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Everything posted by lilmisssunshine

  1. Thank you everyone for your input. This gives me a place to start. or should I say it gives me something to put on my fiances list of things to do!
  2. Im in the same situation. We are trying to decide when to have our AHR. We are getting married 4/16/9. 5/22/9 is available at the place we would like to have our reception. My mom thinks we should have it within a week or 2 of returning from our wedding. But photos/video will take over a month to receive from the photographer. We really want to have our wedding video and photos played at the reception, so I think we are going to have it about a month after returning. But I think really its what will work best for you.
  3. I ordered a tutu for one of my employees who just had a baby girl. It is two tone pink with a pink daisy on the front and its adorable!!! I received it only 4-5 days after placing the order. Everyone loves it. What a cute idea for a gift, birthday party, valentines day pictures or a flower girl. Thank you so much!!
  4. Im just wondering what wedding sites everyone has used to design their own wedding websites or web pages? My fiance and I would like to make one to keep our guests updated and to provide links to the resort, etc. There are so many to choose from so Im just wondering which are good ones or easy to set up. Thank you
  5. I have a question regarding photographers: I am flying in a photographer and am meeting the requirements of the min 3 nite stay, etc. however, my photographer has shot several weddings in mexico and has never needed the permit that the azul requires. she went to the consolate yesterday and they told her she cannot apply for it until 30 days prior to the wedding. She has been told by other photographers that it can take 9 months to recieve the permit after applying for it! So now she is not comfortable shooting the wedding becuase of the conflicting information and she is worried she may not get the permit and I will be without a photographer at the last minute. Does anyone know what their photographers are doing? Do your photographers have this permit already? Any information would be appreciated!
  6. Quote: Also, does anyone know if Azul has more than one honeymoon sweet? They do have more than one because you can have a swim up or an ocean view. We chose the ocean view because we felt it has more privacy than the swim up. And I love the ocean view.
  7. The pics look awesome. The resort looks beautiful! I am wondering if anyone knows about the spoons restuarant. I was under the impression that it was a sit down dinner (I was told there are no buffets at the Azul sensatori). But looking at the new photos of spoon it looks like a buffet. Anyone who has done a site visit or anyone else have any input on this. I may have to do the private reception now. The budget keeps growing and growing!
  8. Goodmorning brides! I emailed my TA who travels to all the El dorado resorts several times a year. She is actually on her way to mexico this morning. Here is my email to her and her response. Quote: Hi Cheryl,I have been hearing horrible things about the azul sensatori from other brides online. Brown water in shower, horible smell, beach is awful, terrible service. The list goes on and on. Trip advisor reviews are a nightmare. many brides have transfered their weddings to other resorts becuase it is so bad. I hope you get a chance to see it while you are there and let us know. If it is that bad can we switch to another el dorado resort? Let me know when you get a chance.Thanksjaime Quote: Hi Jaime. Before we look in to other options as of right now, let me take a look at the resort and get back to you. I actually have a bride and groom doing a resort site inspection this Saturday-Tuesday. They are having their wedding at Azul Sensatori in March and they already have 49 rooms booked with over 100 people coming. So I will definitely let you know what they think of the resort and their thoughts. I can definitely say that they will be very honest and expect the resort to be up to par by March, so if that is the case, you are just fine having a wedding in April. Here is an e-mail I just received a few minutes ago from a guest that we sent down to Azul Sensatori for 7 nights. They just came back today. "Hi Cheryl Everything was great. We were treated very well. The resort was really nice. A few opening glitches but nothing too bad. The beach isn’t great for swimming – nicer at Azul beach. It is similar to the beach at the Seaside suites. But the staff, the rooms and the food were all terrific. We will pass along your name and info to friends who are interested in traveling to other Exotic hotels. Thank you and take care. So it sounds as though the resort is beginning to get its act together. I will definitely let you know how things go on our visit and how things look, and then we can look at different options if you prefer. Oh, and another bride and groom that are having their wedding there in May went and visited the resort and said it was nice as well and they visited there on Dec. 5th. So it must be getting better every week, due to being opened longer and longer. Although, I completely understand you hesitation, but I do not have much to go on until I see the resort for myself and find out exactly what it going on. I will get back to you as soon as we return from our trip if not while we are there. I hope you have a nice weekend. I will talk to you soon. Sincerely, : I will keep you all posted on what her opinion is as soon as i hear anything.
  9. I'm going to call my travel agent, lomas, and the azul people as well. This is getting crazy. My wedding isnt until april but that still makes me nervous. maybe we should transfer resorts. I'll let everyone know if I hear anything.
