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Everything posted by missybee99

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by GracieBebe I just ordered the sample for my invite from Beyond the Invite. It's very very different from the standard invitation. The one we picked is in the FairyTale/Garden section - The Classic Set. It's a bit pricey per invite, but if you have a small group (we have only 15-18 invites we have to send out since we are only going to have about 30 people who are all couples), the total price isn't that bad. Anyone doing a beach/island wedding should check out the tropical/nautical ones. They are soooooo cute!!!! Here's the link for our invite: Handmade Wedding Invitations, Unique Wedding Invitations - Beyond Invitations Loved seeing other people's invites! They are all so beautiful!!! Grace, Your invitations are going to be AMAZING!!! When you have a smaller group, you can definitely splurge a little bit on invites! I LOVE the scrolls!! Thanks for sharing this site!
  2. Great video! Now you have a fun reminder of the crazy stuff that went on after the ceremony! Hope one of my friends will do the same for us!!! P.S. Did you have a balloon man Or was that your friends "creation"?
  3. I love these!! Especially the Sunset with the Starfish... thinking it would make awesome menu cards!
  4. I love these invitations!! It's going to be hard to choose one design.... Thanks for sharing!!
  5. Your ring is absolutely gorgeous!! And I love your earrings, too!
  6. You did a fantastic job! I love the artwork you did on the folders, and the little jewel is a nice touch as well! Very elegant and full of information!!
  7. There are some really cute Mexican fonts from dafont.com TACO MODERN Cactus Sandwich EL RIO LOBO And a couple really cute ones I found already on my computer: Curlz MT Fiolex Girls Cool Fonts!!.doc
  8. Thanks for the helpful information! I also struggled (and still do...) about STDs/invitations. I just didn't "get" the whole process, as there isn't really one to follow for everyone. It's completely unique for each family situation! We just told our closest family, and friends, and most of them have booked travel. We kind of let it "flow through the grapevine", and was thinking of sending invites about 2 months before our date, to those that are definitely coming. Announcements may be a good idea to send to the rest.... Wedding website is an excellent idea. Thanks for sharing all of these great tips!
  9. I Realllly like the first one! It looks FEROCIOUS! And getting married in the Valley of Fire, well a name like that commands something fierce! Good luck in your hunt!!
  10. I wasn't sure if I wanted a veil... until I put one on with my dress! Now I can't imagine going without. I always pictured flowers in my hair, so will most likely do something with either an orchid or a gerbera daisy, as well.
  11. Welcome to a fellow Canadian and congrats!
  12. Thanks for the great review!! I'm curious about the new nightclub, too! And I'll make sure I bring receipts... good info to know!!
  13. This is a great site!! So many ideas!! Now, to try and narrow it down....
  14. Too Too Funny! I like some of the wedding toasts gone wrong... Knock on wood that doesn't happen at my wedding....
  15. I have that dress for my TTD session! It is a very beautiful dress, and it hides my little buddha belly!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Anyone using Welcome to the Guestbook Store! Guestbooks for Every Occasion! use code THANKS at checkout to get 10% off order. (not sure how long this is good for....) Thanks for sharing!!! Used it today!
  17. Welcome to the forum! Congrats on your future Tulum wedding!
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