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Everything posted by bumbles

  1. Oh my goodness! Just realized your wedding day is a week from today!
  2. Sherry, any new pics with the sleeves? Btw, what kind of bustle are you getting? Veil? lol I'm living vicariously through you since my dress doesn't arrive until Feb!
  3. Since most stores have online registration, we just looked at items that we wanted to touch and feel (eg weight of silverware and china, texture of linens, etc) at the store. Then we did everything else online. BB&B was huge and it was easier to sort and go through everything online. Have fun registering!
  4. I saw veilshop.com while browsing the Real Simple website. Has anyone purchased a veil from there? Would you share your experience? Thanks!
  5. Welcome and happy planning! You're going to love this forum!
  6. I love the boarding pass and passport invites! They are so much fun! There are ladies who went the DIY route and had the most polished invitations. If you're not a DIY person, there are some great invitation vendors who specialize in DW invites. I made DIY boarding passes for the STDs. Everyone really liked them but they weren't as polish as I had hoped. For invites, I just ordered traditional ones from weddingpaperdivas. It would be a disaster if I attempted to make passport invites and I wanted to keep costs low. You should totally do the passport invites! They look SO cool!
  7. My invitations from Wedding Paper Divas just shipped today! They should arrive the first week of October. It was so easy! I sent in the info, a day later they emailed a proof w/ suggestions (e.g. usage of & or and), I signed-off, and shipped the next day!
  8. What about this one from Anthropologie? Anthropologie.com > The Little Red Dress
  9. I think it's a fun idea to get something for the FI. Since I was so excited about my diamond, I wanted to get him a gift too So, I got him a Wii! He's been wanting one but didn't get it b/c he was spending money on the ring, the puppy, wedding, etc. I put it in a big box, so when he came home it was the first thing he saw. I think anything thoughtful would mean a lot!
  10. I didn't do a site visit either and feel very comfortable with that. The brides' reviews and information shared via the forum have been *extremely* helpful in making decisions. It would have been great if I could sit down w/ the wc coordinators and ask my millions of questions though. But, if you are ok w/ email and phone communication w/ your wcs then you'll be good to go! Oh and we are arriving at the resort 3 days before the wedding to go over final details and relax! Do you have a few locations in mind? Let us know if we can help!
  11. After talking to her on the phone, send her an email confirming the details you discussed so you'll have a paper trail. I'm sure it'll work out just fine!
  12. Thanks you made this boring day at work a lot brighter!
  13. I bought these stick-on pads from Aldo for a pair of heels I had to wear for a wedding. I don't remember what styles they had, but I bought ones for the balls of the feet. They were sized so that they can work w/ open toed shoes. They're made of a cloth material, so they won't slip. My feet felt just fine
  14. Only 1 guest (cheers to my friend has reserved a room so far. Yikes... lol. It would be nice to know the numbers asap, but all I am just hoping for is that everyone will meet the Feb 1 RSVP. It's our families' first dw and with so many people and a handful of procrastinators I'm worried things will get a little hectic in the spring!
  15. Congrats on a baby girl! Cadence Marie is beautiful! I love the name Tolly. It sounds so friendly and unique. I know someone who has that name and she's the sweetest person.
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