  10. PHP Code: [QUOTE]Originally Posted by futuremrskeister I am reading through all of these posts, but new, so forgive me if I'm asking a question that has already been answered a bunch. I am trying to decide between a few different locations and resorts and the Sky Wedding is why I love Sensatori. We are paying for our wedding ourselves and I am in Grad school, so trying to be cost effective, which is difficult since we travel a ton and have become rather spoiled. Our guests are such a mix with some rarely traveling and will be happy at any resort, some travel regularly like us and have higher expectations from a vacation. Is everyone doing the reception and has anyone received a total of what their weddings are costing? I am just wondering what the averages are before I book this for sure. I don't understand how it costs so much per person for private events or cocktail hours when everyone has already paid so much for all-inclusive, is it just because its private? I am anxious to see more photos and reviews. Did anyone not choose the sky wedding for a reason? Also, if you are having a wedding with friends and family here, are you leaving to go some where different for your honeymoon? One more... Do they let you stay there complimentary for your site visit? Thank you for your help and good luck to any brides leaving soon![/QUOTE] I just graduated grad school 2 years ago- and although I have a great job, due to the huge chunk of student loans I have - I am still on a budget as well. We are also having an at home reception when we return for 200 people so we are trying to keep our spending for the wedding at the azul to a minimum. I am not the kinda girl who can easily cut back on spending, I am very particular and I like things to be perfect. That said, I think the great thing about a wedding at such a beautiful resort in such a beautiful setting is that you can cut back without realizing anything is missing. I am getting married on the beach so I have decided not to spend hundreds (maybe thousands ) on flowers to decorate the ceremony. But that is my preference. Im sure many brides find that a priority. I am also torn on the reception. Luckily I will have 40 or less guests so the spoon restuarant is an option. We will probably find one of the bar/lounge areas to celebrate at after dinner. I also think it would be nice to have a private reception but for 30-40 people I think we would end up going to a bar right after dinner anyway. I think this will still be great becuase its still a sit down dinner. It is not a buffet. So I think this is a great way for us to stay within our budget. I too worry about the guests of ours who travel frequently and I also have wondered if it is rude to not throw a reception for our guests joining us. I have been to destination weddings and I thought it was fun to not have a reception directly after and just kinda have fun. That was the point of us having a destination wedding anyway. We didnt want to do the traditional stuff. I think sometimes guests like not having everything planned out everyday. Im just hoping everyone is happy to be there and will be happy for us regardless. Im sure your guests will feel the same too:) We decided on a beach wedding. The skydeck was never really a thought. And once I saw the 1500.00 fee it was not even an option. I also heard it was very windy. But my vision was always to have a beach wedding. The skydeck is lovely though. We are staying at the resort for our honeymoon. We contemplated transferring to another resort but we didnt want the hassle of packing everything up and moving. We want all the time we can get at the beach/pool. And we are taking a European honeymoon later on in the year. We also didnt do a site visit. We figured we already picked the resort and tust me I research everything, this was the one. i hope this gives you some insight. Just remember: do what you want to do - but within your means. Im sure whatever you choose will be lovely and everyone will have a blast!
  11. Quote: Here are some pictures that were posted on the tripadvisor forum. I'm sure Keith appreciates his pics on message boards across the web. But we need to see some good pics and good food. Hang in there girls, it will turn out ok! Oh thank you for those pics. I suddenly feel much better. The resort looks beautiful. And the beach looks fine. I am not even going to worry about it anymore.
  12. Is anyone else freaking out about the reviews? I mean I am a very laid back bride but I was in tears last nite after I read some of the reviews on trip advisor I know that alot of the problems are likely becuase the resort opened earlier than it should have. It sounds like construction clearly was behind schedule and maybe they should have just moved everyone to another resort instead of risking the bad reviews. I know that we have to accept that everything will not be perfect on our wedding days and there will allways be things that will happen that we can not control. so I try to not stress about the little things. I am however really concerned for my friends and family who are spending alot of time and money to be at our wedding. Im nervous to have them arrive to a resort that smells of sulfur and has a horrible beach. I am hoping: 1)these are all things that will be smoothed out 2)maybe the beach is not great becuase hurricane season just ended (Does anyone know if the other resorts beaches looked this way? Maybe the azul just has not had time to groom the beach. Expecially considering how everything else was not completed maybe this is something they just have not gotten to. Maybe they plan on having sand brought in to soften it up. Does anyone else have any input on this? We have stayed at several resorts that didnt seem to have a perfect beach but the pool area was so beautiful that we didnt seem to realize what we were missing. Does anyone have any input on the pool area? In the pictures it looks really bare- not alot of trees or landscaping. I guess Im upset because the PR for the sensatori boasted they would have prestine soft white beaches that would be a dream for a beach wedding. (and I am getting married on the beach) Im wondering if maybe we should move our beach wedding to another azul resort? or maybe just wait and see. What is everyone else thinking?
  13. beautiful pictures. Your little bump is adorable:)
  14. great photos, love your TTD pics best. He did a lovely job!
  15. Your dress is beautiful! Congrats on such a happy wedding!
  16. great question!!! I was just wondering about the requirements for bringing in a photographer. Thanks for starting this thread!
  17. Amy- your wedding photos are beautiful! I love your dress, just perfect. Do you mind if I ask where you got your bridesmaids dresses? They are just what I had in mind and are really cute!
  18. How fun! This is so great of all of you to offer this! I hope you got my PM and Im not too late:)
  19. am i missing something? Last time I was on there were 103 pages today there are 89. And there seem to be gaps in comments. Im confused ok nevermind its ok now. Must have been my computer. sorry
  20. am i missing something? Last time I was on there were 103 pages today there are 89. And there seem to be gaps in comments. Im confused.
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