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Everything posted by missybee99

  1. From one Noobie to Another..... Welcome to the BEST wedding forum ever created!! You will find so much information here!
  2. missybee99


    Welcome to the BEST wedding forum ever created!! You will find so much information here!
  3. missybee99


    Welcome to the BEST wedding forum ever created!! You will find so much information here!
  4. Hi There! I am hoping to be a Dreams Cabo bride, and have also been dealing with Yesica. How long did it take to hear from her after the first e-mail? I had sent her one back last week, asking about available dates for 2009 in May or August, and I don't know if I should be calling her yet? It seems like Dreams Cabo is such a popular place to get married!!! Sorry, just minorly freaking out already....
  5. Anyone else in the double digits We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary (more like 10 1/2) around the same time as our wedding! YAY!!!! Two parties in one!!!
  6. You will find sooo much great information in this forum!! Have fun planning, and congrats!!
  7. You will find sooo much great information in this forum!! Have fun planning, and congrats!!
  8. missybee99


    You will find sooo much great information in this forum!! Have fun planning, and congrats!!
  9. You will find sooo much great information in this forum!! Have fun planning, and congrats!!
  10. Welcome!! You will find so much information on this site!! Have fun planning!!
  11. Hi Everyone! My name is Melissa, and I am hoping to be a Dreams Cabo bride!! As for the date, we will see what is open at this beautiful resort.... but definitely in 2009! I have been reading so many of the great threads on this board, and have gathered so much excellent information, so Thanks to You ALL!!! I am so happy to be a part of this forum!!
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