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Everything posted by bride2b08

  1. oh.. i have the same problem... just yesterday my hairstylist introduced me to this amazing moroccan oil.. its fabulous.. I wonder if it would work in mexico?? I ordered it off amazon.. for much cheaper.. its normally 40$ and I got it for 22$. it made my hair so smooth and soft.. Its really thick, but dont worry it doesnt make your hair oily at all.
  2. I love your present wreath!! soo cute!! the decor looks so festive:)
  3. I love this thread!! everyones decorations are too cute:) I love christmas.. I could keep my tree up all year long! I still cant figure out how to post pics.. I know.. crazy!! maybe ill mess with it tonight and try to post some pics!
  4. i am a believer of crocs too!! i love them. i have 3 pairs.. when i first graduated i bought a pair of dansko's and really liked them the first 3 months and then they killed my feet.. but i have heard merrell's are good too!! tough decision..
  5. those are soo cute!! we definately need to see the first pair though:) and i also love them because the brand is my name:)
  6. i love the second one! it fits you great!! and you look more comftorable in it!!
  7. i love your comment about giving props to L&D nurses.. thanks.. LOL.. I love my job and wouldnt change it for the world, even the bloody messes we have to clean up:0 Its amazing seeing tiny babies being born and brought into this crazy world..
  8. he is adorable!! congrats.. hope your feeling well.
  9. i wonder if maybe powder would work?? you could put it on the outside of the bag and on your skin where the bag sticks so it wouldnt be so irritating! i would definately ask the nurse,, im sure she has great ideas too! hope things get better for you.. hang in there:)
  10. good luck on tuesday!! I am a labor and delivery nurse and work with c-section patients a lot... At my hospital we give our patients a spinal with a long acting morphine that should keep you comftorable after the surgery for 24 hours.. so definately check into your options on pain control.. after the surgery you will be pretty sore but make sure you get up and move when you can.. walking down the hall, sitting in the chair, if you dont move, you will be pretty miserable.. it will only get better:) my other advice is stay up on your pain medication before it gets worse. b/c its hard to play catch up!! good luck and have fun with your little man.. hope all goes well:)
  11. welcome.. so glad to see someone from ohio!! where from?? good luck figuring out how to use this forum.. i still have no idea how to post anything
  12. I absolutely love mojitos!!! of course if you can find a bartender who makes them correctly:) they are supposed to be sweet, with a good amount of mint leaves!! they are so yummy.. mmm. i could use one right now:)
  13. oh my.. hard decision.. I like the red shoe idea!! i really like #1 and # 3.. but most of all. the ones with the bow without the strap.. really cute!!
  14. i love the dress!! it looks amazing on you.. and the necklace goes great with it! very pretty:)
  15. I absolutely love looking at your pictures!! you are amazing... and Im sure having such a cute couple helped:) thanks for sharing
  16. wow.. looks like the paparazzi was there with all those pics!LOL I am soooo jealous:) looks like you had fun!! i enjoyed the pics
  17. oh man.. i dont know if i could take new yorks baggage thats a little risky, if you know what i mean??LOL
  18. Oh wow.. probably not the best game to play when first waking up.. I had a brain of a catLOL it was fun though!!
  19. o.k.... so the buckeyes totally bombed the game... I just went to bed after halftime.. seriously, what happend?? besides the fact that we played the number 1 team??
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