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Everything posted by Stephsendsit

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by The Rinns Welcome to the forum! Your son and your future daughter-in-law are so lucky to have someone so on top of everything! Thanks for the support!
  2. I'll be sure to mention your name if we end up there!
  3. Thanks so much for the info -- much appreciated! Any feel for how long the construction is supposed to last?
  4. Has anyone been married here or heard anything about it and how to book it thru the Marriott? ~Newbie Mom of Groom-to-be
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara Congratulations on being a future momma-in-law. With this forum you will be well informed through the wedding process! Many thanks!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by O'Driscoll Photography Welcome! I vote for Kauai. I photographed a wedding there, and it's a really gorgeous place! My only advice is to try and avoid the rainy season. Hope this helps. Have fun planning! Tod Thanks for your vote and welcome!
  7. Has anyone been married here or know the procedure through Marriott? Thanks!
  8. The wedding isn't scheduled for a couple of years, until they finish their undergrad. Looking at a possible destination wedding on Maui or Kauai -- any suggestions??
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