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Everything posted by Erin6341

  1. Last minute is right! It's just around the corner. Welcome to the forum.
  2. You look great. You don't have anything to worry about with the earrings. They are a nice touch!
  3. And these are the cupcakes I made (w/ help from 2 friends and Mom) for our AHR. I LOVED these! Those are really neat cupcakes. What did you use for the starfish?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by GeminiLibra Here is the cake that I want and have been told they can do it but I have to provide the people. Our wedding is on the beach so it's perfect for us! I love this idea. That's not really sand is it? It's brown sugar, right?
  5. Those are really nice! I love how they are lined.
  6. I think they are perfect, and $5 isn't too much as long as you don't have too many guests.
  7. Welcome Jessica, I am sure you will find everything you need here!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamminworld LOL I'm sorry my brain obviously wasn't functioning. If it makes you fell any better...I thought the same thing! Thanks for the clarification!
  9. Welcome Lisa. You will definitely find everything you need. I know I have. Everyone is so helpful?
  10. Erin6341

    New to forum

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will be able to make a decision after being on here for a bit.
  11. Erin6341


    Welcome Christina!
  12. Congratulations! You looked beautiful. Great pics. Your mother did a fabulous job on the cake.
  13. I'm sure you will find everything you need here!
  14. Hi Erica, I am sure you will find everything you are looking for here! Welcome!
  15. He/she has beautiful markings, so definitely a colour pic....I ended up choosing 2!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be The dollar dance is where your guests each pay to dance with either the bride or the groom. Typically they line up and the DJ plays 3-4 songs and each person dances for about a 30 seconds to a minute. A designated person is at the front of the line collecting the money. I'm from Ohio and I think it might be a mid-west thing. It must be, because I have never heard of it!
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