) My Not #2..My mom loved that dress...she is the one who made me try it on...It just didn't work. I think a girl with a flatter stomach and longer torso would look good in that....Although there was a girl who was kind of built like me who tried it o and I must say, it really looked nice on her. :-) My NOT #4...I LOVED the top of that dress...But the bottom looked weird on me. But what one girl doesn't like, another girl loves!! :-)
  9. Thanks Girls!!! I love the first one 2...and I am leaning towards that one...however..I always wanted a "Lace Up" back...I know it sounds silly, but I always pictured my Wedding dress like that!! :-) Decisions, Decisions.... :-)
  10. Thanks Girls!!! I lve the first one 2...and I am leaning towards that one...however..I always wanted a "Lace Up" back...I know it sounds silly, but I always pictured my Wedding dress like that!! :-) Decisions, Decisions.... :-)
  11. Just for Funn.... Here are the "Definitely NOTS" My Mother picked this one out....Not sure what she was thinkin..LOL it was like wearinga comforter....It would probably look nice on someone alot thinner.... and then here are a few of the "Runners Up" Here s the back... So thats all my dresses ladies!! :-) LOL It's been a long night and since both of the ones I like are going to take 12-18 weeks to come in, I need to make a decision by this weekend!!!
  12. And I Need Help!!! :-( I tried on alot...and surprisingly to me, there were alot I liked. I had it Narrowed down to 5..Yes 5!!!....But I realized I only felt like I truly loved 2 of them. They are both SOO Different...But so nice I'm torn....and confused. I got the feeling like "this is the one" when I had each of them on. Here are some pics..... They looked alot better on in person..LOL Plus...i will be at leat 20-30 pounds lighter....(I better be!!)...So here they go..tell me what you think Here is the First dress..This is more of a Destination Wedding dress...I don't have a pic of the back really because it didnt fit me, but we pulled it tight to get the effect...I do have a pic of the side, so here they go..... And Here is the other one Front and back...This is more traditional and not as light weight.... What do you think?
  13. This is really a great find!! I saved the page for future reference, but this is one item I have really been wanting to include in my bags!! :-) Thanks!!
  14. Ok....So i have 2 questions...for those of ou who have used o had contact with Cecilia Dumas, About how long did it take her to get back to you?? It's only been a couple days, but I feel like i'm on pins and needles waiting. If she doesn't have my date available, I need to find someone in the same price range o just use Juan Navarro. my 2nd question is...For those who had their reception on the terrace area..Is there a way I can hang lighted paper lanterns over there? I would really like to hang some around the "Dancing" area, from that awning thing that's there...But I;m not sure if that is possible since I haven't really seen it. Have you seen this done? I may just buy them and if I can't use them after I can always sell them on here. :-)
  15. Ok....So i have 2 questions...for those of ou who have used o had contact with Cecilia Dumas, About how long did it take her to get back to you?? It's only been a couple days, but I feel like i'm on pins and needles waiting. If she doesn't have my date available, I need to find someone in the same price range o just use Juan Navarro. my 2nd question is...For those who had their reception on the terrace area..Is there a way I can hang lighted paper lanterns over there? I would really like to hang some around the "Dancing" area, from that awning thing that's there...But I;m not sure if that is possible since I haven't really seen it. Have you seen this done? I may just buy them and if I can't use them after I can always sell them on here. :-)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Im not really concerned with either. Im not going to put on enough weight in 3 days to jeopardize the fit of my dress. As for tan lines -- I could care less if I have tan lines in my wedding pictures. Im on vacation, Im going to have tan lines. I'd be more worried about my face breaking out or getting Montazuma's.... Your right,...I like the way you think! However, now I am worried about breaking out and Montazumas!! Hahahaha :-) well, we can't control everything, so whatever happens, happens I guess
  17. Ooh...My BM's also are wearing the convertable dress. We got the Sour Cherry and they are all going to wear them different ways :-) I think they are great :-) Your other Dress was pretty too...But I know what you mean about being too formal and the best things about these dresses is they can totally wear them again to another function. These are not your average, one time wear, sit in the closet BM dress! :-) Good choice!
  18. Ok that makes sense...So I will do 3 per person also...To make it easier :-) I have an EST 20 people as well...So I guess mine would be 3 x 20 = 60 also!! :-) So 60 for me :-) Let me know how much I need to send you and I will do that ASAP and thanks for doing this and including everyone!! :-)
  19. I was also going to suggest "What a wonderful world" by Israel Kamakawiwo Ole. it's a great song and it's very Island like But all the songs mentioned above are really good, Nice job Carly! :-)... Treat her Right would def be my second pick! :-)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by bbpacco I think you should contact her asap. I emailed her, and she said she'll not be available for my date (Aug. 1) because she will be on vacation. Really? I e-mailed her on Tuesday night and So far I haven't heard anything back :-( I check times a day!! I know that It's only 5 months away, so there is a chance she may not even have my date available, but I really keep hoping she does :-) Thanks for the Heads up!!!
  21. I will also take 6 bags of the Sea Shell glass stones...I just PM's you..I will PM you again so we can get you paid! :-)
  22. I would like all of the Faith Hope & Love Votive Holders...I am going to PM you :-)
  23. I am going next Wednesday night and since everyone in the world wants to come with me, LOL I think that whoever is assigned to me that night is going o be a little overwhelmed. I am going to make an appointment just to be sure I get a dresses room. I ,Too ,am going to print everything out ahead of time and just let the bring me dresses :-) You should make an appointment just to be on the safe side :-)
  24. I am going next Wednesday night and since everyone in the world wants to come with me, LOL I think that whoever is assigned to me that night is going o be a little overwhelmed. I am going to make an appointment just to be sure I get a dresses room. I ,Too ,am going to print everything out ahead of time and just let the bring me dresses :-) You should make an appointment just to be on the safe side :-)
  25. I Know...My BM's are wearing the convertable dress for the wedding and they all got them for that price, plus free shipping :-) So Happy :-)
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